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BrianW | Report | 13 Feb 2006 11:57 |
Just to say that freebmd is very much appreciated and is invaluable. My OH has expressed interest in doing some transcribing when she retires next year (I work her too hard for her to have time to do it at the moment). |
Researching: |
Steve | Report | 13 Feb 2006 07:32 |
There are a number of people out there, some who should know better, who don't appreciate the work a lot of people do for free to get geneological information available on the internet. I am transcribing my local parish records and census and have used them to answer queries on this and other boards, but have been disappointed with replies I have received from a minority of people and have wondered whether it was really worth it. I have now stopped replying to most queries, but am continuing my transcription and putting them on my web page. Steve |
Darren | Report | 12 Feb 2006 17:57 |
It's not my experience at all. I'm massively grateful to all those who have put in the hours for the various 'Free...' projects. I think *everyone* should be, afterall, they are giving the public back their own 'data'. These things need encouraging, not 'doing down'. I'm actually surprised by this comment, and if brutally honest, a little suspicious. Alan created his tree back in July last year and has 268 people in his tree. I'm genuinely curious that he's only been made aware of Freebmd this far down the line. I know 7 months isn't a long time compared to most of the veterans here, but I find it a little strange that someone involved in genealogy, even on only a 'nodding' basis wouldn't have come across the site before. How many times does it get mentioned on this site and others? If you google(UK) 'birth marriages deaths' it's something like the 7th result: it's hardly a secret. I've only been doing this a month or so and Freebmd was one of the first websites I stumbled upon myself. Can't believe it's 2006 Already!: normally, I'd agree with your comments. Often people *aren't* aware what's an advertisement on a website and what's actual content. However, the giveaway here is the word 'Advertisement' above the box. |
Judith | Report | 12 Feb 2006 17:55 |
Have you all noticed that Alan refers to FreeBDM not BMD - think he has ended up at a very different site which does just seem to be a portal to lots of pay sites. Hope he returns to his thread and realises that he should have been using FreeBMD Judith (who really should be finishing her latest allocation of transcriptions not reading this board) |
Jane | Report | 12 Feb 2006 17:47 |
Hi Joanne it is great isn't it...................... i have been checking now for a bit too, find its even easier, don't have to concentrate so much, lol i find if i can get into it, can get through them in no time !! do you think we can get any others to join us? Jane |
Cougarjo | Report | 12 Feb 2006 17:43 |
Jane I've just started transcribing for FreeCEN and find it fascinating. Feels good to be doing something worthwhile on a evening whilst watching TV in the background! :) Joanne |
Jane | Report | 12 Feb 2006 17:34 |
Thanks guys, sorry for venting my anger there....... but it just wound me up. do appreciate all your kind words, and i transcribe for FreeBMD (& FreeCEN), to get it all online quicker as i know how valuable it is for everyones research, we would all be lost ( & very poor) without it........ could i tempt anyone else to help us out, lol??? Jane |
David | Report | 12 Feb 2006 17:33 |
Alan Ignore the first ad and page down, then you can enter details in Free BMDs David |
Cougarjo | Report | 12 Feb 2006 17:31 |
I think a lot of people when going on Freebmd for the first time don't realise that the box at the very top of the screen with the words 'Enter your ancestor's name' is actually an advertisement. If you scroll down the page to the bottom you will find red boxes with Search being the first one. These are the ones you need to press to use FreeBMD. Hope this helps :) Joanne |
:{{{0())~} Ian مْر | Report | 12 Feb 2006 17:27 |
Don't worry - you ar every much appreciated, take it from me! WIthout freeBMD I would have been lost in my early days. Excellent resource. There is a problem with people wanting to do all their research for free, unfortunately. As you learn after a short time, it can't be done. It costs money and thats all there is to it. True, there are some pay sites that are better than others and Ancestry must take pole position as being the best by far. I see more and more posts entitled 'look up required' or similar, as if it is taken for granted that this site is a means of getting free information, when we know it is just the goodwill of people. So take it from me - all the transcribers are heroes and I won't hear a word against them! Ian |
Joe ex Bexleyheath | Report | 12 Feb 2006 17:27 |
Do I get a different version ?? Only site I can see that is advertised is Ancestry .... and you can take that or leave it if you are looking for BMD. FreeBMD, FreeCEN and in due course FreeREG are sites that are very welcome and all the transcribers should have a medal for the work they are doing ! |
GeordieCath | Report | 12 Feb 2006 17:24 |
Jane , Why do you bother ! because 99.9 percent of people do appreciate what you and other transcribers do for free . Cath |
Researching: |
Jeanette | Report | 12 Feb 2006 17:21 |
this is the addess but doesn't seem to be working today |
Jane | Report | 12 Feb 2006 17:19 |
its certainly not just a link to other sites, yes they do advertise other sites, but the valuable information you get from FreeBMD is FREE. With thanks to all the transcribers that give up their free time ( myself included ) to put all this information on the internet for free, are angels !! and we feel very low when we get comments like yours, i sometimes feel why do i bother ?? Jane |
Alan | Report | 12 Feb 2006 17:15 |
A friend of mine sent me this address saying it was a superb site. It seems to me that it is merely a link to other pay sites. Anyone with any experience of this? |