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help ,where do i start on this one ?

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GeordieCath Report 19 Feb 2006 19:15

I have just been going over some copies of the census for my G grandfather and found that at the time of the 1901 census he had a cousin William Buchanan living with him born 1856 in Scotland . Since i have no idea who he is, where do i start or would it be almost impossible to find out who he was . Cath


Merry Report 19 Feb 2006 19:20

Do you mean 1866?????? Merry


GeordieCath Report 19 Feb 2006 19:24

Merry How did you know ? I did mean 1866 . he was 35 on the 1901 census Cath

Jess Bow Bag

Jess Bow Bag Report 19 Feb 2006 19:25

Has Cath changed something or has Merry been on the pop again??


Merry Report 19 Feb 2006 19:28

LOL There's only one bloke with the right name and relationship, cousin, on the 1901!! Merry


Unknown Report 19 Feb 2006 20:13

If he is a first cousin, you need to go back and find the likely siblings who would be their parents. If the surnames are different, one of the siblings must be a sister. nell


GeordieCath Report 19 Feb 2006 20:25

Helen , One problem on that one . My g.grandfather has been a pain in the butt to find, states he was born in Scotland but no birth can be found and his parents came from Ireland .No other siblings for my g.g.grandparents can be found either . Cath


Unknown Report 19 Feb 2006 20:26

Then use the info you have about William Buchanan from 1901 and work backwards to find his birth. 'Cousin' might of course be a loose term, he could be a 2nd or 3rd or 4th cousin... nell


Helen Report 19 Feb 2006 20:30

1881 Census in Croydon states both David Hallay and wife Agnes were born in Glasgow. Son Peter aged three was also born there, so I guess they married there?


Pippa Report 19 Feb 2006 20:31

I woild forget your grandfather and just concentrate on this cousin to see where he gets you.


GeordieCath Report 19 Feb 2006 20:31

Helen . He is not on any other English census .So i will have to buy some credits for scotlands people . So forgive me if they may sound like a silly question . If he is a first cousin , am i looking for a link between my GGrandfathers parents names if you know what i mean . Cath


Unknown Report 19 Feb 2006 23:24

If Wm is a first cousin of your gt grandfather, then they will share a common set of grandparents - who will be your gt gt gt grandparents. nell


Kate Report 19 Feb 2006 23:37

It might work out expensive on Scotland's People because I bet there are loads of William Buchanans, and if his birthplace is just 'Scotland', you won't know where to start looking! Still, I hope you figure it out. One of my rellies has a 'cousin' with her on one census who I hoped would help me with my tree, but I have got nowhere at all with her (the dreaded 'Harriet Irony', if anybody remembers her!) Anyway, if he is your great-grandfather's cousin then either your great-grandfather's mother was a Buchanan, or one of her sisters married one, or one of your great-grandfather's father's sisters married a Buchanan. I think that's right. Might be somewhere to start from! Kate.


AnneBlyth Report 20 Feb 2006 03:32

Hi Cath Trying to thing sideways, and on the basis of working from what you know - re: David HALLAY and wife Agnes. Do you have their marriage and if so her maiden name, and the parents names (if in Scotland) or father's names (if in England? Looking at C81 Surrey, David's est YOB is 1855 Glasgow. On C91 in Durham est YOB is 1853 On C1901 in Northumberland it's 1851 (wife Agnes is approx 1860 all way thru) Have you then discounted this birth for David? Per IGI on 20 Mar 1855 was born a David HALLEY in Milton Glasgow to a Robert HALLEY and Mary Ann TAYLOR. The parents also had : Elizabeth HALLEY 02 OCT 1853 Cambridge Street United Presbyterian, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland Mary Ann HALLEY 04 APR 1856 Milton, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland Robert HALLEY 16 MAY 1858 Braco, Muthill, Perth, Scotland An 1855 birth for David in Scotland would be a great boost as in that year the BMD records were very detailed. For the children of David & Agnes in England, have you found birth entries for them and perhaps middle names ? I note that in Census 1891, the 2 children said to be born in Tooting, London in the 1901 Census are down as born in Surrey, And wondering where Scotland born son Peter is in C91 and 1901. C1901 has a Peter HALLY age 24 born Perthshire Scotland in barracks in Northumberland in 1901. If that's the son, then where is he in C91 - nice if he were with the Buchanan's eh? just a few thoughts! Anne


GeordieCath Report 20 Feb 2006 13:09

Kate , Yes there are a lot of William Bucahnanon;s born in Scotland between 1865 /67 46 yo be exact . Anne David Dominich Haley /Haillay/ Healey {spelt different ways on each document ] married Agenes Alexander 25/5/1877 have cert Davids parents were Peter Healey and Bridget Malone .both from Ireland I can,t find any more children or can i find them after the 1861 census. Peter jnr is not on the 1901 census as he died in 1896 but i didn,t even notice that he was not on the 1891 Al the birth's ,and marraiges have been found for the rest of the children . All Scottish research had been done by an officer from the family history society . I will now see if i can find Peter on the 1891 Thanks for your idea's cath