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I'm confused again!!!!!

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Leanne Report 20 Feb 2006 14:49

Hi all, I'm quite new to this, and a couple of kind members were helping me the other night. As advised by them, I have joined LostCousins and tried to join Ancestry from there (can't get the 20% discount price for some reason!) but I am now stuck again.... If I only know the name of my grandfather on one side, how can I go about starting to find his parents' names (i've an idea from another tree but it may not be them)?? He is Frederick Mabey, born 1915 in Romsey, Hants, but he doesn't appear on the census as he wasn't born then!!! Am I being thick, or is there an easy way to get started??? Many thanks....... Leanne


Elaine Report 20 Feb 2006 14:51

You need to look up his birth on the BMD (which is free on Ancestry at the moment) and then order his birth certificate. http://www.ancestry(.)co(.)uk/search/db.aspx?dbid=8964 remove brackets


Carrie Report 20 Feb 2006 14:52

Send for your Parents birth certificates, mum and dads, both your grandparents names will be on them, unless an aunt or uncle or relative can supply them for youl that will get you started and then you will be able to search the 1901, other census's, Ancestry, FreeBMD and other sites for futher ancestors Carrie:)


Jeanette Report 20 Feb 2006 14:52

you will need to find his birth cert that will have his parents on and hopefully then find them on 1901 census. Jeanette


Merry Report 20 Feb 2006 14:53

You need to buy a copy of his birth certificate as this will tell you who his parents are. You will need the GRO ref for that. If you don't have the GRO ref, you can look on Ancestry, down the bottom of the Search Page, where it says, ''England and Wales BMD Index (Beta)''. Click on that and then on Births. You can then search for his birth cert reference. If you need help to order the cert, just shout........(though typing on here may be better!) Merry

Jess Bow Bag

Jess Bow Bag Report 20 Feb 2006 14:54

Hopefully ,as you are just inside the right time, his mothers maiden name will be on the register, which will help to trace the marriage too


Elaine Report 20 Feb 2006 14:55

Could this be it ? 1915 (2nd quarter) Frederick Mabey Romsey 2c - 217 Mother´s maiden name: NOBLE


Merry Report 20 Feb 2006 14:58

Now come on you two........My two fingered typing took a long time to tell Leanne what to do and then you two do the lookup!!!! LOL (I AM joking!!) Merry


Elaine Report 20 Feb 2006 14:59

Jess - think you might have reference wrong Have just rechecked image Romsey 2c - 217


Zoe Report 20 Feb 2006 15:05

if anyone else is checking marriages I've done 1910 to 1914 - there is one quarter missing on ancestry for 1912 1911 and earlier was just looking for marriages in Romsey as theres no cross referncing for psouse Z


Zoe Report 20 Feb 2006 15:07

this lady may be related - there's not many Mabeys at all marriages 1913 June quarte Ida I Mabey (Compton) Romsey 2c 207 and 1910 March Elsie Kate Mabey Romesy 2c 159


Carrie Report 20 Feb 2006 15:14

Possible, Mabey, Walter 1899 September Marriages Romsey (1837-1932) Hampshire Wiltshire NOBLE, Ellen 1899 September Marriages Romsey (1837-1932) Hampshire Wiltshire Record Type: Marriages Quarter: September Year: 1899 District: Romsey (1837-1932) County: Hampshire Wiltshire Volume: 2c Page: 206 Would be Ellen, Agnes M married Lewis. there is a Walter and Ellen Mabey who have children already on 1901, so if its them, they married after some kids were born.


Leanne Report 20 Feb 2006 15:30

Thank you all so much (once again - and Hi Jess!!!) I did manage to look up Frederick Mabey on Apr-May-Jun 1915 vol 2c pg 217 and yes that is definately him!!! Noble is a family name on his side!!! Will request a birth certificate ASAP! Thank again, Leanne xxx


Leanne Report 20 Feb 2006 15:32

Oh my god! His nick name used to be Walt so may be Walter was his father!!!!


Carrie Report 20 Feb 2006 15:33

Leanne The only way to be certian and not follow the wrong route is to send for Certificates, but I think it might be them. 1901 Ellen Mabey abt 1870 Litton Cheney, Dorset, England Wife Corfe Mullen Dorset Frank Mabey abt 1899 Lytchett Minster, Dorset, England Son Corfe Mullen Dorset Lilly Mabey abt 1896 Corfe Mullen, Dorset, England Daughter Corfe Mullen Dorset Mabel Mabey abt 1892 Corfe Mullen, Dorset, England Daughter Corfe Mullen Dorset Walter Mabey abt 1872 Godmanstone, Dorset, England Head Corfe Mullen Dorset Carrie:)