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A Matter of Etiquette
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Phoenix | Report | 21 Feb 2006 00:10 |
Thank you for looking on A2A, Ann. Yes, I had seen that particular entry. If I could get access to those photographs, to compare them with the photograph in the album, then it hopefully would prove her identity. Dagnabit! I've just found something on the correct forms of address and Merry is quite right: both women would be known as Lady Rendel. (Sigh.) |
was plain ann now annielaurie | Report | 20 Feb 2006 23:43 |
Just back from a look at a2a, ready to let you know what I'd found, but see you've already looked at the site. The info you give in this thread, though, doesn't seem to tie in exactly with what I found on there. One photo is dated 1908, one is 1898-1901, and the other is undated. Childrens names are given, along with married name of one of the girls, so perhaps you could find out that way? Perhaps notice of marriage was in the Times, for example. Photos on a2a are at Hereford records office, and the creator was Dunne family of Gatley. Hope you din't know all of this already - if so, sorry! |
Phoenix | Report | 20 Feb 2006 23:32 |
Most of the photos were taken in the 1870s, but I gather that they go up to 1898. The correspondent has just thrown a handful of names at us, without giving precise dates for any of the photos. Most of the people have quite a few references, using Google, but they all seem to have travelled widely. I just hope I can get to see the photos. It's like dancing in the dark at the moment. |
Merry | Report | 20 Feb 2006 23:25 |
Stuart Rendel didn't get his peerage until 1894, so all depends on whether the naming of the photo was contemporary, or not. Merry |
Phoenix | Report | 20 Feb 2006 23:25 |
A2A actually has some photos, though I think that they are in a closed archive. The trouble is that I haven't even seen the album, just been given the names of a few of the sitters. I'm not at all sure whether they are family snaps or the equivalent of pop posters. Another of the sitters was one Emma Grant, but it looked as if I was going to get into awful trouble, Googling for her. |
Merry | Report | 20 Feb 2006 23:22 |
In 1881 Stuart Rendel's wife is still described as Mrs......Not Lady. Looking again........................ Who wrote on the photo?? Someone in the know???? Merry |
Phoenix | Report | 20 Feb 2006 23:21 |
I suspect that Sir Alexander's wife would be called Lady Mary Rendel, while Lord Rendel's was just called Lady Rendel, but I don't move in those circles, so I don't know. |
Merry | Report | 20 Feb 2006 23:19 |
The Times doesn't describe what they looked like! LOL Merry |
Merry | Report | 20 Feb 2006 23:19 |
The other chap married in 1853 and his wife died in 1916 - so similar time frame!! Merry |
Merry | Report | 20 Feb 2006 23:17 |
Oh LOL - NOW I have read your post!!!!! You want to know which of these two men might have a wife called ''Lady Rendel'' - both/either of them, i would have thought??!! Merry |
Phoenix | Report | 20 Feb 2006 23:17 |
I would think so, Merry. He's splattered all over A2A. He had a place in Cannes, his wife was born in Russia, they had four daughters, left the children in Sussex while they trotted off to Constantinople, one daughter married Gladstone's son. I'm getting lots of biographical detail, but..... I don't want to chase the wrong man, LOL! |
Merry | Report | 20 Feb 2006 23:15 |
Born 2nd July 1834, died 4th June 1913. friend of Gladstone. Married in 1857, Ellen Sophy, dau of William Egerton Hubbard of Horsham. She died 20th may 1912. Merry |
Merry | Report | 20 Feb 2006 23:12 |
Stuart Rendel Esq MA - called to the bar in 1861. Would this be the one?? Merry |
Phoenix | Report | 20 Feb 2006 23:08 |
I am trying to identify a 'Lady Rendel' whose photograph appears in an album circa 1880. There was Sir Alexander Meadows Rendel, a civil engineer and Lord Rendel (Stuart Rendel, a barrister) Matters aren't helped by the fact that Lord Rendel, a friend of Gladstone, spent much of his life abroad. Whose wife would be called Lady Rendel? |
Phoenix | Report | 20 Feb 2006 23:07 |
See below: |