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GRO Certificates

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Kirsty Report 22 Feb 2006 22:31

Ok, I feel like I am going around in circles between DRO, family Records etc. Where do I find the index numberm to order a certificate? Thanks


Merry Report 22 Feb 2006 22:32

What sort of date?? Merry


Kirsty Report 22 Feb 2006 22:34

1883 Ethel Maud Beaumont


Merry Report 22 Feb 2006 22:42

You don't say whereabouts, but what about this one? Births Dec 1882 BEAUMONT Maud Ethel Worksop 7b 30 or Births Mar 1884 Beaumont Maud Ethel W. Ham 4a 12 Both the above are from FreeBMD I can't find any with the Ethel first!! Have you found her on the census at all? Merry


Sam Report 22 Feb 2006 22:42

Have you tried Sam x


Kirsty Report 22 Feb 2006 22:51

I wish I knew where, she moved to wales when she married arthur deacon before that I think north of england. Supposedly have an exact dob in dec 83 but doesn't seem to match. Thanks for your help.

Christine in Herts

Christine in Herts Report 22 Feb 2006 22:54

When you come to order the cert (and don't pay more than £7 if you do have the ref) the ref should have the form (e.g.) Year (YYYY) Quarter (Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec) Volume 5c Page 189 The volume will change according to the District and the page number according to how far through the volume the names are. Ancestry has the full set (1837-1983) of GRO indexes, sort-of indexed available free at the moment because they're in beta (i.e. test) mode. Or FreeBMD is searchable and has most records transcribed now up to about 1910, and some of the results have links to relevant images of the index. They also have images available to browse. Ancestry has a copy of the FreeBMD database with a different search system which is faster, but can't do some things that FreeBMD can. Christine


Merry Report 22 Feb 2006 22:55

Well the reg in March Q of 1884 could have been born as early as six weeks back into 1883!!! (you have 42 days to register a birth) But I don't think West ham counts as North of Eng. Trouble is, there are LOTS of Ethel Beaumont births if she didn't get her middle name until later...... Do you know her father's name and occupation from her marriage cert? Going to bed now.....back tomorrow...... Merry

Christine in Herts

Christine in Herts Report 22 Feb 2006 22:56

You can also order from the local RO in some cases. has a list of URLs where some local ROs have set up searchable BMD sites. They sometimes have more deatil than the GRO indexes, although the years aren't usually split into Quarters. The local ref isn't the same as the GRO ref. The fees are the same. Christine


Porkie_Pie Report 22 Feb 2006 22:56

the one that merry found matches Births Mar 1884 Beaumont Maud Ethel W. Ham 4a 12 march quarter, if the child was born dec 1883 then it could be registered march quarter 1884 Roy


Kirsty Report 22 Feb 2006 23:01

Thanks guys. All very helpful for a newbie. Sounds like I should start with the marriage certificate as I have a date for that. Arthur Deacon 27/12/1906


Merry Report 22 Feb 2006 23:28

Went and washed up before going to bed...... I think the marriage may have been the year before! Marriages Dec 1905 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEAUMONT Maud Ethel Conway 11b 880 DEACON Arthur Ernest Conway 11b 880 You can order online from You MUST say you have the GRO ref when it asks you, or you will be charged extra. Never pay more than £7. The GRO ref is the Volume Number (11b) and page number (880) along with the year and Q and district name. Merry


Kirsty Report 23 Feb 2006 11:08

Your a star!!! I was starting to think I was going mad. Thanks so much. Kirsty