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Can anyone Search 1881/1901 for cottage named 'ON

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gails37 Report 24 Feb 2006 14:12

Hello, This may be an impossible request but I thought I'd give it a shot. There isn't a house number just the name 'Onclayd' It was located in Langdon Hills (Laindon) now Basildon, which is in Essex. The property was on Salisbury Ave. On the 1949 Electoral it was occupied by my grandparents Charles and Elsie Stevens. My Dad said it was a play on the last name Claydon. All of the residences seemed to have names back then. There was 'The Coombs', 'Thorn View', 'Rose Lodge', 'Kia Ora', ' Rookery Nook' and 'Belmont Lodge' to name just a few. There is only one web site on the net that refers to the former properties in Basildon, and a kind man gave me the electoral info. I'm not sure how this can be searched on the census (1881 or 1901) but if anyone can, or give me a suggestion on where else I can get info, I'd be eternally grateful. Thanks in advance, Gail


Merry Report 24 Feb 2006 14:17

Well, that house name doesn't seem to be transcribed on the 1901 or 1881 census, but it's such a strange name it might easily be badly transcribed. Merry


Merry Report 24 Feb 2006 14:18

No record of it on the Historial Directories website. Merry


Merry Report 24 Feb 2006 14:19

and no ref to it in The Times newspaper...... Merry


Merry Report 24 Feb 2006 14:20

What were you trying to establish exactly?? Merry


gails37 Report 24 Feb 2006 14:27

Hi Merry, I'm tying to find out who lived there before my rellies did. My Dad remembers a bit about it (like the name and that it was a summer house and the play on the Claydon name thing. I'm wondering if a Fred and Rose Claydon may have lived there before. Told you it was a bit of a stretch but hugs for trying. Regards Gail


gails37 Report 25 Feb 2006 12:39



Unknown Report 25 Feb 2006 13:13

Essex Records Office might have the relevant info - electoral rolls, rates books, street directories, etc. nell


Thelma Report 25 Feb 2006 13:22

The 1881 is free to search on Ancestry or familysearch. There appears to be only one street,DRY ST This will find the village Jeremiah Wood abt 1832 Feering, Essex, England Head Langdon Hills, Essex,

Janet in Yorkshire

Janet in Yorkshire Report 25 Feb 2006 14:37

Gail, Are you sure the houses were actually built as long ago as that? jay


Kate Report 25 Feb 2006 15:41

Even if the houses were built by 1901, it could be that the house had a different name in those days. Kate.

Janet in Yorkshire

Janet in Yorkshire Report 25 Feb 2006 16:29

Agree, kate - Ithought the names sounded very 1920 ish jay


gails37 Report 26 Feb 2006 03:07

Thanks all for the replies. Kate my Dad was born in 1930 and his parents were there at least until 1949 according to the electoral. They weren't the first to live there, so I thought it could have been that old. Jim I'll try the 1801. THANKS. A kind suggestion came from a PM too, there is a 'Where are they now' board on the Basildon site that may have a lead. I'll keep you posted. hugz, Gail

Paul Barton, Special Agent

Paul Barton, Special Agent Report 26 Feb 2006 08:01

If you know the names of properties on either side you could look them up and work out where yours was by counting the number of doors along. I've done it myself and it can be a lengthy process but it works. If you don't know the names of properties, count the number of houses in the block, (ie between the streets either side) then go to the earlier census and do the same. Not always accurate as houses are built and demolished. I just looked at the Langdon Hills census for 1901 and they only take up 10 pages so it should be a relatively easy task - except that I don't see Salisbury Avenue. Was it previously given another name? Was it built after 1901?


Ann Report 26 Feb 2006 10:54

http://www.basildon*com/history/langdonhills/lhfpn1.html Its on here !!! replace * with .