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Mystery for Marian

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marian Report 5 Mar 2006 09:39

My Grandmother was born in 1860.Worton Lane Isleworth Middlesex There was no number to house on certificate obtained. On going into address on census there are numbers above and LODGER underneath. Lower on the page there is a Worton Hall and a Worton Manor. Any ideas, can anyone solve this for me Thanks Update. Sorry I did not enter enough info, this was the first time ever that I had been on any message board. My grandmother was Lucy Jupp Born 27/10/1960. Mother Lucy Jupp nee Lovegrove, Father William John Jupp ( John ). Gardener or Garden Labourer, Occupation of Mother not known


Georgina Report 5 Mar 2006 09:42

Marian does she have a name. Georgina.


Victoria Report 5 Mar 2006 11:32

This appears to be the family in 1861. John is an out door labourer and they live in a Worton Lane - no house number. View Record John Jupp abt 1837 Isleworth, Middlesex, England Head Isleworth Middlesex View Record John Jupp abt 1856 Isleworth, Middlesex, England Son Isleworth Middlesex View Record Lucy Jupp abt 1837 Isleworth, Middlesex, England Wife Isleworth Middlesex View Record Lucy Jupp abt 1860 Isleworth, Middlesex, England Daughter Isleworth Middlesex View Record Sarah Ann Jupp abt 1858 Isleworth, Middlesex, England Daughter Isleworth Middlesex There is no lodger at their house. There is a Worton Hall Estate in Isleworth now - presumably where the old Worton Hall used to be - probably along Worton Lane! Victoria

Jess Bow Bag

Jess Bow Bag Report 5 Mar 2006 12:31

the marriage of John and lucy Jupp, John 1854 December Marriages Brentford Middlesex Lovegrove, Lucy 1854 December Marriages Brentford Middlesex Record Type: Marriages Quarter: December Year: 1854 District: Brentford County: Middlesex Volume: 3a Page: 67 (

Jess Bow Bag

Jess Bow Bag Report 5 Mar 2006 12:35

Possibly 1871 transcribed a Lupp! Ainley Lupp abt 1870 Isleworth, Middlesex, England Daughter Isleworth Middlesex Ann Lupp abt 1864 Isleworth, Middlesex, England Daughter Isleworth Middlesex Hales Lupp abt 1863 Isleworth, Middlesex, England Daughter Isleworth Middlesex John Lupp abt 1856 Isleworth, Middlesex, England Son Isleworth Middlesex Lucy Lupp abt 1836 Longford, Berkshire, England Wife Isleworth Middlesex Lucy Lupp abt 1861 Isleworth, Middlesex, England Daughter Isleworth Middlesex Sarah Lupp abt 1858 Isleworth, Middlesex, England Daughter Isleworth Middlesex William Lupp abt 1867 Isleworth, Middlesex, England Son Isleworth Middlesex


Jane Report 5 Mar 2006 12:41

Marian, I grew up in Isleworth and walked down Worton Road many times on the way to the park and swimming baths! If I recall correctly, Worton Hall became the National Coal Board HQ locally. It was opposite St Mary the Virgin Church, just as the road bends to the left towards Hall Road. The building probably still stands as I think it was Grade 2 (?) listed. Running back round the bend, there are/were a whole string of little Victorian terraced houses - maybe the estate workers lived there? The River Crane is to be found farther down the road - maybe there was work surrounding that. As I write this, I am realising the meaning of it all - a prominent 'manor' would be close to a church and the naming of a road (Hall Road) would evolve to fit the situation. Never thought about Isleworth like that before! Regs Jane


marian Report 5 Mar 2006 12:42

THANKS VICTORIA That seems about right with most of your info. Did not know too much about them till another friend was able to get certificates for me. I now have one for My Grandmother born1860. Alice another sister born 1863. Ann Born 1865. Possibly the Sarah Ann that you found. Did not know of a son, or the former till researched. I do not know if you looked at the address I mentioned of Worton Lane on the census. I did not know whether they may have been workers houses, for the estate. Still do not quite understand the reason for ( Lodger )under the number. You have been a great help Thanks again Marian


Unknown Report 5 Mar 2006 12:47

Marian which census did you find the lodger on? It's not on 1861. nell


marian Report 5 Mar 2006 12:52

Thank you all. Georgina Victoria Jess and Jane You all came to my rescue Regards marian


Kate Report 5 Mar 2006 12:52

Marian - if you are talking about the 1861 census, I can't see the word lodger anywhere on the page. The nearest I can see is 'Contd.' at the top under 'Worton Lane'. Or were you looking at a different year? Kate.


marian Report 5 Mar 2006 16:00

Helen and Kate. Just in case you did not get the replies I sent to you earlier. I found Worton Lane on (1837 0nline) 1861 census -Street details. If you are both able to find, I am sure you will understand. Thank for your interest Regards Marian


Judith Report 5 Mar 2006 16:41

Hi Marian, The page you looked at on 1837online lists all the addresses in Worton Lane, Isleworth. Some have no house number (labelled 0 on the list) some have a name (Worton Manor, Worton Hall) and some do have a number along with the word Lodger. If you look at the original pages the entry for your family has no house number, so I guess your family lived in a cottage with no name or number. There is one page of entries where the households are listed as 'Lodger at 61' etc and in the 'relationship' column for those households there is no Head listed, but instead they are all lodgers, and are then recorded as Husband wife etc in marital status column. These numbers are not consecutive and refer to two or three different roads so I think perhaps the enumerator realised he'd left the lodgers off the original entries, went back to collect their information and listed them all on one page. The numbers are probably not house numbers but the schedule numbers for the households where these people were lodging.


Peterkinz Report 5 Mar 2006 20:03

Are you sure it's not LODGE - as in Gardener's Lodge, Gate Lodge etc.?? Peter


Judith Report 5 Mar 2006 21:58

No Peter, I thought that when I first read Marian's message but the census page clearly lists these people as lodgers and has the words 'Lodger at ....' in the address section for each of them.