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Osborne family in Ireland

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Georgina Report 5 Mar 2006 15:44

Yes paul from the IGI. Georgina.


Paul Report 5 Mar 2006 15:40

I too have come across that problem in my tree however in this case there is no way to double check as there are no records! Are you getting that infomation of IGI?


Georgina Report 5 Mar 2006 14:37

Paul the nearest I can find is this marriage... JOHN OSBOURNE Male Marriages: Spouse: CARHERINE THOMPSON Marriage: 1817 Dromore, , Tyrone, Ireland Dont dismiss this info because his wife was Catherine, she could have died young and John remarried a Mary. I had exactly the same problem I thought my great grandmother's parents were James & Mary but her biological mother had died when she was 2 her father remarried and she only knew his second wife as her mother so put her name on her marriage certificate. Sorry I am waffling. Georgina.


Paul Report 5 Mar 2006 14:27

James was born in 1818 married Eliza jane Close in Banbridge in 1836. He died in Scotland and his death certificate has his parents as John and Mary osborne, Ireland.


Georgina Report 5 Mar 2006 14:17

Paul there is this entry, when did he marry? JAMES OSBOURNE Male Event(s): Birth: 1818 Dromore, , Tyrone, Ireland Christening: Death: 21 MAY 1840 Burial: Parents: Father: GEORGE OSBOURNE Mother: ANN LINDSAY Georgina.


Paul Report 5 Mar 2006 14:04

James Osborne 1818 is on IGI marrying Eliza Osborne, but I can't verify the data anywhere else. his father John osborne is not on there


Georgina Report 5 Mar 2006 13:45

Paul have you checked the IGI? What are the first names of your Osborne's. Georgina.


Paul Report 5 Mar 2006 13:03

If your going to PRONI I advise to ring before you go to check out opening times! We got there last Thursday 2nd March and there was a sign hung outside' closed for the day' no reason! Guy at the gate said we should've rung before hand! however when we went on the Friday the staff are excellent, and very very helpful It is very handy to know which area they come from but if you have already narrowed it down to Co. Down its a start. Also a big help is knowing what religion they are - even harder if they are Protestant because then you have to know which denomination! Good luck If your staying at a B&B i recommend the Old Rectory, on Malone Road, which is about 5 minutes walk from the PRONI and the breakfast is excellant!


Christine Report 5 Mar 2006 12:51

Hi Paul, I was just about to book flight to belfast as my family are from county down but i dont know what area, was it hard to find out info my family are Quinn and came to Liverpool about 1822 to 1840 do you think im better waiting till i get more info Chris


Rachel Report 5 Mar 2006 12:31

BT - Bishops' Transcripts - are copies of the annual entries into the parish registers sent to the local Bishop from about 1598. For some parishes, the BTs have survived where the original parish registers have been lost. Be aware that these are copies of the originals and not the originals themselves. In parishes where both the original registers and the BTs exist, a wise researcher will consult both. Bishops Transcripts (BT's) date, officially, from 1598 - both are records of baptisms, marriages and burials. Usually in county record offices who will confirm availability. Scottish registers are in New Register House, Edinburgh. Irish ones may be in the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, Belfast, National Archives, Dublin or still held within the parish (it is necessary to know religious beliefs).


MarionfromScotland Report 5 Mar 2006 12:20

not sure if this we be of use to you. there are lot's on it though. http://ulsterancestry*com/ua-free-pages*php Marion


Paul Report 5 Mar 2006 12:19

What are the Bishops Transcripts? And what details do they contain?


Rachel Report 5 Mar 2006 12:15

Unless the Bishops Transcrips have servived, I dont think there will be much that you will find. Unfortunatly I don't know were these would be now. You could ask at the parish church or the Records office if they know.


Paul Report 5 Mar 2006 11:53

Hi I was in Ireland PRONI past couple of days and found nothing for my tree. The parish records were destroyed in the '22 fire. I am looking for Osborne in the Garvaghy/Dromore area County Down around 1790-1820. Is there any other ways you can find this information or am i completly stuck??? Paul