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Help needed please!!!!!

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Unknown Report 6 Mar 2006 12:57

Please see below


Unknown Report 6 Mar 2006 13:02

I have just received my husbands' Grandfathers' death certificate in which it states that he 'died from a cerebral haemorrhage and fractured skull sustained when he fell from a motorcycle when racing on a grass track.' Underneath it say PM accidental. The coroner was the informant so firstly, am I right in assuming that there was an inquest? Secondly, I have been told that this accident was reported in the Kilburn times ,as that is where he lived, though the accident took place somewhere around the Haslemere Surrey area as that's the district on his death certificate ,place of death is St Thomas's hospital the writing is awful so am still trying to decipher the exact location of hospital. I know that inquests are subject to the 75 year privacy law and this only happened in 1952 . Colindale where I think the paper archives are kept is miles away and tricky for me to get to. Anyone got any ideas where I may be able to find out more? Would really appreciate all help and ideas as husband has been most understanding about all money I have spent tracing my family. Would really like to tell him a bit more as a thank you.


Heather Report 6 Mar 2006 13:06

As youve been told it was reported in the Kilburn Times, can you see if you can contact their archives direct - you have the date, so it should be a reasonably easy job for them to copy it for you?


Unknown Report 6 Mar 2006 13:09

Have googled Kilburn Times and it states that their archives are at Colindale. I wonder if anyone else has been successful contacting the newspapers direct? Worth a try . Thanks for advice Heather.

Selena in South East London

Selena in South East London Report 6 Mar 2006 13:10

got this from google, quite a well known hospital, known as 'Tommy's St. Thomas's Hospital 020 7188 7188 Lambeth Palace Rd London, SE1 7EH

Glen In Tinsel Knickers

Glen In Tinsel Knickers Report 6 Mar 2006 13:13

I would have thought that there would have been something to prove cause of death,seeing as the death was sudden and unexpected.Maybe back in the fifties it may have been different. As for the accidental reference i would think it means accidental death,as opposed to natural causes or unlawful killing etc. As Heather says best bet would be to contact the paper if it still survives and try to see if they have archive material they still keep,or where it is now kept. Glen


Unknown Report 6 Mar 2006 13:18

Thanks Glen and Selena. I will email Kilburn times today and see what they suggest. Another thought is does anyone know anything about grass track motorcycle racing in the way of long standing magazines etc that I can also contact to see if it was reported in any of those? Googled a while ago looking for more info but grass track doesn't seem to feature in too many and I am not sure if most would have been around during the fifties.


Abigail Report 6 Mar 2006 13:26

Hello Marie I'm a little bit lost with what it's all about but I live near to Colindale so I could go and look up information for you if I knew exactly what I was doing! Message me if that'd help! Abi


Unknown Report 6 Mar 2006 13:54

Abigail I have pm'd you. You are a star. Thank you so much. xx

Glen In Tinsel Knickers

Glen In Tinsel Knickers Report 6 Mar 2006 14:01

Hi again. bit of a long shot this one, grass track racing would be more of an early form of speedway,as opposed to trials bike/motocross type racing. I'll have a think and a snoop about over this and if anything comes to light i'll get back to you. Glen


Unknown Report 6 Mar 2006 14:08

Thanks Glen. What I know about any form of motor cycling can be written on the back of a match box!!!!!! Really appreciate your help.


Heather Report 6 Mar 2006 14:39

Have a google for motorycling in the 50's (was it?) I googled for East End boxers for my grandad and there are lots of sites still going for these sports.


Unknown Report 6 Mar 2006 16:02

I phoned the Kilburn Times in the end and they informed me that the back copies are held at Cricklewood Library. I have emailed the archavist (sorry bad spelling) and am awaiting a reply from her. Thanks for your advice re Google Heather. Have been googling on and off for ages but I just can't seem to find any report of a grass track meeting which relates to this accident. Will plough on though. All info on grass track during the 1950s very much appreciated. xx