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1891 census problem
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John | Report | 9 Mar 2006 22:36 |
Ancestry seem to have very few details available when you search.For example I searched for my family name in 1861 census they gave me 12 records not corresponding to my own knowledge.Then i searched 1837online and got another 106 names?I think you have to try every source available and probably resort to finally making physical searches through certificates etc.John |
Phoenix | Report | 9 Mar 2006 14:46 |
Hi Athena I've just realised what you were looking at on FHOL. I know the guy who got the data ready to go on the website (and sorted out all the obvious typos). He'll be chuffed that we score over Ancestry on at least one name! |
♥Athena | Report | 9 Mar 2006 14:35 |
Hi Phoenix - thanks so much!!! That worked! I feel really stupid was that simple all along, just remove the zero LOL And I realise now why the family weren't showing up on my search...I was putting in 'SURREY' instead of 'LONDON' - am so used to Lambeth coming under Surrey on earlier censuses, didn't think to try it under anything else. Brain isn't working too well today! Well, that's one problem solved Many thanks to all of you that helped. |
Jeanette | Report | 9 Mar 2006 14:34 |
Anthena what are the names? Jeanette |
Phoenix | Report | 9 Mar 2006 14:24 |
Try 388 and 47. I get a list of 62 names. |
♥Athena | Report | 9 Mar 2006 14:18 |
Hi Andrea Thanks for your suggestion. Do you mean that on the search form you don't put in any details apart from the town or parish name? It does seem a long winded way to search but I guess if it worked for you I will give it a try if I can't find them any other way. so annoying when you know they are there, isn't it? If they are on one census transcription they must be on the other one too...somewhere! Thanks |
♥Athena | Report | 9 Mar 2006 14:15 |
Tracey (OB) - tried that link with but it keeps saying page not found. If you could give me the folio and page number for that page on Ancestry, I could find it that way and then scroll back/forwards as you suggested. Thanks for your help. |
Andrea | Report | 9 Mar 2006 14:11 |
Hi Not sure if you are having the same problem as me but have just posted asking for help. I was looking for a 1891 census page with my family on that I know exists cos I have a print out. I wanted to find it again on Ancestry to see if I could see it more clearly. However, a name search didn't find a single person in the family. I went the long way round and searched districts (Lancashire, Blackburn, Blackburn Northern and then went through districts 1-8) and finally found my family on page 12 of district 8 - So why didn't the name search find them?? Anyway, my advice to you is to try the long way round with Ancestry and see if that helps any. I did have the advantage of having the print out though, so I went through each district and looked for schedule 68 (which was my family) until I found the right one! Hope that makes sense. Please see my msg 'Ancestry Query' which I have just posted. Good luck, Andrea |
♥Athena | Report | 9 Mar 2006 14:07 |
Many thanks all I will try Orange blossom's link first - if I have no joy finding them I will then post all the names - I have tried searching already on all variations but a second pair of eyes might help. Will be back in a few mins... |
☼ Orangeblossom ☼ - Tracy | Report | 9 Mar 2006 14:01 |
Athena try this link... http://content.ancestry.*com/Browse/view.aspx?dbid=6598&path=London.St+Mary.Waterloo+Road+First.7.23&sid=&gskw=Louisa+Thomas&cr=1 If you're subscribed to *, alter the *com part. Scroll forward or back if your family aren't there. |
Jeanette | Report | 9 Mar 2006 13:55 |
If you put the names down here perhaps we can find them Jeanette |
Elaine | Report | 9 Mar 2006 13:55 |
Give us the family information so we can look it up on Ancestry - can then email you a copy of the image |
♥Athena | Report | 9 Mar 2006 13:54 |
Hi - having been unable to locate a family on the 1891 census on Ancestry, I did a search on Family History Online website and found the family listed. Only problem is, I'd like to be able to view the actual census page since this website doesn't give much info away, apart from names and ages. It gave a piece/folio ref of 0388/047b - but this ref does not seem to work on Ancestry (I was hoping to locate the page this way!). Anyone know of any other sites that do the 1891 census (Lambeth) so I can find out all the meaty bits of info? Any advice much appreciated |
♥Athena | Report | 9 Mar 2006 13:53 |
Please see below... |