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Genealogy magazine ... which one?
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Wishful007 | Report | 9 Mar 2006 14:15 |
For a birthday present I have asked my sister for a year's subscription to a genealogy magazine but which one should I ask for? Any recommendations? Thanks Sue |
Elaine | Report | 9 Mar 2006 14:25 |
I have, in the past, subscribed to three different magazines - Practical Family History, Family Tree Magazine and Your Family Tree. Personally I think Your Family Tree is the best. |
Janet in Yorkshire | Report | 9 Mar 2006 14:26 |
Unless you are already a member, how about a sub to a FHS for an area of interest? Most do quarterly mags, some are better than others, I'm told Jay |
Maud | Report | 9 Mar 2006 14:28 |
I think the very best magazine out at the present (sells out very quickly) is YOUR FAMILY TREE It has only been published in the last two years and is fast growing in popularity, (have a look at e bay where back issues are being sold) This magazine covers all a beginner needs to get started, also very good wide articles If you hurry you may still be able to buy the last issue No. 35 in WH Smith It is published every 4 weeks Become a subscriber, you get the new issue about a week before it appears in the shops, and also save money Have a look at Your family tree mag forum and read some of the comments 'about the magazine' web number is (delete the brackets) http://forum(.)yourfamilytreemag(.)co(.)uk Very good value for money |
Rachel | Report | 9 Mar 2006 14:33 |
It might be a good idea to go to say a large WH Smiths and buy a few different magazines and see what you like. Personally I tend to buy 'Your Family Tree' magazine each month. I have bought other ones, it depends if theres anything interesting that particular month. Most come with a free CD which won't always be relevant to your research. There's some good offers for yearly subscription including free gifts. Have a look at a selection and see what appeals to you the most. |
Sue | Report | 9 Mar 2006 15:00 |
If you have relatives from Norfolk I would suggest Norfolk Roots Regards sue |
Wishful007 | Report | 9 Mar 2006 15:01 |
Thanks everyone, yes I was going to make a trip to WH Smith during my lunch break but did not get time. Now I have a few suggestions I will check them out but My Family Tree looks the firm favourite. I have been researching for a couple of years but know there is plenty more for me to learn! |
Wishful007 | Report | 9 Mar 2006 15:02 |
My main area of research is Northamptonshire and Oxfordshire. |
Perranmaid | Report | 9 Mar 2006 17:56 |
Definitely Your Family Tree and if you can get hold of a back issue number 31 Dec 2005 that contained the guide to Oxfordshire area including record sources, also a timeline of events. Northampton hasn't been covered yet. |
Horatia | Report | 9 Mar 2006 21:26 |
The best family history magazine in my opinion is Your Family Tree. It is jam packed with info. I subscribe to YFT and only buy odd issues of the other magazines if they are covering a subject I am interested in. Cheers, Horatia |
Unknown | Report | 9 Mar 2006 21:55 |
Wouldn't recommend family history unless there is a specific article advertised on the front that appeals. Well meaning hubby keeps picking it up for me. But not really too useful for general info. |
Right said Fred | Report | 9 Mar 2006 21:57 |
i find family History monthly is brilliant - lot's of info... tried a few out to start with but i like this one best. :-) |
Wishful007 | Report | 10 Mar 2006 12:37 |
I'm off to WH Smith in a moment to check them out. Appreciate the information about the back issue for December, now that would be useful. Its quite an expensive magazine for the year, nearly as much as joining Ancestry (not a member of that yet) but I like the idea of having a magazine and Im sure the CDs would be very useful. Thanks |