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how can this be possible?
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Julie | Report | 9 Mar 2006 19:17 |
can someone please tell me can you register the death of a child before you register the birth? i'm confused as this seems to be the case with a relative of mine john p hull born april-june 1942 vol 1a 158 but death jan-march 1942 vol 1a 52. how can this be possible? what do you you suggest i do to clarify this? regards julie |
Jeanette | Report | 9 Mar 2006 19:18 |
He could have been born at end of March so would be in next 1/4? Jeanette |
Julie | Report | 9 Mar 2006 19:28 |
thanks jeanette, but if thats so wouldn't his death also be registered in the next quarter. julie |
Dizzy Lizzy 205090 | Report | 9 Mar 2006 19:30 |
Maybe they registered his death if it happened soon after birth, but did not realise they had to register the birth as well? Put yourself in the parents' position - I would not know if I were coming or going in that situation. Liz |
Jeanette | Report | 9 Mar 2006 19:33 |
Hmmmmm perhaps deaths are registered straight away you had 6 weeks to register birth perhaps they forgot with the all the upset. have to order cert to find out. Jeanette |
Julie | Report | 9 Mar 2006 19:44 |
to be honest thats the conclusion i'd come up with too. thanks for your help anyway. julie |
Gypsy | Report | 9 Mar 2006 20:06 |
Julie, How can you be sure that they are the same person if you dont have the certificates? I have a baby that died at only a few days old. His birth and death were registered on the same day. Pat |
Julie | Report | 9 Mar 2006 20:29 |
pat, i can't be sure but i've not found any other with same name or from the same area but know that he died within a few days of his birth. its so sad but very common occurence. julie |
Gary | Report | 9 Mar 2006 20:34 |
i have one like this the death at a few days old and the birth then registed in the following quarter, confused me before i sent for the certs, the death on the 21 march 1871, registed 23 march 1871, birth on 13 march 1871, registed 3 April 1871 |
Julie | Report | 9 Mar 2006 20:41 |
so gary this is possible? hopefully it will make sense when i receive the certificates. julie |
Kate | Report | 9 Mar 2006 23:32 |
I came across a case like this a couple of weeks ago, can't remember if it was online or in a magazine, but the reason given was that the death had to be registered within a couple of days, and in the case quoted (wherever it was), it was registered by somebody other than one of the parents. It had to be registered by somebody who was actually present when the baby died, but neither parent was there, so the informant was a nurse or something like that. The birth only had to be registered within 6 weeks, so since the parents didn't actually register the death they couldn't register the birth at the same time, but whenever they got there to do it. Perhaps the same kind of thing happened in this case. Kate. |
Joe ex Bexleyheath | Report | 10 Mar 2006 00:27 |
A birth has to be registered with 42 days of the event. A death must be reported within 5 days - and with each event taking differing routes it is not surprising that a death may be reported before the birth ! |
Julie | Report | 10 Mar 2006 20:32 |
well that does make sense.thanks to you all. julie |