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Marriage ref for Thomas Cooke’s brother? Thanks. t

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English Bob

English Bob Report 11 Mar 2006 15:31

In my constant quest to find 1824 Thomas Cooke, my latest lead enhanced by 1841 Census info from Kat gives a very possible brother, William. I have him single in 1851census and with family in 1861,71,81,91. 1861 England Census William Cook abt 1834 Rempston, Nottinghamshire, England Head Swithland Leicestershire Jane Cook abt 1835 Hoton, Leicestershire, England Wife Swithland Leicestershire Jane E Cook abt 1859 Swithland, Leicestershire, England Daughter Swithland Leicestershire Thomas H Cook abt 1861 Swithland, Leicestershire, England Son Swithland Leicestershire A marriage certificate for the pair would be a great help, but I cannot find a reference. I have no surname for Jane, I have batch numbered, LDS’d & Ancenstry in Leic, Notts, Rutland,W’Wckshire counties for both a marriage for William about 1858 or a birth surname for Jane about 1835 to no avail. LDS has the births of the two older children but only gives a christian name for the wife. Any ideas for marriage ref would be greatly appreciated. Bob


Heather Report 11 Mar 2006 16:25

If you get desperate, you could buy one of the kids certs to get the wifes maiden name I guess which would help with the marriage search. And there is no trace in the ancestry beta index? I guess you have looked at the literally dozens of William Cook marriages on freebmd - but you would need to know the marriage district.

English Bob

English Bob Report 11 Mar 2006 16:35

Thanks, confirming the childrens cert idea, probably a next move, fortunately the last child was called Albert so maybe an easier search. Just so frustrating only having a wifes christian name. As for beta search.. have you seen how many William Cook(s) married over the probable 2 years. I haven't seen my missus for two days because of running these searches!! Bob


Heather Report 11 Mar 2006 16:38

Yes, I do understand, I have about a dozen on the go now where I cant get the person I want because everything is before 1837 and I am desperately trying to find younger siblings or second marriages after the golden date. If you do freebmds lot with Leicestershire as a district from about 1856-59 it does cut it down a lot, but I havent checked on there how complete those years are.

English Bob

English Bob Report 11 Mar 2006 16:49

Heather, Thank you for soundings, good idea, I did a general FreeBMD search but didn't see many likely districts, a reduction to counties may be less testing. Cheers, Bob


Heather Report 11 Mar 2006 17:16

Guess you could check out likely marriages on freebmd and click on the reg district and see what areas that covers and if its likely your chap.

English Bob

English Bob Report 11 Mar 2006 17:29

Heather, thanks, did that, cooke with or without e, couldn't find a wife Jane. Worse to come..just going to order Albert Cooke b Leicester march quarter 1876, double check and find Albert Cook b Barrow -upon-Soar, 1876 June quarter. Grrrr..... and the whole situation is speculative. Bob


Pete Report 11 Mar 2006 17:35

The IGI includes baptisms for Swithland (but not marriages) for this period. The children's baptisms are shown. 1. THOMAS HENRY COOK - International Genealogical Index Gender: Male Christening: 13 JAN 1861 Swithland, Leicester, England 2. JANE ELIZABETH COOK - International Genealogical Index Gender: Female Christening: 05 SEP 1858 Swithland, Leicester, England Based on that information Thomas Henry's birth registration is likly to be this one from FreeBMD. Births Dec 1860 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COOK Thomas Henry Barrow 7a 126 Barrow- upon- Soar (to give it it's real name) covers Swithland. If you get his birth certificate you learn his mother's maiden name and possibly aid locating the marriage of the parents of Thomas. Pete

English Bob

English Bob Report 11 Mar 2006 17:52

Thanks , I'll change tack and order the Thomas cert as its a definite child to the pair. Again thanks to Heather for keeping the subject hot!


Zoe Report 11 Mar 2006 18:20

ANcestry has only one Jane born in Hoton in the 1851 census (giving a birt year of 1835+/-2) Jane Bomon abt 1835 Hoton, Leicestershire, England Servant Wysall Nottinghamshire as this surname is a little more unusual is it wortha quick search on the GRO to see if she married in the righ ttimeframe and if you can cross reference that for the husband/ Zoe p.s. having looked at the original it could be Bomen or Bomow/Bomew - so I'd check them as will if you try it out


Zoe Report 11 Mar 2006 18:26

FYI although its a different county Wysall is only about 15Km north of Swithland (apologies for metric but streetmap doesn't give miles)


Zoe Report 11 Mar 2006 18:37

1856 September quarter Jane Bonam Loughboro 7a 185 William Cook Loughboro 7a 185

English Bob

English Bob Report 11 Mar 2006 19:14

Zoe, thank you for running the searches, I will speculate and order the certificate tonight. I will post news good or disappointing on receipt. Bob


Heather Report 11 Mar 2006 20:29

Only just got back on here - pleased to hear you seem to have made progress! I do hope it is the right one. I really do know how aggravating it is when its so near yet so far. I am determined to find some of mine who would get married/have kids before registration somehow.