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Very confused can anyone please help.

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Robyne Report 12 Mar 2006 21:37

Apologies for not getting back sooner, was at my nans for lunch. Charles the Maltster from Burton is the one that is getting me too. His children all come from Grantham as per Florence in 1901, and he would have been 20ish when Florence was born. I guess because i cant find her with her father im very confused (even more so than normal!!)


Heather Report 12 Mar 2006 14:05

The thing I keep thinking though (!!) marriage cert - Charles shown as maltster - i.e. beer making and that addy in Burton on Trent, which was a centre of beer making. Perhaps I should shut up and go away here, Im waiting for son to reappear after going out on Friday night- so lacking concentration guys. Ill check back later as Im intrigued now


Montmorency Report 12 Mar 2006 14:00

Could be the wrong Florence. Thomas's granddaughter Flora born in Shenton is going to be this one: Lakin Florence Market Bosworth.7a 66 Birth Jul-Sep 1868 If the one we're after is the one born in Leicester district, then it's the Shenton family that's the red herring.


Heather Report 12 Mar 2006 13:37

I think someone in the right place and timeframe and not only one, but 2 first names correct is a pretty good bet. The only thing you should do before sending off for the certificate is check for any deaths in that area with that name first. Sorry, Ive just rescanned the above - you already have her marriage certificate with a father called Charles? Now Im confused too. And its definitely the right people getting married in 1900? No other choices? Apologies, I only scanned before, I now see your problem. Mmm What about the info I just noticed that Robin has added above?


Robyne Report 12 Mar 2006 13:35

Hi Because of the ages on her marriage cert and census and also her place of birth, i guess im hoping to find out that this one is definately her before i send off for the cert. Its just confusing because the Charles that is a Maltster, all his children are from Grantham the same as Florence in the 1901 census


Robyne Report 12 Mar 2006 13:28

Hi thanks for all the replies. Yes thats the only Florence i can find. In 1841 the Thomas Lakin in Shenton is Thomas 40 Martha 40 Joseph 10 john 9 Charles 6 Thomas 2 and an infant under 5 months This Charles is a servant in 1851, then cant find him after that


Zoe Report 12 Mar 2006 11:35

Have you acquired the 1841 census as there maybe another sibling Zoe

Ann ♣

Ann ♣ Report 12 Mar 2006 11:28

Could this be her? Births Mar 1870 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lakin Florence Annie Leicester 7a 183


Montmorency Report 12 Mar 2006 11:28

IGI's got a baptism for Charles Lakin in Shenton in 1834, son of Thomas and Martha and brother of Lydia. Looks like this is Florence's father. The other Charles in Burton on Trent is probably just a strange coincidence. He's too young really (if you've found a Thomas with son Charles in 1841, this Charles would be way older than 30-ish in 1881, if he were still alive)


Heather Report 12 Mar 2006 11:27

Births Mar 1870 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lakin Florence Annie Leicester 7a 183 That was an easy one - on freebmd


Robyne Report 12 Mar 2006 09:16

Hi Penny Im trying to find Florence, but because its so confusing i thought it would probably be best to put everything in just in case. So i guess what im looking for is Florence Annie Lakin born 1870-1876 depending on what information you use.

♫ Penny €

♫ Penny € Report 12 Mar 2006 08:56

Robyne I think you will be best breaking this down / or starting again & just put one individual on each thread as it's quite confusing who or wht you are looking for. Penny


Robyne Report 12 Mar 2006 08:44

Ok what i have is the birth cert of Herbert Henry Walters born 30/11/1895 in Islington. Father Edward James Walters Laborourer in the gas factor. Mother Florence Annie Walters formerly Lakin. Then i have the marriage of Florence aged 26 and James Walters aged 36 in Jan 1900. James is a Railway plate layer. Fathers John Walters (deceased) Plumber and Charles Lakin (deceased) Maltster. I then have the birth cert of the youngest child Eric born 1913 in York. Father James a barman and Florence Annie Walters former Lakin. This is from the 1901 census Florence Walters abt 1874 Grantham, Lincolnshire, England Head St Pancras London (Wife is crossed out) Herbert Walters abt 1896 Islington, London, England Son St Pancras London Irene Walters abt 1899 Islington, London, England Daughter St Pancras London RG13/143 And this i believe is James Elizabeth Deackes abt 1829 Bloomsbury, London, England Wife Teddington Middlesex Henry G Deackes abt 1837 Stroud, Kent, England Head Teddington Middlesex Jessie Hewer abt 1883 Sittingbourne, Kent, England Teddington Middlesex Herbert King abt 1881 Twickenham, Middlesex, England Teddington Middlesex James Walters abt 1871 Isleworth, Middlesex, England Teddington Middlesex RG13/673 James is working as a barman Im struggling to find either one before 1901 what i think i have found is a birth of Florence Annie Lakin 1870 in Leicestershire this is the only Flora in 1871 Elizabeth Guilford abt 1852 Shenton, Leicestershire, England Granddaughter Shenton Leicestershire Lydia Guilford abt 1831 Shenton, Leicestershire, England Daughter Shenton Leicestershire Flora Lakin abt 1869 Shenton, Leicestershire, England Granddaughter Shenton Leicestershire Thomas Lakin abt 1797 Fenny Drayton, Leicestershire, England Head Shenton Leicestershire Going back to 1841 Thomas Lakin does have a son Charles. This is where another problem occurs. There is a Charles Lakin who is a Maltster. 1881 census Charles LAKIN Head M Male 31 Burton On Trent, Stafford, England Maltster Mary LAKIN Wife M Female 32 West Bromwich, Stafford, England Maltster Wife Harriett LAKIN Daur U Female 7 Burton On Trent, Stafford, England Scholar Robert LAKIN Son U Male 4 Grantham, Lincoln, England Scholar Mary Ann LAKIN Daur U Female 3 Grantham, Lincoln, England Infant Edwin LAKIN Son U Male 2 Grantham, Lincoln, England Infant Infant LAKIN Other U Female 2 d Burton On Trent, Stafford, England Infant This is Charles in 1851 Charles Lakin abt 1850 Burton, Staffordshire, England Son Burton upon Trent Derbyshire Elizabeth Lakin abt 1840 Burton, Staffordshire, England Daughter Burton upon Trent Derbyshire Jonah Lakin abt 1844 Burton, Staffordshire, England Son Burton upon Trent Derbyshire Mary Ann Lakin abt 1825 Portsmouth, Hampshire, England Daughter Burton upon Trent Derbyshire Sarah Lakin abt 1834 Burton, Staffordshire, England Daughter Burton upon Trent Derbyshire Thomas Lakin abt 1799 Stapenhill, Derbyshire, England Head Burton upon Trent Derbyshire Thomas Lakin abt 1831 Burton, Staffordshire, England Son Burton upon Trent Derbyshire William Lakin abt 1838 Burton, Staffordshire, England Son Burton upon Trent Derbyshire And this is the Thomas that Flora went to live with in 1851 Ann Lakin abt 1842 Shenton, Leicestershire, England Daughter Shenton Leicestershire Elizabeth Lakin abt 1844 Shenton, Leicestershire, England Daughter Shenton Leicestershire Martha Lakin abt 1803 Mancetter, Warwickshire, England Wife Shenton Leicestershire Mary Lakin abt 1824 Caldicote, Warwickshire, England Daughter Shenton Leicestershire Thomas Lakin abt 1796 Drayton, Leicestershire, England Head Shenton Leicestershire Thomas Lakin abt 1838 Shenton, Leicestershire, England Son Shenton Leicestershire William Lakin abt 1826 Upton, Leicestershire, England Son Shenton Leicestershire So no relation that i can see. Any help would be greatful as im very confused, Dont focus on James/Edward as he changed his name to Walters from something like Bowkitt/Balkitt, so i think he is lost forever. Thanks so much and i hope it makes sense!


Robyne Report 12 Mar 2006 08:44

Please see below in a mo. Its quite long as ive tried to put as much info as possible, but i hope it doesnt confuse