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♫Jilly McMad♫

♫Jilly McMad♫ Report 14 Mar 2006 13:00

thanks Judy!!!! I'll give all that a go!! cheers x x


Judy Report 14 Mar 2006 07:33

Hi Jill..... Sorry for delay in response - I've not been online for several weeks! Try starting your PC in SAFE MODE - I've nudged the instructions which are on the 1 STOP ROUTINE PC MAINTENENCE THREAD. Once in safe mode run all your maintenence programs, one at a time: ADAWARE, AVG and may I suggest before going into safe mode download Microsoft's free Anti-Spyware Program and running that as well in safe mode. You can Google the program by typing in: Microsoft Anti-Spyware. The link for the download will appear in the first couple of links. If the problems you are experiencing are due to a virus or spyware/adware, the problem program is most likely running in the backround - making it impossible for any program to remove it while it is 'working.' Starting the PC in safe mode will turn off all programs, including a virus or spyware/adware, enabling easy removal. As for the AVG, although the free version is a very good product, you get what you pay for.....Norton or McAfee Anti-Virus may be something you may want to invest in. DO make sure that anything of importance is backed up OFF your PC without delay. If there is a piece of hardware (ie your hard drive) that is about to crash, you'll end up losing everything. Judy

♫Jilly McMad♫

♫Jilly McMad♫ Report 13 Mar 2006 21:26

wee nudge for Judy

♫Jilly McMad♫

♫Jilly McMad♫ Report 13 Mar 2006 11:53

oops sorry Horatio just saw your reply there....I have AVG virus checker and have installed latest updates

♫Jilly McMad♫

♫Jilly McMad♫ Report 13 Mar 2006 11:51

I'm having to go out just now - off to the hairdressers but I will look back on when I get home!!! Jill x


Horatia Report 13 Mar 2006 11:51

The virus check won't be any good unless you first press your update button to update the virus definitions. Which anti virus do you use? Cheers, Horatia

♫Jilly McMad♫

♫Jilly McMad♫ Report 13 Mar 2006 11:50

thanks Julie........I did a virus check yesterday as soon as I managed to get it up and running and when i go out today i will leave another virus check running just to be on safe side!


Jelly Report 13 Mar 2006 11:46

Have you got totally up to date virus protection? When you can get it up and running make sure you do a virus check - after updating or buying a new one if necessary. It must be totally up to date though !!! I know alot of people that just install virus checkers and then never do anything with them. Or....You could also try restoring your pc to a point where you knew it worked ok. Get there following this route. Start....All Programs....Accessories.....Sytem Tools... Sytem Restore then follow the instructions. Failing that take it to your local shop. If there is something wrong with it, you may be making it harder (i.e. more expensive) to fix by keep running it. Julie R

♫Jilly McMad♫

♫Jilly McMad♫ Report 13 Mar 2006 11:38

i wouldnt know where to start with safe mode or registry etc!! lolol need total dummyproof instructions for me!!! lol


Horatia Report 13 Mar 2006 11:35

Your PC is unhappy about something! Sounds like the registry or something has got corrupted. If it was me I would be inclined to choose the option to go back to last known good configuration but lets see what Judy has to say or anyone with more knowledge than me. Other than that, I wonder if you do a scan disk in safe mode if that might help. Cheers, Horatia

♫Jilly McMad♫

♫Jilly McMad♫ Report 13 Mar 2006 11:30

no!! lol


Horatia Report 13 Mar 2006 11:28

Have you installed any new hardware? Cheers, Horatia

♫Jilly McMad♫

♫Jilly McMad♫ Report 13 Mar 2006 11:21

ok thanks!! When I switch on the comp up comes a black screen with a whole load of stuff on it saying about if I havent shut down pc properly or such and such, or if theres been a power supply problem, or if i have installed new hardware or software etc then the machine wont start. gives me the option to go to last known good configuration settings or start windows normally etc. So I have been choosing start windows normally. I have windows XP by the way. So you know when its starting itself up and you can see the wee bar (sorry i'm really not very technical at all!!) whizzing along and then it would normally go to windows so you can get on the pc, well sometimes that wee bar stops and then nothing at all happens. Sometimes it will keep going and I can get on the PC......but in the last few days it has taken several attempts to get the PC up and running, and a couple of times when I've been online the computer has just simply frozen and I cant do anything!!!! I have everything up to date, have done ad aware scans, spy bot scans and virus scans. Everything is okay! Why am I getting the black screen with all the writing in the first place and why wont my PC play ball with me!! lol


Horatia Report 13 Mar 2006 11:12

Why don't you tell us what it is doing? Someone else may be able to help until Judy turns up. Cheers, Horatia

♫Jilly McMad♫

♫Jilly McMad♫ Report 13 Mar 2006 10:26

if you happen to be about sometime please could you try and help me with my pc!!!!! its doing some weird and wonderful things here!!!! Jill x