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hot matches

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Tracy Report 17 Mar 2006 18:23

Has anyone else noticed that after you have spent hours going through every page and looking at the new ones. If you then go back through those same pages - MORE new ones have miraculously appeared!


Merry Report 17 Mar 2006 17:44

Are they favouring you then Helen???? !!! I have never been given more than 5 pages a fortnight and once, was lucky enough.......oops, I mean unfortunate enough, to go three months without being offered any! Will I ever have a Hot Match that doesn't begin with A, B or C?? Merry


Helen Report 17 Mar 2006 17:09

I think GR should come up with a way of showing the match details without having to click. That way you could go down the list marking the boxes for all those you need to delete, just one click at the end of the page. If they could do this I might take the time to look at mine. I get about 15 pages each fortnight and I think they are only up to about letter G. I've given up until there's a simpler way to delete them.


fraserbooks Report 17 Mar 2006 16:38

I had a hot match right name right town right date quite an unusual name in a small town. I wrote offering to share information. Admittedly not a close relative but I was deflated by the reply. Hot match did not see how there could possibly be a connection and anyway he had lost interest in family history a couple of years ago. Why do people join genes connected? I find if you save hot matches that are the right family genes add the new names once you have looked at them. My best is 31 matches not that Mr. Hot match answers. On the plus side I have recently had two very good hot matches and was able to share a lot of information and add names and details to my tree. I would like them to look a couple of years either way when you have ticked the circa box for year of birth.


Pilly Report 17 Mar 2006 10:31

Totally agree, then you get a red hot one..send a message ...and zip, nada in return.


gremelkin Report 17 Mar 2006 09:51

Angela--How could you say such things about 'Hot Matches'( the finest things in cyberspace ) They are sooooo helpful--Example~~~~ Not knowing the surname of a relative I entered xxxx and today 'Hot Matches' found me 3635 matches--not only that but they listed them in year order and they have even found some in the year 9999 !!!!! So please lets not be negative--at least I have a few hours of deletions to look forward to !!!!! Dave


InspectorGreenPen Report 17 Mar 2006 05:45

At the moment matches only work on name and date. We have to wait for a future enhancment to imclude place names. Going back to the firts page of a function after performing an update is a feature of the entire site not just Hot Matches. If you don't like them dont use them do your matchin manually.

kaz in kent

kaz in kent Report 16 Mar 2006 19:04

another of my gripes is when you delete a name you are always taken back to page 1 when you could have been on page 12 so you have to go back and forth all the time


Ian Report 14 Mar 2006 11:39

I have a number of gripes about Hot Matches. I hope someone from GR reads this. 1) I have several people listed as having 2 or more hot matches and when I look the entries find they are doubles. The record I have is one contact who has 4 Thomas Lowes 1841 from Shropshire on his tree. I dont know if he has put this relative on his tree 4 times or if there is some other problem. To my mind this should be reported as a single hot match. 2) If I have a hot match with someone and they then add another relative to their tree which is also a hot match it seems to be given as a single new match. It would be much more useful if the total was increased to 2, as people who have more than 1 hot match are much more likely to be connected. 3) When viewing Hot Matches there should be a button to take you to the next or previous hot match, rather than have to go back to the list of matches each time to view the next one. 4) After deleting a hot match that is of no interest, the programme takes you back to the first page on the list, rather than the page you were looking at at the time. This invlolves an awful lot of clicks to get back to look at the next hot match. 5) Sometimes you are uncertain about a place and want to see matches from other places. Other times you are certain of a place. Then you want to see only matches from people who are from the same place, or who are uncertain about the place of their match. You dont want to see matches where the other person is certain their relative comes from a different place. This could be inplemented by buttons on each entry (like the circa button for years) to indicate whether or not you are certain about the Country and the County. Matches could then be sorted by Country and County. I dont think it is practical to do it on a smaller scale than this.


Rachel Report 14 Mar 2006 00:17

Well at least Cheshire and London are the same country. I keep getting my grandfather born 1926 in wales matched with the same name and year in Australia - Thanx GR but I have Grampa's original birth certificate so I know where he was born!!! Just wish they would get the right country at least, but it seems to be too much to ask! LT


Susan Report 13 Mar 2006 23:08

I too understand the frustration of Hotmatches, but I hold my hand up I had 3 pages this time round but 2 of them are living relatives, that I never knew egsisted( Sorry can't spell) ! has been very helpful and filled in a lot of research he has done, plus we have common memories of my Grandad. I think the memories have been better than the infomation, Information is a piece of paper, memories are someboies experiances, worth more than any piece of paper. So this time Hotmatches have worked for me. Sue

An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 13 Mar 2006 22:55

I too have a great big moan about this BUT had to eat my words. I had Joe Bloggs born 1743 in Cheshire. Hot Match contact had Joe Bloggs born in London. I was pretty scathing about the likelihood of it being the same man - but it was! Hot Matcher didnt know where he was born (he married in London) and I didnt know where he married! Still doesnt excuse all those Thomas Greens they keep sending me in Australia though. Generally if I want a Hot Match, I search the Site. Its much quicker,and more accurate as to date and place, you can see the 'candidates' on the page without all that stupid clicking backwards and forwards, and you can quickly skim down the page ignoring the useless/wrong ones. Olde Crone


Andrew Report 13 Mar 2006 22:51

I agree, it's one of the many stupidities of the software that this site uses. Frankly, it's pathetic.

kaz in kent

kaz in kent Report 13 Mar 2006 22:46

i agree with you .i have the same either their names match and dates of birth but they come from the other end of the country

Ang J

Ang J Report 13 Mar 2006 22:43

i am fed up with hot matches i get so many ,when i start looking into them none of them are anything like im looking for ,it is either a name the same or date of birth i could have a person in london they send a hot match from glasgow. surely they can do better than that.