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I am SO flippin annoyed!...MAD even!

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Angela Report 20 Mar 2006 08:25

I know how you feel. I sent some family photographs to a bloke who contacted me on GR and he hasn't even bothered to say that he has received them. In the past I have sent great wodges of stuff to people by post and it has cost me quite a bit to send them, but I haven't had so much as an acknowledgement from them. I think that it is a case of one bitten, twice shy. By the way, which part of Stevenage are you sleepless in? I am in the Old Town and waking up is the one that I have difficulty with (especially on a Monday morning)!!


Robert Report 20 Mar 2006 08:10

I was lucky enough to find a person with names that match my list. I am just getting started, but this other person has built a list with over 800 names on it. Is there any way to get a copy of the other persons tree and add my information to it...and ship back the modified tree to her?


Denise Report 20 Mar 2006 06:37

Last week I got a message from someone that I answered. When I went to the contact page to answer her and click on her name there were three more messages that had arrived, but I never was notified they were there, so there may be something going on with the site. Having said that, I apologized for not answering the others and not seeing them and thought we had a connection. I've not heard back. I'd be annoyed too......wish you could adopt me. I'm having a difficult time and would love to find someone that could help me out with lots of names that I could link with. Denise

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 19 Mar 2006 23:52

I sent a mail to someone through Ancestry some time ago. It took them quite some time to reply to me, but when they did they had loads of excellent information I also had lots to tell them they did not know. We continued via pm after the first contact. JoJo


SueMaid Report 19 Mar 2006 22:13

I had a contact from this site (GR) and she told me that she had tried to contact me through Ancestry and thought I wasn't interested. She was surprised that I had replied so quickly and that I was so excited. I explained that I had received nothing through Ancestry, this was the first time I had had a message from her. Could it be Ancestry? Susan

Janet in Yorkshire

Janet in Yorkshire Report 19 Mar 2006 11:45

Could it have anything to do with your responses going on to a message board, rather than through a direct pm, Genes style? I can see that IF your response is posted, the other person may not have been back to the board to see your message Jay


Heather Report 19 Mar 2006 10:08

I had that too Gerri. Some contacted me - I clicked the add to world tree button on my FTM2006 thinking if I did they would give me free access! Must have added my stuff as I had a mail from someone saying I read your profile on ancestry I think we have a connection. I wrote back to her with some stuff. Nothing in reply. So I tried again and got the same message from ancestry! What on earth is that about - how can they restrict to answering once???


Bill Report 19 Mar 2006 07:46

> I'm mad! flippin mad!... A switch to decaf is in order, perhaps!

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 19 Mar 2006 07:40

Gerri, It may be that shes unwell, away for a week or so. or maybe had a personal disaster such as a death or pooter playing up. May even have an over zelous spam filter I would give it at least a couple more week before giving up on her mailing you. Elaine x :o))


Maureen Report 19 Mar 2006 02:17

gerri at least you didnt open your tree to her mo


MrsBucketBouquet Report 19 Mar 2006 02:17

Do you think it's Ancestry itself? Maybe bumping up how good they are?.. makes ya think doesn't it?


Christine Report 19 Mar 2006 01:40

Hi Gerri, I know what you mean. I've had a few e-mails from people through Ancestry, and I'm pretty sure they match, but not one has ever come back to me. I am beyond getting mad now. It's there loss. Christine.


MrsBucketBouquet Report 19 Mar 2006 01:25

I had an e.mail from someone on ancestry asking me about a rellie....same name, same DOB, same marriage, same place of death (my grandmother) and I answered the e.mail.........this was a week ago! I told her that I can take her back to 1757 on this line and she still hasn't answered me! Tonight I mailed her again asking why she had not got back to me, only to get this reply from Ancestry...... 'You attempted to reply more than once to an email you received through Ancestry's anonymous email system. This email was not delivered.' Aaagghhhh!!! Whats the matter with this woman? doesn't she want the photo's, the birth/marriage/death certs? I'd give my right arm for info like this!!!..... I'm mad! flippin mad!...mad at Ancestry for not allowing me to e.mail her.. Rant over.....for now. Gggrrrrrrr... I got the 'ump now! nothing worse than going to bed with the hump! said me bit...gonna go take it out on the cat....(not really) lol Gerri x


MrsBucketBouquet Report 19 Mar 2006 01:25

see below....