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Does anyone else ....
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Bridie | Report | 20 Mar 2006 22:16 |
Lol. Decided to kick my own butt so to speak and look at my hubbys grandmothers siblings..... have just spent the last half hour jotting down possible birth references ... getting nowhere ... not a single one born in the same area ... no 2 permutations from 6 siblings born in same area ... think I'll go back to reading the tips thread! Realised why I read it so often. Lol ..! |
Sarah | Report | 20 Mar 2006 22:07 |
I read these for a while every evening. Then go to bed full of new ideas for tomorrow - often. Then don't get time to go back on line until the next evening's 'thread session'...... ho hum.... LOL You're right, but it's all useful stuff !! and brings a few laughs ! Sarah :-) |
Linda G | Report | 20 Mar 2006 22:06 |
and there was me thinking it was only me that did that lol Linda |
Naomi | Report | 20 Mar 2006 22:04 |
ha........its got a lot of padding!!!! brothers,sisters,cousins etc etc +all their hubbys,wives+children of course. we do go off on a tangent sometimes.......but it all helps! rachie |
Julie | Report | 20 Mar 2006 21:51 |
i've found it does exactly what it states! i've started using it for tips if i've come unstuck as -how to, where do, how can? there's always an answer within a few minutes from someone with more experience and its invaluable. julie |
Linda in the Midlands | Report | 20 Mar 2006 21:36 |
1000?? wow where do you get all these people from? I have 169 and thats going back to 1600's on one branch |
Naomi | Report | 20 Mar 2006 21:34 | read my mind.........i was just thinking that!!!!!!!! i told my mother i'd have us over the 1000 name marker by the time she got back from her hols+i've hardlys done anything except read threads! rachie |
Unknown | Report | 20 Mar 2006 21:32 |
Sometimes reading other threads makes you think 'Oh, that;s what could have happened to my gt grandfather's 2nd cousin' or there's a useful new website to check out. sometimes you can get completely brain numb looking for your own lot and need a change of scene, so to speak. nell |
Crafty | Report | 20 Mar 2006 21:19 |
I do when all my rellies go into hiding and I can't find them!... go back after reading the threads and hey presto they appear!........well sometimes they or is that wishful thinking? Sue |
Bridie | Report | 20 Mar 2006 21:18 |
So glad it's not just me. All those ancestry subs going to waste, lol. |
Cath | Report | 20 Mar 2006 21:18 |
Just realised you used totally in your thread - didn't mean response to sound sarcy or anything (just in case it did). Just meant I know exactly where you're coming from! |
Cath | Report | 20 Mar 2006 21:16 |
Totally :o)) |
Fred (“\(*-*)/”) | Report | 20 Mar 2006 21:15 |
Bridie | Report | 20 Mar 2006 21:15 |
.... spend so much time just reading through the threads on tips board that they've totally neglected their own research? |