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Elizabeth Anne | Report | 23 Mar 2006 11:15 |
I got all excited as I found 'Unclaimed Money' datebase for my relatives, was hoping I was going to receive a small legacy, however, on the other hand there is also a datebase for 'Debt Collections' so I have decided not to peep. Elizabeth |
Vicky | Report | 23 Mar 2006 10:34 |
apparently there is a person called qwerty goatbucket on the sex offenders register |
Val wish I'd never started | Report | 22 Mar 2006 22:23 |
thats funny my great aunt was called Peekaboo !!! |
Mandy in Wiltshire | Report | 22 Mar 2006 22:13 |
Ok, will leave it on as a warning. I must say that I'm not particularly gullible - I don't fall for email scams - and this site did seem a bit 'too good to be true'. But it's very tempting, isn't it, if you think there might be some helpful info? If you got a result for Peekaboo, no wonder they don't offer a free trial lol!! Mandy :)) |
Elizabeth Anne | Report | 22 Mar 2006 20:28 |
Mandy, don`t delete,this thread, it is a good warning to all of us. I was keen to get the infomation I received for the first names I entered. Elizabeth |
Ian | Report | 22 Mar 2006 19:47 |
Don't delete the thread. It is a useful warning to others. It is all too easy to fall for attractive looking scams! |
Mandy in Wiltshire | Report | 22 Mar 2006 19:39 |
Oh gawd, now I feel a right twit (nothing unusual there then!). Am not going to subscribe to the site, and will delete the whole thread soon so that not too many people can laugh at me :)))) Mandy :) |
Elizabeth Anne | Report | 22 Mar 2006 19:32 |
Vicky, you are correct, just tried it out with 'Peekeboo', he had a lot of files too!!!! Elizabeth |
Vicky | Report | 22 Mar 2006 17:36 |
Elizabeth - try a search with a really oddball made-up name & see how many hits you get for that! |
Elizabeth Anne | Report | 22 Mar 2006 17:03 |
Hi Mandy, Just out of curiousity I looked at the site and entered two names from my tree which are not very common. I received hits for both names on different items. My question too, is how old is this information? I tried searching their information page but did not come up with any answers. I am afraid the price put me off, although I would love a peek at the information they supposedly have found. Elizabeth |
Mandy in Wiltshire | Report | 22 Mar 2006 16:26 |
Hmmmm that's what I feared Vicky lol! I just wondered if they were able to get round the Data Protection Act by being USA-based. Thanks for your reply. Mandy |
Vicky | Report | 22 Mar 2006 16:22 |
Haven't subscribed but I'm extremely sceptical that it will have any recent UK info that's of use... 1. Data Protection Act restricts what they should have access to 2. If the info was that easy for them to get hold of, why haven't the relevant UK bodies already made it available to us - it earns them money after all. But mostly because i have just done a search on a name I know doesn't show up on any records in the UK - and it came back with hits in several categories!!!! |
Mandy in Wiltshire | Report | 22 Mar 2006 15:48 |
Has anyone had any experience of this website, good or bad? It’s an American site which I found near the top of the list when I was googling for newspaper archives, but they claim to have the most databases for the USA, Canada and United Kingdom. If their claims are correct, there’s a scary amount of private info out there, but presumably if it’s on Google it’s legal? The court records and divorces would help me immensely in my research but I’m obviously loathe to fork out money on a site I know nothing about. Doesn’t seem as if they do any sort of trial either. Any comments much appreciated! Mandy in Somerset |
Mandy in Wiltshire | Report | 22 Mar 2006 15:47 |
(I thought we could type in 'org' addresses without brackets but it wouldn't work!) |