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Ginny | Report | 22 Mar 2006 18:33 |
I do not wish to start a contentious thread, just explain something. Yesterday and in preceeding days there have been loads of threads concerning the posting of requests etc in the 'wrong ' place. I added to the Success board ' A success story................... a newbie posting in the right place lol'. I personally do not give a flying fig where people post and this was an misguided attempt at wit. Now certain people have taken great issue with this and it appears that it has been taken completely the wrong way. If anyone thinks that I was having a go at newbies they could not be further from the truth - check out my 'patience' thread on the general board. I appologise if I have angered anybody with that posting BUT it was meant as a joke :-)X ps I did get a few pms saying lol from those who did get the joke ;-) |
Alison | Report | 22 Mar 2006 18:43 |
Ginnie I'm a newbie who has only been a member since Jan but still makes mistakes! I didn't see your thread but reading it now I can't see any maliciousness in it! Everyone won't take umbrage at this so don't worry Ali x |
Ginny | Report | 22 Mar 2006 18:50 |
Thankyou Alison :-) |
Unknown | Report | 22 Mar 2006 18:52 |
LOL Ginny! I knew you were joking babe! Tongue in cheek it was! ;o))) XX |
Unknown | Report | 22 Mar 2006 18:54 |
Ginny we were all new to the site once xxhugxx |
Ginny | Report | 22 Mar 2006 18:57 |
I got a pm saying that someone was disgusted with what I had said - I thought they were talking about the Clematis ! |
ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom | Report | 22 Mar 2006 19:01 |
I saw the post and it made me laugh...I knew it was meant to be a joke with no malice intended. Everyone must admit, that once it was not so bad a problem with people making the odd mistake and posting on the wrong board. However in the last couple of months, particularly the last few weeks, the postings of trying to finds seem to have quadrupled especially on the (free) success board and more of late the chat board. This may have come with territory of all the spin off TV programmes but anyhow its becoming more irritating. In the last 24 or so hours a posting was pointed out via a thread on the gen board. On this posting on success the person was knocking other GR members for not wanting to help him. He went on to say he wasn't a full member so was posting his request on success because it was free. Many of us felt this was a cheek and rightly said so. If he hadn't had made those remarks, I doubt if anyone would have got so angry with him Elaine x |
Unknown | Report | 22 Mar 2006 19:19 |
It didn't offend me, I knew you were being ironic. :0) |
Dizzy Lizzy 205090 | Report | 22 Mar 2006 19:24 |
Sorry, the misunderstanding was my fault. Liz |
Janet in Yorkshire | Report | 22 Mar 2006 20:09 |
Well said Gillian - i thought I'd walked away from playground squabbles when I gave up teaching! At times recently, I've felt I was back with the infants. Jay |
Perranmaid | Report | 22 Mar 2006 20:15 |
Hope people don't mind but maybe some of the problem (posting to wrong board) is how the boards are named???? and I must say as a relative newcomer to the boards I find it difficult to decide which board a request for assistance should go on. Particularly tips and records office. When I first started visiting the boards before ever posting, both seem to have the same types of topics i.e can do look ups, I would like a look up, how do I? maybe GR should rethink, with members help, how the boards are labelled to make a clearer distinction about what is on offer, so that these mistakes can be avoided. In the meantime perhaps everyone should remember what the site is about it is..... TRYING TO FIND!!!.... something, be it hints, help, another pair of eyes, a second opinion, a shoulder to cry on, someone to share a joke with, or a way to chip away that wall!!! so come on everyone we all want the same thing does it matter how it is acheived?????? I apologise in advance if anyone is offended by this, but I have to agree the tone of some of the postings lately do make me think twice about continuing on the boards. PS Ginny keep up the humour it's what we all need. |
Glenys the Menace! | Report | 22 Mar 2006 20:31 |
Oh, for goodness' sake! Have some members of GR lost their sense of humour? Here's a bit of support for you, Ginny. You're not the villain you're being made out to be. Now come on, Ginny's critics! Let's get back to the friendly boards these places are! And that's an order! From Sergeant Major Bossy Old Bag Glenys. *Meekly says - this message isn't for any posters on the thread so far* |
Joy | Report | 22 Mar 2006 20:42 |
Don't worry about it, Ginny. all is well :-) Irony is good :-) |
Ginny | Report | 22 Mar 2006 21:43 |
AAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW I am really touched by all the support that I have received and I hope now that the individual who started the thread about me realises now that it was in Jest but that sometimes my humour may be a little obtuse lol |