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what a sad story a census tells

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Linda Report 26 Mar 2006 09:14

Hi Chris Yes it does cost a bit dosent it. Any way my plot thickens as I could find my grandfather on the 1901Census in Glasgow as the head, but couldnt find his birth or his siblings anywhere in the Scottish records. So I looked the name of his younger brother in the 1901 census as I also had a good idea where they lived and from that got my great grandparents name and the family and it looked like it said they were actually born in England (handwriting is bad and its scored out) so I looked up the English census for 1881 and found what has to be the family so shock horror it looks like my Grandfather and the family wasnt Scottish as we all believed but English (and there is nothing wrong with that) hence why I cant find any Scottish records. Im trying to get access to the Census between 1881 and 1901 to see what I can find, but its costing me a fortune as the 1891 Census costs to view. I cant believe how hooked Ive become in such a short time

Chris the gardening

Chris the gardening Report 26 Mar 2006 08:18

Hi Linda, you can't tell anything much from the census itself, BUT I had my greatgrandparents on the 1891 census and couldn't find any of them in 1901, after many hours of searching I found them living with Ann Windsor as the head not my greatgrandfather, he was living with his brother, so where was mum ?? I found a death for her in 1897 sent for the certificate which said childbirth haemorrhage, found the babies death and also my greatgreatgrandmothers at the same address but three month's later, very sad. You can build a story but it may not be the truth, if I had pots of money I would send for all the death certificates then I would really know what happened !! Chris.

Paul Barton, Special Agent

Paul Barton, Special Agent Report 26 Mar 2006 07:56

Helen, I work in Richmond. The graveyard is off Paradise Road and the Vestry is next to it. I'll take a look at some gravestones during my lunch break one day next week. That name Smoothy rings a bell. Either it's a name I saw on a gravestone or it's what I was drinking in my lunchbreak. I sometimes pop into the local studies centre where they hold electoral rolls and local directories etc.


Linda Report 26 Mar 2006 07:07

Hi I have just started my searching and found the 1901 Scottish census for my Grandfather, Grandmother and Aunt then age 1. How on earth did you all find out what then happeneed to them all ie who died and when and from what from your Census info. I cant even find the registration of my grandparent s marriage I have the date and place but my searches come up blank Can anyone tell me why this could be. Elkay


*****me***** Report 25 Mar 2006 23:21

eleanor, did the 3 yr old go into a home? oh, poor thing!


*****me***** Report 25 Mar 2006 22:37

i have the death certs of my g.g.grandparents, and they died just 2 days apart! so sad, g.g.grandmother died from liver cancer and g.g.grandfather died from epilepsy--exhoustion--repeated seizures for 12 hours, it makes me wonder----'was he so upset over his wife dying that he kept having epileptic fits?'


Unknown Report 25 Mar 2006 22:12

Obviously the 1890s was a very unhealthy decade.


Smiley Report 25 Mar 2006 22:09

Similar story for me, I have mum, dad, 4 sons & granny too, together in 1891.... By 1901 the Dad had died in an asylum, the mum died of heart trouble, granny was gone too, one boy was working in a grocers shop and the other three were in childrens homes, all separated, so sad Sam

Chris the gardening

Chris the gardening Report 25 Mar 2006 22:03

My 1891 census had a very happy family, dad, mum six son's. by 1901 Mum had died in childbirth, baby girl had died 3mths. Anne the grandmother that must have come to look after the six boys had died at the same time as baby Alice, and the six boys were living with their grandmother in Nantwich and my greatgrandfather was living with his brother miles away from his family. From one census to another what a change. Chris.

Glenys the Menace!

Glenys the Menace! Report 25 Mar 2006 18:09

Food for thought, isn't it. Nevertheless, it's still very sad. This is a classic case of the unpleasant side of genealogy.


Unknown Report 25 Mar 2006 17:55

Well the old folk died within a month of eachother of natural causes. I haven't yet got little Emily's death cert, but I noticed that both Edith and her brother-in-law died of pneumonia. I wondered if this was a misdiagnosis for TB or whether the air in Richmond and Wandsworth (where Charles died) was particularly bad around that time. nell

Glenys the Menace!

Glenys the Menace! Report 25 Mar 2006 16:40

That's awful, Nell - very sad. What happened, i.e. are there any newspaper reports that you know about? x


Unknown Report 25 Mar 2006 16:39

1891 Vestry Cottage, Richmond, Surrey John Smoothy 79 Assistant Overseer is head of the household, which includes his wife, Ann Smoothy 63 Charles Vine son-in-law 28 Elizabeth L. Vine daur 31 Edith M. Smoothy 21 daur Emily F. Vine grand daur Alfred J. Vine grandson 4 Florence M. Vine grand daur Alice L. Vine grand daur George Newboult 67 boarder retired schoolmaster London Grosvenor Sq. Just 5 years later, John, Ann and their long-time lodger are dead. But so is their youngest daughter Edith, their son in law Charles and their eldest granddaughter Emily.


Unknown Report 25 Mar 2006 16:39

see below