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registration of twins

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Bacardi Report 2 Apr 2006 22:58

have a set of twins in my family but were both registed in different quaters elsie may gibson born 1904 reg in june quater violet lilian gibson born 1904 reg in jan quater aston area of b,ham any explanation for this thanks angie x

Right said Fred

Right said Fred Report 2 Apr 2006 23:01

Are you sure they are twins? Do you have the birth certs to prove it? They might have been cousins? The only explanation I can think of is that they thought that one might not survive, so were waiting to see and would have registered the death at the same time - but why? curious.


Bacardi Report 2 Apr 2006 23:08

thats what i thought so looked for a death for either twin in that year but nothing,i dont have the certs it is third info passed on to me,iv asked the person who sent me the info why they are registerd in different quaters but thought id ask here aswell as iv not had reply yet,there mother died the following year angie x

Right said Fred

Right said Fred Report 2 Apr 2006 23:12

Annie, that would explain births, but not when they were registered. It isn;t always registerd in the Qtr, they are born in. Maybe you'll just have to order the certs. I can't think that they will be twins.


Georgina Report 2 Apr 2006 23:13

Angela dont forget there is only 1 day seperating the March quarter & the June quarter but why they were not registered on the same day is a mystery. Georgina.


Jeanette Report 2 Apr 2006 23:13

one could have been born early and one stayed inside mother. But I would have thought they would have waited until other born. Jeanette


Bacardi Report 2 Apr 2006 23:19

thank you for replys,when i get a reply from family member i will let you know what they think i found another elsie may gibson born 1908 and another born 1911 so they may have got the wrong one angie x


MrsBucketBouquet Report 2 Apr 2006 23:28

bookmarking thread as I'm dead nosey and I want to see the out come LOL I too had twins and they were really good fun to find....(she says now thats it's finally sorted lol) I thought one had died at birth but it turned out she died aged 17! She got missed on a census. Enumerator must have thought he was seeing double lol Have fun.... Gerri


Suzie Report 3 Apr 2006 07:02

Could it be that they were registered the same day but maybe the person making the entries knocked off for the day and started the previous day under the next day making it a new qtr? LOL I have no idea, my grandfather is a surviving triplet but only he was registered, 1 triplet was stillborn the other lived a few days but not registered.


Kate Report 3 Apr 2006 08:49

My guess, for what it's worth, is that the two registrations you are looking at are not twins. As for that 'missed off the census' twin, she could have been away from home that night, in which case she should have been listed at the place she was staying, but the details given might not be as accurate as they would be if she was at home so it might be very difficult to find her. Kate.

Linda in the Midlands

Linda in the Midlands Report 3 Apr 2006 08:53

could have been they couldn't agree on a name for second child so waited till they did and registered that one later?


Porkie_Pie Report 3 Apr 2006 10:28

I take it you do not have the cert's, How do you no they are twins? If you are baseing it on finding 2 entry's in the same area in the index then i would think they are possibly cousin's if they where twins then they should be in the same quarter vol/page number. Roy


Kate Report 3 Apr 2006 12:43

Gibson is such a common surname that there is no particular reason to think they are related in any way, Kate.