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Tip.....never take chances!!!!

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Merry Report 7 Apr 2006 13:11

A friend wanted us to search out his ancestors.....found his mum's birth registration in 1919........mum's surname and her mother's maiden name are rare and there is only one marriage of those names, and it's in the same district, but 20 years earlier......we traced the families back to before 1851 and were well pleased with this initial effort, until............. I was looking for siblings of friend's mum..........As the parents married in 1899 and had managed two children by the 1901 census, I expected them to be pretty prolific, so I was surprised to see that there were no other children with the correct mum's maiden name after 1911Q3 when that detail appears on the GRO indexes. The only exception being friend's mum in 1919. Hmmmmmmm......looked a bit harder and ..........**£%$*$%***......the dad died in, clever of him to father a child in 1919!!!!.........DRAT......TIP - don't take chances.....BUY those certs!!!!! Happy Hunting - Merry xx


Merry Report 7 Apr 2006 14:23

Nudge.....can't go onto page 2 with no replies! Merry


Ellen Report 7 Apr 2006 14:49

Hi Merry, I've been umming and ahhhing for some time now about my Grandfather's death certificate ,there are 4 possibilities , I'm not good at making decisions , but to get it right will probably order all 4 certs and not take any chances. B£££££ the cost Ellen


Merry Report 7 Apr 2006 14:51

Ellen - Are they all the same reg district?? Maybe the local registrar would be more helpful in looking at them all and deciding for you?? Merry


Unknown Report 7 Apr 2006 14:53

It certainly doesn't pay to make assumptions. For years my 3rd ggmother in my Tree revelled under the beautiful name of Elizabeth Mallion Dowsett. Until I got sight of the Census return. It turns out she was Elizabeth Williams.


Merry Report 7 Apr 2006 14:55

Grampa Jim, It's much worse when you feel you have got to know them too, isn't it???!! Williams??.....tricky! Merry


Ellen Report 7 Apr 2006 16:49

Hi Mery, No they're not . My Grandfather was seperated from his wife and Daughters in the 1920s, so he could of died in Hampshire or Gloucestershire they are the most likely, but the others are also likely regarding age of death. OH DEAR OH DEAR in a quandary. Ellen.


Merry Report 7 Apr 2006 16:56

Ellen, I have this bad feeling that even with all three certs in front of you, you might find you are unable to tell which one is yours........(If any) I have that with two certs, not three..........I keep looking at them for inspiration, but it never comes! Good Luck! Merry


Ellen Report 7 Apr 2006 17:10

Thanks for that Merry, Well anything is possible I just hope one of them has his second name ( its quite unusual) then I will jump for joy, but the rate its taking the GRO to get certs out to all I will be having a nervous breakdown from moment of ordering to receiving them, hope to order on Monday ,when me wages cheque has cleared. Ellen.


Merry Report 7 Apr 2006 17:13

If his middle name is going to be on the cert, then the middle name or middle initial should be on the index entry.................. Merry


Ellen Report 7 Apr 2006 17:25

Hi Merry, the one for Bournemouth Hampshire is the only one with correct initial. BUT.... its the wrong age according to what my Aunt told me....BUT she could of been wrong ....OH NO here I go again, anyway I shall just have to order them its doing my head in Ellen


Merry Report 7 Apr 2006 17:37

Cor.....Bournemouth is where I live!!!! How about contacting the local council to see if he is buried here.....maybe a gravestone might say something useful! I know you don't have his date of death, but they might still help you (if you sound suitably pathetic!). Google Bournemouth Bereavement Services................... Also, I wonder if I can find the name in the Post office directories at the local library?? Might give some clue or other?? Do you want to give details?? Merry


Kate Report 7 Apr 2006 17:52

Not got time to read the whole thread now cos my daughter's desperate to go back on the computer, but I agree with the tip, Merry, and I hope people take notice. So many people seem to happily rely on what they find on the internet without bothering to get the certs to check, and who knows how many of them get it wrong?! Kate.


Ellen Report 8 Apr 2006 14:31

Hi Merry, Sorry I didn't get back to you before now ,went to Tesco last night late night shop and just managed to get free slot on my computer after all other family members had hogged it all morning. Thanks for offer very kind, I have actually thought of coming down to Bournemouth to look in Cemetaries near location of where my Grandfather could of been buried, as I live just about 40 miles away in North Dorset but my car is playing up at the moment so a bit risky to go very far. Could I PM you with details of him? Thanks Ellen


Merry Report 8 Apr 2006 14:35

Yeh! Go on then.....could get me a child-free moring at the library!!! Merry