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Last ditch attempt to find Thomas' birth place and

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Linda in the Midlands

Linda in the Midlands Report 10 Apr 2006 14:12

see below, going to take a while to type

Linda in the Midlands

Linda in the Midlands Report 10 Apr 2006 14:28

have tried several times to try and piece together the info I have for this man but can't seem to get any further.Think I need a medium to sort it out for me.This is a bit long as I want to get as much info in as I can Thomas Pemberton married my gt gt Grandmother Hannah white in October 1870 (I have cert) He is stated as being 39 and a bachelor (which isnt true) and his father is James Pemberton occ tailor Thomas is with Hannah on 1871 census as aged 35! born WEDNESBURY staffs 1881 census Hannah is a widow her name changed back to White Thomas is in the household described as lodger (hes now 48 and born in LANCASHIRE and also a wid 1891 no Thomas and Hannah is back as Pemberton living in darlaston staffs hope you are still with me tracing Thomas back from 1871 1861 James pemberton head 70 tailor machester lancashire Thomas Pemberton son 32 born STOCKPORT Fanny Pemberton wife 35 which is how I know he wasn't a bachelor when he married in 1870 Thomas married Fanny Turner July q 1867 walsall staffs fanny died in 1870 1851 Adelaid Pemberton abt 1783 Doncaster; Manchester Lodger Bilston Staffordshire James Pemberton abt 1777 Doncaster; Manchester Lodger Bilston Staffordshire Thomas Pemberton abt 1831 DONCASTER; Manchester Visitor Bilston Staffordshire can't find a marriage between James and Adelaid How can I find Thomas birth to confirm his parents when he has 4 different places of birth and so many different ages??


Marilyn Report 10 Apr 2006 14:37

have you asked anyone to find them on the 1841 James and Adelaide seem fairly old to be his parents.

Linda in the Midlands

Linda in the Midlands Report 10 Apr 2006 14:43

the ones that matched in 41 were all born Blackburn, so I can't even get 2 places the same to try and work it out


Marilyn Report 10 Apr 2006 14:46

I have looked at the 1851 image and I dont think place of birth is Doncaster. It looks something like Manchester, Donnisgate (?)


Rosemary Report 10 Apr 2006 14:52

If Thomas and Fanny didn't marry until 1867 how can Fanny be a Pemberton on the 1861? Is she possibly James' wife? Although I see Fanny 's occupation say miner's wife on the 1861. That is Thomas's occupation. Rose


Marilyn Report 10 Apr 2006 14:56

Bit of a mystery this family. James who is 74 in 1851 is only aged 70 in 1861 !!

Linda in the Midlands

Linda in the Midlands Report 10 Apr 2006 14:57

Rosemary I am assuming they passed themselves off as man and wife, same as Hannah had herself as a widow in 1881 although Thomas was still alive and listed as lodger and Thomas had himself as a bachelor when he got married to Hannah Thank you marilyn will search BMD again and hope I can narrow it down a bit


J Report 10 Apr 2006 14:59

In 1841 there is a 12 year old Thomas Pemberton at ROSE HILL SCHOOL,HANDSWORTH,STAFFORDSHIRE born in county

Linda in the Midlands

Linda in the Midlands Report 10 Apr 2006 15:08

I know Marilyn that's why I am struggling, Thomas say he is 39 on marriage cert in 1870 and on 1871 census hes 35!!


J Report 10 Apr 2006 15:16

1841 Census James Pemberton 55 Hadlet Pemberton 55 Thomas Pemberton 14 Samuel Alexander 15 All born out of county and living Square, Wednesbury, Staffs

Linda in the Midlands

Linda in the Midlands Report 10 Apr 2006 15:19

OOh Julie that does sound interesting! Thomas has Wednesbury amongst his places of birth!! and maybe samuel will give me a few more clues to go on Thanks :)

English Bob

English Bob Report 10 Apr 2006 18:13

You may want to check this family group, from the IGI search on the LDS site, the marriage is a parish record, the Thomas birth is a submission , it is very likely someone else is on this trail. There is only one other Thomas born to a James across the period. The spelling is off as Pimperton. Marriages: James Pemberton Spouse: GRACE WALKDEN Family Marriage: 09 JUL 1820 Blackburn, Lancashire, England -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Messages: Form submitted by a member of the LDS Church. The form lists the submitter's name and address and may include source information. The address may be outdated. Details vary. To find the form, you must know the batch and sheet number. Event(s): Birth: Christening: 23 NOV 1828 Saint Paul, Blackburn, Lancashire, England Death: Burial: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parents: Father: James Pemberton Family Mother: Grace 2. Thomas <Pemberton> - International Genealogical Index Gender: Male Christening: 23 NOV 1828 Saint Paul, Blackburn, Lancashire, England

Linda in the Midlands

Linda in the Midlands Report 10 Apr 2006 18:33

Thanks Bob, I saw these one's but am wary of the added after on the LDS site, I've tried searching for Grace Pemberton on census and can't find one married to James Pemberton. So frustrating feel like removing him from my tree and pretending he never existed!