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Where do I go now
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Kathlyn | Report | 17 Apr 2006 13:57 |
I have info on my fathers and fathers maternal and paternal sides, and have got back to the early 1840s. I have been trying to get details from Ancestry BMD on marriages and am comeing up against brick walls. If I take my mothers maternal side, Charles Moss and Elizabeth Donovan..... I can find a marriage for Elizabeth Donovan in Plymouth 1860 The date looks about right but the place is all 'wrong' (a London district would have been more in keeping) Charles Moss in Leeds 1858... and ditto for the wrong place. Did they marry?? or am I not finding the marriage because i am entering the wrong info??? Advice please kathlyn |
Merry | Report | 17 Apr 2006 14:00 |
Have you found them married in 1861? Did they have any children on that census and how old were the couple? Merry |
Unknown | Report | 17 Apr 2006 14:03 |
If you are looking on Ancestry's freebmd section, it doesn't have everything. I think marriages in the early 1860s aren't particularly well covered on Freebmd yet. The beta list has the original index pages, which take longer as you have to check each quarter of each year, but it is more complete. I'd try finding the birth of the first child on a census and seeing where s/he was born. nell |
Kathlyn | Report | 17 Apr 2006 15:09 |
Hi Merry, I cannot find them on the 1861 census, but there first daughter was born in 1862, so I assumed they married a little before that. Kathlyn |
Merry | Report | 17 Apr 2006 15:11 |
Could you give the rest of their details then?? Maybe the 1871 census ref?? Merry |
Paul | Report | 17 Apr 2006 15:29 |
Hi You could also consider that Elizabeth may have been married previously and the BMD would show a Charles Moss marrying Elizabeth XXXX - where XXXX is her previous married name and not here maiden name. Have you found then on 1851 ? Would certainly investigate any Elizabeth who married a Charles Moss c1860 London, and Elizabeth Donavon Marriages a few years previously - then x-reference them. Just a thought .... Paul |
Helen | Report | 17 Apr 2006 15:30 |
Think this is them, for reference in 1871 St George in the East, Charles senior not at home Elizabeth Moss abt 1842 St George in the East, Middlesex, Wife Annie Moss abt 1862 St George in the East, Middlesex, Daughter Charles Moss abt 1863 St George in the East, Middlesex, Son Henry Moss abt 1867 St George in the East, Middlesex, Son William Moss abt 1869 St George in the East, Middlesex, Son Sarah A Donovan abt 1859 St George in the East, Middlesex, Sister |
Helen | Report | 17 Apr 2006 15:34 |
Elizabeth's parents in 1861? Daniel Donovan abt 1818 Cork, Ireland Head St George in the East Middlesex Margaret Donovan abt 1815 St George, Middlesex, England Wife St George in the East Middlesex Sarah Ann Donovan abt 1858 St George, Middlesex, England Daughter St George in the East Middlesex |
Merry | Report | 17 Apr 2006 15:35 |
What if he was still using a German surname when he got married??? 1881: Household: Name Relation Marital Status Gender Age Birthplace Occupation Disability Charles MOSS Head M Male 48 Germany Stevedore Foreman Elizabeth MOSS Wife M Female 40 St Georges East, Middlesex, England Charles MOSS Son U Male 18 St Georges East, Middlesex, England Stevedore Henry MOSS Son U Male 15 St Georges East, Middlesex, England Stevedore William MOSS Son U Male 13 St Georges East, Middlesex, England Scholar Elizabeth MOSS Daur U Female 7 St Georges East, Middlesex, England Scholar John MOSS Son U Male 5 St Georges East, Middlesex, England Scholar Alice MOSS Daur U Female 2 St Georges East, Middlesex, England Merry |
Janice | Report | 17 Apr 2006 15:38 |
Don't assume the marriage came before the first child ;-) |
Helen | Report | 17 Apr 2006 15:47 |
Elizabeth, still unmarried in 1861? Elizabeth Donovan abt 1837 St George in the East, Middlesex, England Servant St Dunstan in the East Middlesex |
Janice | Report | 17 Apr 2006 16:03 |
This might be worth investigating further: June qtr 1862 marriage of Elizabeth Donovan to Charles Johnston St George S 1d 204 Janice |
Merry | Report | 17 Apr 2006 16:07 |
Kathlyn, Which birth certs do you have for the children of Elizabeth and Charles? Merry |