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Traveller's BMD - Hampshire

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Margaret Report 17 Apr 2006 21:55

Can anyone tell me if traveller's BMD were registered in the normal way please. I have been trying to help a lady who is now about 55 years to find her birth as she does not have a Birth Certificate. She was born in Hampshire and has always lived there. She tells me that her name was Smart Buck (don't laugh). I do not mean to be offensive in any way. I first thought of the Smart Circus family but she says that they were not related at all. Any ideas please? Margaret N

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 17 Apr 2006 22:15

Were they a family who moved around? Many of the New Forest Romany families for example had been housed in huts post war.They are likely to be registered. Many of the Hampshire families are well known. Maybe the Record Office in Winchester will have heard of them. I've just checked a ' married in ' from my tree and she is there on the birth register(1922) in the correct quarter with a New Forest registration. Marriages may or may not have taken place, but births are most likely to be found. Gwyn


Unknown Report 17 Apr 2006 22:36

im not an expert at this but i come from a travelling family and years ago they didnt bother to register till school age and probably because they were travellers they didnt get fined either


Margaret Report 17 Apr 2006 23:17

Thank you both for your replies this is getting more interesting. The 1922 famiy that Gwyneth has mentioned is probably one of the parents. Mother was Margaret father John and this lady I am trying to help was born about 1955 .She was born and lived in Pennington, Nr. Lymington all her life. Where exactly did you look Gwyneth and will I be able to view the records on the internet or at Winchester RO say tomorrow. Margaret N

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 17 Apr 2006 23:27

Sorry to mislead you Margaret. I was looking on Ancestry for someone I know was from a Romany family from the New Forest, - but not that surname. I was trying to establish whether or not there would be a likely registration for your friend. Did she go to school.? Was she ever at the doctors or in hospital? I would have thought that these events would require some proof of registration.


Margaret Report 17 Apr 2006 23:36

Gwyneth, No she did not go to school and has never been to a doctors. (She has been to the vet's - as she is so kind to animals). The state do not want to take her on in anyway without her birth certificate which is why I am trying to help her. Thank you for your help. Margaret N

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 17 Apr 2006 23:50

Did she stay in one area? There may have been a social history book recording the family. Perhaps the record office would know. Maybe there is someone who could be deemed a suitable witness to her age. It must be such a problem, trying to prove one's identity. Were there any siblings? Could they have been registered and then prooved to be siblings? I do hope you are able to help your friend. Good luck.


Victoria Report 18 Apr 2006 05:53

Perhaps it would be worth checking with the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages/Department of Social Security and see if they would accept a Statutory Declaration giving all known details of parents, siblings, place and believed date of birth. Poor lady, this is a difficult bind to be in and hard to credit at this point in time when everything is so regularised! Victoria


Gypsy Report 18 Apr 2006 07:43

I have Romany family who's births are not registered. They still were able to get state pensions etc. What about a baptism record? On of my mothers cousins had no birth certificate, so she produced her baptism record to prove her date of birth. She even has a passport with just that as proof. Just because thay are Romany do not accept that there will be no birth entry, In my experience it is very hit and miss, sometimes they are there sometimes not. My grandparents had 7 children, 3 registered, 4 not. Is Smart Buck the surname? I wont laugh, I have a Silverthorn and a Manafish in my family!! Pat


Margaret Report 18 Apr 2006 21:14

First thank you all again for such a wealth of information. The good news is that she has been allowed to sign on the unemployment register this week based on an estitmate ( I do not mean that badly ) but she is very independant. She lives in a caravan of sorts with no heating or light but is so very happy with her lot. Yes Smart Buck is the surname and I presume that she has not been married. I will try and ask if I see her tomorrow. I plan to ask the records office what papers they have for me to view. If I get any luck I will let you know. Margaret N


Debs Report 18 Apr 2006 22:45

will nudge a link to travellers site on here up, not really looked far on it yet as my family were romanies but hope it helps


Gypsy Report 18 Apr 2006 22:51

I did have a quick look for a birth for her this morning, but I wasn't sure about the age? You said she is about 55 but that she was born around 1955. Both can't be right!! lol Pat


Margaret Report 18 Apr 2006 23:10

Pat, Sorry I did not have my abacus with me at the time I posted the message - lets say nearer 1950 but even this lady says it is only an estimate. Thanks for looking. Margaret N

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 18 Apr 2006 23:36

Margaret As she always lived in the same area, is there an elderly person who remembers her as a child and could give her a rough idea of age. Did she join in or remember Coronation celebrations for example? There must be some 'locals' who remember this family.