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Jean.... | Report | 20 Apr 2006 16:50 |
Great, great, great it's on |
Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it | Report | 20 Apr 2006 16:51 |
YESSSS if your on ancestry click on recent databases added & you can search the 1841. Shirley |
Researching: |
Porkie_Pie | Report | 20 Apr 2006 17:11 |
I don't wish to be negative but all my rellies that i have found on previous 1841 censuses at different archive's are not comming up on the Ancestry 1841 census. :-((((( Roy |
Elaine | Report | 20 Apr 2006 17:15 |
Roy - how are you doing the search. Go in from the home page and put your names in the search box. Then on the next page where the census results come up click on view all results and the 1841s should then be included. |
Porkie_Pie | Report | 20 Apr 2006 17:34 |
Elaine, I am looking at the 1841 on ancestry, got there no problem, but i have got copies of the 1841 census with my rellies on them, but they are not on ancestry, I have only found one rellie so far and they were in nottingham. but my ecclesfield yorkshire rellies are not their, or my family from Maxey northamptonshire. but i do know they where at these places, as i said i do have copy's from my visits to the relevant local archives. Roy |
Elaine | Report | 20 Apr 2006 17:39 |
Theres bound to be some mistranscriptions but not as many as that - are you expecting to find them in their county of birth or did they move around a bit. Was wondering what might happen if you are searching using the county of birth, and they have moved to a different county. Sorry that doesn´t really make sense !! Try searching without putting county of birth. |
Vicky | Report | 20 Apr 2006 18:00 |
well, so far I've found everyone I knew about - so its a bit of an anticlimax. The challenge is to find the spelling they used - Buntting instead of Bunting for one (thank goodness for ranked searches, although a proper soundex facility would have been better) Is anyone finding the distinction into separate households a bit arbitrary - a step-son of this family has his own household, at the tender age of 10! |
Unknown | Report | 20 Apr 2006 18:10 |
Aaaahhh!!! I'm so excited - you probably won't hear from me again for the rest of the evening!!!!!!!!!!!! nell |
Samian590 | Report | 20 Apr 2006 18:12 |
had a quick go..will get kids in bed early so i can search all night.. |
Porkie_Pie | Report | 20 Apr 2006 18:27 |
I have found one of my rellies from Ecclesfield, but had to go through the old way of reading the description of enumeration for each district, then View the district page by page, so they are their, but if i did not already have the 1841 census for them i would not have been able to find them at all, i have no doubt that ancestry will sort it out soon Roy |
Jean Durant | Report | 20 Apr 2006 18:34 |
Anyone searching for Bromley by Bow and Poplar will be disappointed. It is missing.. lost in the mists of time. Any ideas how I can find my gggrandfathers birthplace. Children baptised 1824 onwards in Bromley by Bow. gggrandad died in Bromley by Bow in 1843. No marriage found in the East End Churches for gggrandad and gggrandma. Can this brick wall ever fall? Jean x. |
Unknown | Report | 20 Apr 2006 18:36 |
Well isn't this fun!!! Trying to work out who's yours with no birthplace, no family relationships and not many accurate birth years is proving to be (ahem!) a challenge...!!!!!! This will keep me quiet for the next month (at least!) btw, my entire Portsmouth lines (4 families) seem to be completely absent, down the last man! I'm still enjoying myself looking though! Bev x |
Annie | Report | 20 Apr 2006 18:37 |
I dont wish to be negative either but Im not having alot of luck I know they are about. annie |
Sylvia | Report | 20 Apr 2006 18:44 |
I am finding the ages a bit confusing. One of my rellies is in Cheltenham Barracks Kent. All the soldiers on the page are either 15 or 20. Were they rounding up or down? Mine should have been 18. Regards Sylvia. |
Judith | Report | 20 Apr 2006 19:28 |
Rule was exact ages for children up to 15 then round down to nearest multiple of 5 BUT some enumerators gave exact ages for everyone, others got confused and rounded children's ages, or rounded up instead of down :-) |