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Ancestry question
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Shelli | Report | 23 Apr 2006 18:44 |
Hi Excuse me if I'm being a bit daft but... I haven't got Ancestry membership but have found some useful info from the free information on there. I tried to search to see if anything came up for the 1841 and nothing appeared - I mean in reference to the lists that come up after a search with the padlocks beside them requiring membership to view - does that mean there isn't information about my ancestors on there? Am I making sense? Thanks Michelle |
Heather | Report | 23 Apr 2006 18:45 |
Without membership you wont have access to any of the census info (they used to have 1881 free?). Why dont you join - £55 a year - bargain. |
Shelli | Report | 23 Apr 2006 18:51 |
Hi I keep thinking about joining!! I can get the 1881 census info and BMD/Ancestry World Tree, and as I said after a search it also shows entries for other census years, but it doesn't list anything for 1841. Do you know if 1841 is complete? I need to spend a bit more time on my tree, then I think I will join, it's my birthday soon so perhaps a birthday treat for me!! Michelle |
Suein10b | Report | 23 Apr 2006 18:58 |
Michelle Ancestry is a must for family history research you really need the site. Believe it will be best birthday present ever and it lasts a whole year. An absolutely great resource for England and Wales. Sue |
Heather | Report | 23 Apr 2006 19:34 |
Michelle, give us the details for a look up. If its the East End or Bermondsey dont hold your breath, Ive spent best part of two days looking for mine - they aint there. |
Shelli | Report | 24 Apr 2006 09:21 |
Hi Heather Not sure if you're here this morning - I should be at work myself but teacher training and change of childcare arrangements and all that - the kids are still fast asleep so I'm sneaking a few minutes on here!! I have posted a requested on another thread offering to look, but no reply so far, so I know this really cheeky, but here are the details and if you get chance to look I'd be really grateful: Looking for: John Matty, born in Ashchurch Glos, c1814 Wife: Hannah, born in Tewksbury, Glos (I think) c1814. (Hannah's maiden name was Jenks) The info is for my MIL's tree, she's actually trying to find out who John's parents were, but if we can find him on 1841 it might be a start. They were in Birmingham at 1851 census. Thanks for the offer, understand if you don't want to look as I have already posted elsewhere! Michelle |
Heather | Report | 24 Apr 2006 09:55 |
Hi Michelle I've had a quick look on the 1841 census and can't find them so far. I hope someone else has better luck for you! Heather |
Heather | Report | 24 Apr 2006 10:04 |
Were they married by 1841? Found this girl working as a servant in Cheltenham: Elizabeth Brighton abt 1801 Cheltenham Gloucestershire Thomas Brighton abt 1801 Cheltenham Gloucestershire >>>>>Hannah Matty abt 1816 Gloucestershire, England Cheltenham Gloucestershire Hannah Parkinson abt 1791 Cheltenham Gloucestershire Hannah Parkinson abt 1821 Cheltenham Gloucestershire Nearest bloke I could find is living in Tewkesbury: James not John - perhaps he used a different name or its an error? Philip Jones abt 1820 Gloucestershire, England Deerhurst Gloucestershire >>>>James Matty abt 1814 Gloucestershire, England Deerhurst Gloucestershire |
Heather | Report | 24 Apr 2006 10:11 |
Michelle, only put one thread on at a time as people get a bit upset if they search for info someone else has looked for - just a tip! |
Shelli | Report | 24 Apr 2006 14:43 |
Hi Thanks for looking. I realise people get upset about requests being duplicated, that's why I mentioned it to you - I don't make a habit of it - honest! They were married by 1841, my MIL said they got married in 1836 that's why she hasn't been able to trace John's parents so far. Perhaps a trip to parish records might help. He could have been using a different name I guess, he seems to turn up everywhere else as John but you never know do you? Think I'll go back to researching my family now! By the way, I just looked at the free trial info on acestry and the membership is £69 - is there another way to join for £55? Thanks again Michelle |
KathleenBell | Report | 24 Apr 2006 16:09 |
I would imagine this must have some connection to the Matty tree:- John Matty Christened 19th June 1831, Ashchurch, Gloucester. Mother Sarah Matty. (This is on the IGI). Kath. x |
Shelli | Report | 24 Apr 2006 17:02 |
Thanks everyone for the tips!! I do need to sort through the info I've got and get started again - I can feel myself being drawn back in, luckily my PC is in a loft conversion so I can still see the sky on these lovely light nights............ Michelle |
Heather | Report | 24 Apr 2006 18:53 |
Michelle, if you go to the Lost Cousins website and register free, there is a 20% discount for ancestry subs on there. |