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Transfer of data from FTM to genes as a gedcom
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Mo in London | Report | 27 Apr 2006 09:35 |
Janice I am still having problems but have emailed Genes again. Do you have images attached to your FTM tree, cos I am wondering if that is causing the problems for me? Although the tree has 425 people in, there are quite a few bmd images attached (maybe 100, all in low res). |
Janice | Report | 26 Apr 2006 18:19 |
I'm glad it wasn't just me having this problem! I also followed the suggestions from GR, but also kept ending up with a 'scrambled' tree. I have FTM 2005, so it isn't just 2006 it has problems with. I eventually got around it by saving to my desktop as a FTW GEDCOM, then importing to GR (a solution I found in FTM's excellent user manual). But I have now found another problem! For some reason it is now putting some middle & surnames into the the same field, so they end up as 'unknowns' on surname, even though they stay linked in the tree. I cannot fathom why this is happening, as it doesn't do it to all records, even though they are all in the same format in my FTM tree! Even more frustrating, when I try to correct the GR record, it fails with an error report 'Problem encountered connecting to GR site', something else GR don't seem to be able to help with. Anyone got over this one? |
Mo in London | Report | 26 Apr 2006 17:33 |
Tree now uploaded, glad to say place of birth is corrected, but still having problems with dates, on FTM 2006 they are e.g. 24/12/1866 this shows on Genes tree as 24 DEC 1866, then it tells me I have entered an invalid date! Sometimes part of the date is missing even though it is complete on FTM!! Still getting (unknow'n) too, where I dont put in a name. |
Mo in London | Report | 26 Apr 2006 11:35 |
Well I have followed genes email to the letter and reuploaded my tree, almost 24 hours later it is still stuck in cyberspace, so can't report back any further. |
Val wish I'd never started | Report | 25 Apr 2006 23:53 |
Maureen I had the same reply from them and I know a lot of people were getting the same problem , it messed mine up big time , but this time it went through beautifully no problems at all. Good luck everyone |
Mo in London | Report | 25 Apr 2006 21:43 |
Can we keep this nudged for everyone to see please. |
Just | Report | 25 Apr 2006 19:55 |
I think I've heard in the past that it looses the place of birth, it may just be the country when you import another tree back into GR. I can't remember exactly but I did read this on the tips board some time after December'05. Claire |
Mo in London | Report | 25 Apr 2006 17:02 |
Just recevievd this from Genes 'I am sorry to hear that you have been having problems uploading your gedcom file. We haven't had any other reports of this. Please could you try uploading it again? Please can you also try exporting your gedcom again from your family tree software? It must be exported as a gedcom 5.5 with the character set ANSI. You can then try to load the new version of your file to the site again.' It might help some of you, if anyone else is having this problem can they please let Genes know. I am 100% sure my gedcom was set as above. |
Mo in London | Report | 24 Apr 2006 22:45 |
Nite Jan. I have emailed Genes so lets see if they can help. |
Mo in London | Report | 24 Apr 2006 21:52 |
Oh well thats three of us, united in having to fix our Genes trees, if anyone out there can put us out of our misery and give a solution we will be eternally greateful. |
Mandy in Wiltshire | Report | 24 Apr 2006 21:43 |
I'd like to think that it's a fault with GR, not with FTM lol! Mandy |
Mandy in Wiltshire | Report | 24 Apr 2006 21:03 |
Yes, I've had this problem too and it's really annoying! Unfortunately, I'm one of these that ploughs straight in and doesn't read the manual, so I'll loiter round this thread in the hopes that someone will come up with an answer! If not, we can moan together Maureen lol! Mandy |
Mo in London | Report | 24 Apr 2006 20:55 |
Does anyone else have this problem or is it just me??? |
Mo in London | Report | 24 Apr 2006 17:50 |
Everytime I do this I find I have to amend on Genes and put in country of birth, then on the extra details change the date of birth from words to figures or delete it if it is year only. If the word unknown is in it seems to put in a ' inbetween the w and n. Has anyone found a solution to these or any other oddities. Thanks |