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If you are wondering why you are not getting repli
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Kate | Report | 26 Apr 2006 09:31 |
I, for one, am getting 'page not available' whenever I try to add a reply to anybody's thread! So the only way I will be able to help anybody is to send them a private message... assuming there isn't the same problem with that! Let's hope GR sort this out quick! Kate. |
Jeanette | Report | 26 Apr 2006 09:34 |
it works if you click on it a couple of times Jeanette |
Merry | Report | 26 Apr 2006 09:35 |
I have been getting that......I have found that if you click ''View you own Replies'' (or whatever it's called) even if you have not already added to the thread, and THEN click Add Reply, you can do it! That's how I have replied here :o(( Merry |
Heather | Report | 26 Apr 2006 09:37 |
Yes, Im getting blank pages and page unavailable - if you keep clicking it comes back. It does worry me that this site could collapse, I dont know what Id do without all you lot. I wonder if we ought to make some contingency plans just in case it does either disappear or the new owners take draconian measures that has us all thrown off or leaving? That is a serious thought by the way! Anyone good at forming BLOGS or whatever they are for keeping everyone in touch if the worst happens? |
Trudes | Report | 26 Apr 2006 09:57 |
If you click your 'back' button, then do 'ctrl and R' it seems to sort itself out quickly. It seems as if the server is overloaded. Trudi |
ErikaH | Report | 26 Apr 2006 10:20 |
I've had the same scenario........infuriating. The site also seems to have slowed considerably since ITV bought it..........too busy promoting their programmes to deal with GR matters......... Reg |
Carter | Report | 26 Apr 2006 10:33 |
oops yes i am having the same problem and have to keep hiting the back button or refresh button. just thought it was my computer playing up as i have had problems with free bmd yesterday. love linda x |
Sylvia | Report | 26 Apr 2006 10:44 |
Has anyone noticed headings keep moving, or is it my comp? Sometimes straight across page as normal, other times all squashed up on left-hand side. Are they practising making space for an advert? Those jiggling cherries are quite enough. Sylvia. |
Kate | Report | 26 Apr 2006 10:47 |
Sylvia, the headings moving thing seems to be related to that 'Credits available - unexpected error' that keeps appearing on the left under 'My Account details'. It seems that GR are introducing a credits system to view the 1901 census and BMD indexes through this site, and are playing about with the site to put it in, though why that means the headings get mucked up I don't really know. Kate. |
Phoenix | Report | 26 Apr 2006 10:54 |
There are clearly two versions of the site: what I assume will be the new one, with huge blank spaces we can't avoid and the message re credits, and the one we are used to. Presumably it depends on which server we reach. What I dread is them getting rid of the c o m site. Then the blank space will be filled with huge ads. On another note, has anyone noted the distasteful link on the homepage, where they clearly wish to turn us into a reality show? The potential for upset and grief is enormous. |
Kate | Report | 26 Apr 2006 11:03 |
Oh, Phoenix, thanks for pointing that one out! I had never clicked on it to find out what it was about. I vaguely thought it was going to give some advice on asking sensitively...! That does look as though it could lead to serious trouble, doesn't it? I always warn anybody who asks me for advice /help about researching their family history that they have to be prepared for dark secrets that their relatives may not want to be discussed or uncovered. And really, suppose the relatives that know the secrets are in their 80's or 90's, should we really be upsetting them by uncovering things that happened 70 years ago? It could kill them. Still, I suppose that would put ITV's ratings way up. Heather, perhaps we should pick a message board on RootsChat for an emergency escape? The trouble is, there are so many different ones on there... Kate. |
Heather | Report | 26 Apr 2006 11:36 |
I thought about Rootsweb Kate - but mere mortal that I am, boy do I find that a difficult site to navigate. If someone clever (erm....???) set up what they call a BLOG on there it would keep us all in touch should everything go bang. I know people do that as I get two or three BLOG messages from one name groups coming to me. |
Kate | Report | 26 Apr 2006 12:05 |
Well, that more-or-less naked woman advertising Motorola who just took over half my screen is the last straw! That is it! I'm off now in a strop! I'll see if I can find a good board on RootsChat (not the same as Rootsweb, by the way) later.... Kate. |
Kate | Report | 26 Apr 2006 13:55 |
I'm back now! I've finally taken Merry's advice and switched to the d o t c o m version of this site, and touch wood, no naked women have invaded my screen yet. Not been to have a scout around RootsChat yet, though... Kate. |