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Spoof email from Paypal do not click on link !!!!!

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Val wish I'd never started

Val wish I'd never started Report 1 May 2006 11:34

There is an email supposedly coming from [email protected] mine says I have made a payment to somebody for an item it then has the item and a name and address which looks very genuine it then says if you did not authorize this payment click on link below to cancel the payment and get a full refund, do not click on this link its a spoof email .


Heather Report 1 May 2006 11:49

They are such awful people arent they Val. This is similar to the ebay one that I nearly got caught by where it said Id not delivered an item I was selling (Ive never sold anything on there). Of course you click on the link to see what you have supposed to have sold but it takes you to a sign in page for ebay. Id just started putting in my log in details when I realised it was a scam. I dont know how these people sleep.

Val wish I'd never started

Val wish I'd never started Report 1 May 2006 11:52

The trouble is Heather they are getting very clever this one actually gives the name of the person and the address I was supposed to have bought from and it is addressed to me Mrs Valerie Gray, somebody new to it might believe it !!!!


Heather Report 1 May 2006 11:58

I delete all ebay and pay pal messages now - you can go to your account and see if they have really sent you a mail. I tell you what else Val, it drives me crazy all these erection aids and stuff ads you get once you have bid on ebay. I get up to a couple a dozen a day now and I go through blocking them all but more come.

Val wish I'd never started

Val wish I'd never started Report 1 May 2006 12:09

I dont get those Heather do you mean pop ups ??? Trust you to get that type of ad ,if so you need a good pop up blocker


Gary Report 1 May 2006 12:13

a more sinister one i had the other day, from a very official looking goverment website, it had 2 links one for passport applcation and the other for id cards, only knows what they would do once armed with a copy of your birth cert and credit card details, be careful

Val wish I'd never started

Val wish I'd never started Report 1 May 2006 12:54

Gary , thanks for that , you cannot be too careful can you ???


Heather Report 1 May 2006 13:12

No Val, not pop ups, but emails - I take it they have a trawling bot which picks up my addy from ebay when I bid and then sends all these damn things.


Michael Report 1 May 2006 14:13

I sometimes get this with emails purporting to come from banks wishing me to 'confirm' my login details. It makes it a bit obvious when the bank named is one with which I don't have an account.

Val wish I'd never started

Val wish I'd never started Report 1 May 2006 21:15

Hi Ann I always do report them to either Paypal or Ebay

Val wish I'd never started

Val wish I'd never started Report 1 May 2006 23:47

evening Margaret, have you just arrived?? did you see my little symbols by my name ??? just learnt how to do it good eh???


KathleenBell Report 2 May 2006 00:02

Heather, We get dozens of those emails too and we've also just recently started to get a lot more sexually explicit emails too, even though we have blockers and spam filters and such (don't know about these things myself, but son does). They all just get deleted, but it gets very annoying having to trawl through them all to make sure you don't delete 'real' emails. Kath. x


Heather Report 2 May 2006 18:04

The thing is with Outlook Express, you block them but it just means they dont get into your received file - you can see they have been sent straight to delete. But Id rather there was some program that just bounced them back to the sender so that they thought it wasnt worth sending them again. Does anyone know if it possible to do this please? The other email address I have which is the one genes wont let us put on here 'the opposite to cold' mail, is much better - I rarely get spam through on that.