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To buy or not to buy?

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Pippa Report 1 May 2006 12:11

I am thinking this might be waste of £10 opinions please. National Index of Parish registers Vol 6 part 2 Nottinghamshire(Reference #1028z) by W Trevor Stott<> A list of the parish registers of Nottinghamshire, with dates of available registers and where they are kept, includes nonconformist registers. 2nd edition, 1995, 124 pages Price: £9.95

Joe ex Bexleyheath

Joe ex Bexleyheath Report 1 May 2006 12:20

Save yourself £10 and GOOGLE 'Nottinghamshire Parish Records' - though a trip to the Notts archive will give you the registers and the info in them.

Snowdrops in Bloom

Snowdrops in Bloom Report 1 May 2006 12:24

I agree with Joe Snowdrops

Val wish I'd never started

Val wish I'd never started Report 1 May 2006 12:51

How do you do your name Snowdrops ???? wish I could


Phoenix Report 1 May 2006 12:52

Hi Pippa It depends entirely where you want to use the info. I wouldn't be without my copies of NIPRs for various counties. Seated at a computer, then Genuki has similar info, with the advantage of links, but if you are planning research you get a better intuitive feeling for the records from the NIPR and not every Record Office has internet access or a readily accessible copy of the NIPR for you to borrow. It's a question of horses for courses. At the Family History Fair on Saturday, people could much more easily grasp why research might be complicated when we referred to the book and they could compare one place with another.


Phoenix Report 1 May 2006 13:04

NB Whether you use the NIPR, or Genuki, or an online catalogue produced by the Record Office, it's a good idea to decide and make a list of exactly what you want to look for (and in which records) before you visit a record office. These days they will usually be in microform on open access, but most of us have wasted time trying to work out where to look next if we haven't planned properly.

Snowdrops in Bloom

Snowdrops in Bloom Report 1 May 2006 13:26

Hi Valerie Here are the instructions to put pretty things in your name go to: Start All programmes Accessories System tools character map You'll need to go into, and have open, 'My Account details' (same as changing your name normally) Choose your symbol(s) press the 'select' button (on character map) Press the 'copy' button. (on character map) then right click and paste onto your name in 'My Account' details Once you have them in your name you can copy and paste them as much as you like. The better symbols are futher down the character map so just scroll down and play about until you get what you want. Have Fun!!! Snowdrops


Crafty Report 1 May 2006 13:50

Sorry Pippa, hope I'm not hijacking your thread... Just wanted to say thanks to snowdrops for explaining how to put the pretty characters in..been wondering about that for ages! I've given it a try...hope I've done it right! Sue


Sam Report 1 May 2006 13:59

If it's just one or two names you are interested in, go to Nottinghamshire Family History Society website. They have a list of all the parish records they have transcribed. If the ones you want are covered, they will search for all instances of a particular name in either baptisms, marriages or burials for £3.50 and they usually email the list to you in about 24 hours. I already have baptisms for Harvey, Allen, Heather, and Ward, marriages for Allen, Harvey and Ward and burials for Harvey. if you are interested in any of those names, I don't mind looking them up. Sam x


Darksecretz Report 1 May 2006 22:01

just thought i'd add a thank you for giving me tip how to get pix into name many thanks Julie


Pippa Report 1 May 2006 22:10

Thanks I thought I could do better without spending the money. Now we have all that info on ancestry I think my mum feels we should be spending some more pennies. I haven't told her that I have got a huge list of certs to send for but I wanted to send for them when the waiting time gets shorter. Otherwise I will forget what I have sent for!

Val wish I'd never started

Val wish I'd never started Report 1 May 2006 22:32

Thanks so much Snowdrop will have a go

Val wish I'd never started

Val wish I'd never started Report 1 May 2006 22:44

all done thanks