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Exporting problem

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Rosi Report 1 May 2006 18:05

First- how long should this take? I sort of expected 30 mins at most before the gedcom arrived in my inbox. And second, having checked for other peoples queries on this, are there still problems with wrong rellies and dates etc when doing this? Has anybody exported from here to Tribal Pages (where I already have a tree I'm hoping to overwrite) recently? Anxiously, Rosi


Rosi Report 1 May 2006 18:37

Thanks Alan. I do have Family Historian but find it difficult to get to grips with - must try harder! I will however do as you suggest and import the GR tree (if ever I get the email!) to FH ( I hope it will overwrite or merge with what is already on there!) first, and look at it- then try to do it to TP. Thanks again for advice. Rosi


PinkDiana Report 1 May 2006 18:50

depends on how many people are in your tree.... mine took over 24 hours once!! NOT FUNNY!! xx


Rosi Report 1 May 2006 19:04

I have around 500 - how long do you think that will take - I want it to happen NOW! Okay - after supper will do - but I clicked the button around 2 hours ago! On tenterhooks, Rosi


PinkDiana Report 1 May 2006 19:06

mine was just over 400 so you could be still waiting this time tomorrow!! sorry!! xx


Rosi Report 1 May 2006 20:47

How many on your tree Alan? And does anyone know whether the Gr gedcom, if/when it does arive will overwrite any info on, say FH, or my original intended destination Tribal Pages? Rosi


MaryfromItaly Report 1 May 2006 20:52

Is anyone else having export problems? The names and dates export OK from my tree, but most of the notes (everything in the Other Details section) are lost. I've tried exporting 3 times, but it makes no difference. I've contacted Genes Support, but they haven't sorted out the problem yet.


Judith Report 1 May 2006 21:13

Don't k now about Tribal Pages Rosi but you can run the GR Tree on Family Historian without overwriting what you already have on there. Just make sure that you give the GR Gedcom file a different file name from the one you already have on FH. Then later if you want you can use 'Merge/Compare Tree' on Family Historian to merge information from the two trees.


Sarah Report 1 May 2006 21:29

Hi When I exported my tree with about 380 names on it it took about 12 hours. I did it in the evening & it came through the next day.. I had just installed Family Tree Maker & couldn't wait to get started... I hope yours comes through soon Rosi Sarah :-)

Mo in London

Mo in London Report 1 May 2006 21:54

When I first exported a tree on here, it took minutes. Just lately it gets stuck in cyberspace and I have emailed genes each time to unstick it! It seems to export fine, and has no errors when opening in FTM, yet the same tree when importing seems to have a mind of its own when opened on GR! Then I find dates are written rather than numeral, country is missing and the most frustrating of all missing names are filled in as (unknow'n) and that is not a typo!


Rosi Report 1 May 2006 23:14

sounds dodgier and dodgier. Am even more anxious about how it's all going to work out now! Rosi

Val wish I'd never started

Val wish I'd never started Report 1 May 2006 23:32

Rosi mine had about 300 names and it took about 12 hours to come through I was lucky this time last time it lost a lot of info I only got about a third of the names dont know where the rest went.


Rosi Report 2 May 2006 15:21

Hooray - the promised email arrived this am, complete with file attachment ending in .ged. But - o why is there always a 'but' - Problem now is - computer illiterate that I, regrettably, am, that I imagine I need to somehow save this file somewhere -so that it can be found when I want to open it, in FH and maybe later, later if I am brave, on TP. Just typing in the name of the file in FH and clicking 'open' got me nowhere - I got a 'file not found message.' Please can sks take pity on me and explain in words of one syllable what I do next. Humble thanks, Rosi