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what's the best site for death search in australia

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Toni Report 4 May 2006 11:57

Thanks for the links to the cemeteries. I didn't think of them being online. Most NSW ones aren't. Toni


Elizabeth Report 4 May 2006 09:32

Toni, There is not an online facility for all cemeteries. I've only found these over the years by googling. Google the town or church or better still for newer graves the local council. If you don't know the council, google the towns and add council in the search.However, I've had great success with the following sites. I'm never sure where to put the brackets so they are around all the dots. Just remove them.. www(.)ozgenonline(.)com/aust_cemeteries/ Click the state. www(.)brisbane(.)qld(.)gov(.)au Click cemetery records. Only has Brisbane City Council cemeteries. www(.)toowoomba(.)qld(.)gov(.)au/ Go to Quick Links then Gravefinder.


MaryfromItaly Report 4 May 2006 08:34

That's an excellent site, I hadn't come across it before.

Richard in Perth

Richard in Perth Report 4 May 2006 07:53

For more recent deaths, you could try the Ryerson Index - which lists obits etc from newspapers (mainly NSW): www.rootsweb*com/~nswsdps/dpsindex.htm On the off-chance that the death was in Western Australia, you could also search the metropolitan Cemeteries Board site, which covers burials in the Perth area:


MaryfromItaly Report 4 May 2006 06:14

This page shows what's online for each state: http://www*coraweb* (replace asterisks wth dots)


Toni Report 4 May 2006 04:48

WA has a reasonable index for pre 1905 as well. The address is: cut and paste the link. Elizabeth could you advise if the searching of graves in QLD is an online thing or not. If it's online could you please put the address on this post? Thanks Toni


Elizabeth Report 3 May 2006 22:51

Julie, What state are you looking for? Do you have name,age,etc. Some states are much easier than others. I'm in Qld. You can't search online and you pay for everything, but you can look up graves. I've done that a few times. Either post all your info here, or email me via GR and I'll see what I can do. I'm out a bit today, so it may be tonight. I'm nine hours ahead of UK if that helps.

The Ego

The Ego Report 3 May 2006 22:13

victoria allows death searches up to 1985 ive found....their site charges though.

Big Shaz

Big Shaz Report 3 May 2006 21:56

I have a couple of Death Certs from Australia although my Australian Cousin got them for me. They are so informative too..... I have one infront of me now from 1967.. It give name, occupation, gender, age, where the person was born (in this case Scotland), length of residence in Australia. Usual residence and where the death was registered. Parents names including mothers surname. Marital status and if married then to whom and where they married as well as how old they were at time of marriage. Children in order of birth and whether they are living or deceased. Name of inormant and relationship to the deceased as well as their address. Cause of death and date and place of curial or cremation, undertaker and minister with ministers religion.... Dont you wish all certs were this good.


MaryfromItaly Report 3 May 2006 21:34

You'll have to search each State separately. This is the BMD site for New South Wales, which has deaths up to 1975: Searching is free.

The Ego

The Ego Report 3 May 2006 21:19

what area ?

The Ego

The Ego Report 3 May 2006 21:18

Australia is bound by privacy laws - I think you can get records only up to 30 years ago or more for deaths,50 years or more for marriages and 100 years or more for births with regards to family history certs etc........other thanthis personal id is needed for restricted enquiries.

Christine in Herts

Christine in Herts Report 3 May 2006 21:15

There was a thread very like this just now with an answer from Helen Little Nell... It's a good reply: put ''Australia'' into the thread-search and you get a number of useful threads, amongst which you're likely to find your answer. Christine


Julie Report 3 May 2006 21:11

can anybody tell me what's the best website for looking up a death in australia. the only info i have is a name and it was in the latter part of the 60's where do i start? many thanks, julie