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Where do I go from here?

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Ian Report 4 May 2006 08:44

Hope someone can help with any suggestions - I am trying to trace my grans line but know very little information here's what I do know - Name - Elizabeth Bailey formerly Brunt ( from mum's birth cert) Death record - died April 1991 aged 70 (this was filled in by my aunt) in Ashton Lancs Marriage cert - Aug 1940 age 20 , Fathers name Thomas Brunt. Also in Ashton Lancs. I have looked at BMD images and I can only find one Elizabeth Brunt in 1920,21 or 22. But she is from Stoke T. MMN Lawton? I can find a Thomas Brunt marrying a Mary lawton in 1911. I know Elizabeth had a sister Molly but I don't seem to be able to find her. Don't know when she was born. Should I presume the Elizabeth I found is the correct on and go for that B.cert ? Is there anywhere else I could look to try and find out? Thanks Ian.


Heather Report 4 May 2006 09:20

Hope you dont mind Ian, but it is so hard to read a first box with so much info: Hope someone can help with any suggestions - I am trying to trace my grans line but know very little information here's what I do know - Name - Elizabeth Bailey formerly Brunt ( from mum's birth cert). Death record - died April 1991 aged 70 (this was filled in by my aunt) in Ashton Lancs Marriage cert - Aug 1940 age 20 , Fathers name Thomas Brunt. Also in Ashton Lancs. I have looked at BMD images and I can only find one Elizabeth Brunt in 1920,21 or 22. But she is from Stoke T. MMN Lawton? I can find a Thomas Brunt marrying a Mary lawton in 1911. I know Elizabeth had a sister Molly but I don't seem to be able to find her. Don't know when she was born. Should I presume the Elizabeth I found is the correct on and go for that


Heather Report 4 May 2006 09:24

There arent many Thomas Brunts in Lancashire, which is handy in the 1901 - do you know what his job was. There is no Tom Brunt in Ashton, but I dont know the area so one could be close. Have you checked them out? What areas does Stoke T cover?

Glen In Tinsel Knickers

Glen In Tinsel Knickers Report 4 May 2006 09:24

Hi Ian Have you just based your search for Elizabeths' birth on the 1940 marriage aged 20,therefore looking for her birth in 1920? Have you tried slightly earlier say from 1915? It is possible that her age on her wedding cert is slightly wrong. Also when you checked the images,did you find that there were missing quarters or did they all come up. Does her fathers occupation or witnessess at the marriage give you any clue? Glen

Snowdrops in Bloom

Snowdrops in Bloom Report 4 May 2006 09:25

From 1901 census on Ancestry - only Thomas Brunt in Lancashire of the right age Thomas Brunt abt 1899 Burnley, Lancashire, England Son Burnley Lancashire From www.cheshirebmd*org*uk (remove stars) Cheshire Birth indexes for the years: 1918 to 1920 BRUNT Elizabeth Dukinfield Tameside DUK/12A/52 Cheshire Birth indexes for the years: 1889 BRUNT Thomas Cheadle Stockport CHD/19/22 Looked at the map and says Ashton is in Cheshire. These two listing would co-incide with the details given Snowdrops


Kate Report 4 May 2006 09:26

Elizabeth's marriage certificate should give Thomas's occupation, and if you get the Elizabeth Brunt birth certificate, you will be able to check if (a) her father was Thomas (very likely since you have found a Thomas Brunt / Lawton marriage) and (b) whether his occupation matches the one on Elizabeth's marriage cert. Although obviously occupations can change over 20 years, but hopefully you will get a good idea of whether it could be the same one. What were the names of the witnesses on Elizabeth's marriage certificate? Could they be related? As for sister Molly, it can be a nickname, often for Mary. If you look through the births forwards from the quarter when the Thomas Brunt / Lawson marriage took place, you should be able to find any other Brunt / Lawson children because the mother's maiden name will be given on the index for that period. Kate.

Snowdrops in Bloom

Snowdrops in Bloom Report 4 May 2006 09:28

Ian - here's the marriage Cheshire Marriage indexes for the years: 1940 BRUNT Elizabeth BAILEY Leslie Ashton under Lyne, St Peter Tameside CE5/12/388 Again from Cheshire BMD Snowdrops


Andrea Report 4 May 2006 09:30

Just found the Elizabeth that you found in 1921 - just want to make it clear to all - It is an Elizabeth M, Mother's maiden name was Lawton and it was in Stoke T. I thought Lawton was part of where she was born!! Ian I used to work for a Brunt and his name was forever spelt and said wrong. Try doing soundex searches and check Blunt etc. If you know where she was married and roughly when, do a search for her marriage (as you know his surname was Bailey) and then get her marriage certificate. That would give you more info on her father and address etc. Also, if you know where she died, have you tried a cemetery search? Gravestones are great for info and give you all sorts of leads. Will keep looking for you.

Snowdrops in Bloom

Snowdrops in Bloom Report 4 May 2006 09:32

possible marriage listings for Thomas: Cheshire Marriage indexes for the years: 1921 BRUNT Thomas FOWDEN Mabel Hyde, St Thomas Tameside CE29/4/128 Snowdrops


Kate Report 4 May 2006 09:37

Not sure whether somebody has already posted this one (oh, I see Snowdrops has!) , but this is from the births index on Cheshire BMD Cheshire Birth indexes for the years: 1918 to 1920 Surname Forename(s) Sub-District Registers At Reference BRUNT Elizabeth Dukinfield Tameside DUK/12A/52 Unfortunately Cheshire BMD isn't very exact about the year, so she could have been born any time between the end of 1917 and 1920! Should be a matching entry somewhere in the GRO birth indexes 1918-1921, but the district will not be Dukinfield, it will be Ashton-under-Lyne (Dukinfield was a sub-district of this). So this suggests that the Stoke on Trent Elizabeth may be the wrong one. Don't forget that if she was 20 when she got married in the middle of 1940, she could well have been born in the second half of 1919! Kate.


Andrea Report 4 May 2006 09:40

On Ancestry, have found the marriage for Elizabeth Brunt to Lester Bailey in Ashton August/Spetember/Octorber qtr of 1940. Is this the right one?


Kate Report 4 May 2006 10:28

Ian, I have searched through the GRO birth indexes from 1918 to Mar 1921, and unless I missed it, the Ashton Elizabeth wasn't in there, so what I would advise you to do is go on the Cheshire BMD website and order the birth certificate from there. (Although it is on Cheshire BMD, it is the same Ashton as the Lancashire one!) Kate.


Ian Report 5 May 2006 09:00

Hi everyone, Thanks for the information so far the cheshire index looks promising I will go and look there now. I already have the marriage cert , but I need the birth cert. Dukinfield is where my mother grew up and my gran lived there untill she died ! Thanks again for the suggestions, off to look at the Cheshire site now Ian.