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Marriage Certificate - details of brides father

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Vanessa Report 4 May 2006 19:18

Good Evening All, I've received a marriage certificate today, could some please tell me if the father of the bride was deceased would it say so. I'm struggling to tie all the ends with census records etc. Many thanks. Vanessa


JessM Report 4 May 2006 19:22

Hi Vanessa It should do. If he was it should say His Name, His Occupation and then Deceased (sometimes its abbreviated to Decd) Jan


Jayne Report 4 May 2006 19:22

Hi Vanessa, I've only had one with a deceased father and yes it said it on the marriage cert under his name. Jayne x


Carrie Report 4 May 2006 19:23

hi, i've had a few marriage certificates that have stated that the brides father is deceased.hope that helps.


Vanessa Report 4 May 2006 19:27

Thanks everyone for the replies much appreciated. I will have to start again with the Census records as it looks like the family Father, Mother and Daughter were all at difference addresses, but at least all in one County. Thanks again. Vanessa x

Christine in Herts

Christine in Herts Report 4 May 2006 19:28

It probably would; but there have been threads where people have known very well - from other evidence - that the father is deceased, but it wasn't recorded at the marriage. The assumption is that people didn't always actually say the father was dead, unless asked, so the Registrar would have no way of knowing. Christine


Merry Report 4 May 2006 19:32

The vicars who married my ancestors must have been a hopeless lot!! Of those who brides and grooms who did not state their father was dec'd at the wedding, I am 100% certain almost 50% of them actually were dead!! Vicars cannot always be relied upon, esp in the early years of civil registration!! On the other hand, if the marriage record stated the father to be dead, they usually were.........(yes, I said usually!!) Merry


Sylvia Report 4 May 2006 19:43

On the other hand it can all be a figment of someone`s imagination. I spent months trying to track down a deceased tram driver (stated on m.cert) only to discover the groom had made him up as he was actually illigitimate and father unknown. Sylvia.


Vicky Report 4 May 2006 19:56

I have had several certificates where the father was definitely dead but it wasn't noted... I also have one with the wrong first name, and a few where the occupation is somewhat suspect... including one where BOTH bride & grooms fathers are given as butchers - they were coal miners. It all helps makes things more interesting for us!


Margaret Report 4 May 2006 21:05

You can never tell really. My mothers father died when she was 11. On my parents marriage cert it has a line through the fathers name . She certainly wasnt illegitimate, I can only assume, as my mother is no longer with us, that when asked her fathers name, she replied that she didnt have one. In other words, the info on the cert is only as good as the info given in the first place. If it doesnt say the father was deceased, then either he wasnt or the registrar or vicar wasnt told that he was. Margaret


Heather Report 4 May 2006 21:08

No, Im afraid you cant be certain he is alive. I have two where I have the fathers death certs but it isnt mentioned years later on the kids marriage certs. If they are asked 'What is your fathers name and occupation' they may not mention he is dead. In fact, they may not even know he is if they have moved to another part of the country - you couldnt telephone or write letters then or pop up for the weekend.


Karen Report 4 May 2006 21:41

Ive got a marriage cert where both fathers are desceased, i knew the one was as i had found his death index, but didnt know the brides father was as well. and trying to find his death index has been a nightmare, so have given up for now and will go back to it when ive got a clear head. as a matter of interest has anyone had a marriage cert where they have marked their signature as an X


Helen Report 4 May 2006 22:00

Plenty of Xs with my lot, especially the earlier certs.


Vanessa Report 4 May 2006 22:04

Thank you all for the advice. I will just go back to the census records and re-check. I have them all together in 1861 and the 1871 they are all at three separate addresses and then can't find the father in 1881. The marriage took place in 1888, but like I said its probably my mistake and I'm not looking properly. Nevermind on with the search, this is almost a full time job!! Vanessa x PS: Karen have had two that had the names and then the words and with his/her mark.