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Heather Report 5 May 2006 11:39

BUT you probably had glasses on, or because of your youth, didnt need them.


Merry Report 5 May 2006 10:02

Is every George Taylor in the world a gardener??? This is 1861. I looked at this man''s occupation only to eliminate him, but he IS a gardener!! Born in Scotland this time? Can't be the same bloke can it? And if it is, then he doesn't have a son called George (I almost feel grateful!) 1861: Frances Taylor abt 1824 Halling, Kent, England Wife Bexley Kent George Taylor abt 1824 Scotland Head Bexley Kent William Taylor abt 1851 Chislehurst, Kent, England Son Bexley Kent Merry


Merry Report 5 May 2006 09:56

Artictic licence is from the same school of typing as Vicorian letter press!! Merry


Merry Report 5 May 2006 09:54

Aaggghhhhhh!! This is sooo frustrating! (Glad they're not my rellies! LOL.....Sorry Jan!) I thought I'd look fot the parents in 1871 and then go back. I hoped in 1871 they would have children aged over 10 who I could look for in 1861. Well......!! This was the best fit I could find!! Hubby is a Gardener again. It says born Christchurch on the page, but as Christchurch is in either Hampshire or Surrey I wondered if it was the enumerator mis-reading Chislehurst on the householders sheet???? Charles Taylor abt 1862 Camberwell, Surrey, England Son Berkhampstead Hertfordshire Frances Taylor abt 1825 Wateringbury, Kent, England Wife Berkhampstead Hertfordshire George Taylor abt 1824 Christchurch, Kent, England Head Berkhampstead Hertfordshire Note they have no children aged over 10 with them.......If they were in Camberwell in 1861 though, isn't much of Camberwell missing from the 1861??? Merry


Heather Report 5 May 2006 09:52

artictic licence - is that for driving a large lorry?


Merry Report 5 May 2006 09:48

Yes, I think that is Chislehurst too......Doubtful about Hendon Middlesex for the wife.......It looks a bit like Hendon, but the Midx is artictic licence, I think....... Merry


Heather Report 5 May 2006 09:41

Yes, I think thats why poor girl is going round in circles. By the way, the father pob looks like it should be Chislehurst, Kent. (which is literally down the road from Eltham). Im confused here myself, mind you Im trying to answer phone and type letters at same time BUT do we have a marriage certificate address? And who are the witnesses.


Merry Report 5 May 2006 09:33

What about this family........ Shooters Hill was in the parishes of Eltham and Plumstead. This family are living in Eltham in 1851 and the husband is a gardener. They have not got a son called George yet, but I was hoping mum was expecting and that I would find George aged 9 on the next census. Trouble is, I can't find them at all in 1861!! HELP!!! 1851: Fanny Taylor abt 1849 Eltham Daughter Eltham Kent Florence Taylor abt 1827 Hendon, Middlesex, England Wife Eltham Kent Georges Taylor abt 1822 Chislehwrss Head Eltham Kent Jane Taylor abt 1847 Eltham Daughter Eltham Kent The mum is Frances, not Florence, on the census page! Merry


Heather Report 5 May 2006 09:28

Well Shooters Hill was (is) dead posh Merry, so maybe a little bit of elaboration there? There were really big houses along that Hill and were these guys in service - as coachman and gardener? (Just out of interest - hubby collects every damn thing and we have a Vicorian letter press - you know a decorated iron job - that impresses your address onto paper and the addy is on Shooters Hill)


Merry Report 5 May 2006 09:24

As he is shown as 11 days in 1851 I would be fairly confident this child was born at the census place (Woolwich Dockyard), so it's a bit strange to later say he was born at Shooters Hill, which isn't far away.......but............just seems a bit odd. Merry


Heather Report 5 May 2006 09:23

But you have them all in the right place. By way, you say senior is a military man in the census - he is near Woolwich - so you are probably talking about Royal Artillery. There is a museum on the site now - Ive been there when boy was younger. Have a google and you can see it on line. May be worth looking at his army record for def info on father?


Merry Report 5 May 2006 09:20

On the 1861 census George aged 11 has a middle initial. Ancestry have transcribed it as ''E'' but it could also be a ''C''. Does your George have a middle name? (Doesn't mean it isn't him.....could be an error, but I just wondered) Merry


Jan Report 5 May 2006 09:17

Thank you Heather. It is just a shame all the names are soo common. Jan


Heather Report 5 May 2006 09:15

Certainly a harness driver/coachman is no problem - the former would be a smaller vehicle (probably a small cart or gig or something), so you can assume he has worked his way up. (from a mini cab to a bus) Have you tried the IGI for George seniors parents? On the 1851 is there no relationship shown for the two Georges in the same house?


Jan Report 5 May 2006 09:12

I have been trying to find my hubbies ggrandfather for a good 5 years. On more than occasion I have slapped myself on the back, only to realise that I was clutching at straws. So, tell me if you think I am right this time, my dilemma is from 1851census to 1871 census. The 1881 to 1901 I have him pegged. George Taylor (in 1881 census) born Shooters Hill Kent abt 1854. Coachman. Marriage cert says his father was a gardener and also called George. The George I am following now from 1851 onwards was 11 days old not christened. Father George b 1813 Woolwich mother Maryjo Ireland b1827 1871 census has George Jnr as a harness driver his dad an Ag labourer. Surely it is not too much of a leap to go from harness driver to coachman is it? One last thing, in 1851 census Geo Snr is a military man, but living in the same house is another Geo. and he is a gardener, could this be Geo Snrs dad? What do you think. Hope it all made sense. Jan in Oz