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how quick are certs arriving from g.r.o

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Moonraker Report 6 May 2006 16:00

ordered x 1, 14th april, desp date 5th may recieved yesterday. ordered x 5, 14th april, desp date 10th may, recieved 1 today. Oh Lord above, Send down a dove, With wings as sharp as razors, To cut the throats, of them there blokes, Wot sells bad beer to sailors.


Lindsey Report 6 May 2006 10:13

Me too Brenda, I ordered my certificates at the FRC on 25th April and they arrived this morning. Although I ordered two different marriage certificates and they have sent me two copies of the same one! Anyway pleased they have arrived. Lindsey


BR Report 6 May 2006 09:36

Ordered at London GRO on 25th April - arrived this morning.Aplogies if this disheartens people waiting weeks.


Sarah Report 5 May 2006 20:34

Carrie the twig - lucky you, I ordered mine on 29th April & they told me 27th May?? This is the first time I've ordered certs so I'm not holding my breath (not really knowing if they'll confirm that my twigs can grow to branches..!) Sarah :-)


Caroline Report 5 May 2006 20:02

I ordered three on 10th April with a posting date of 4th May - they were actually posted on 2nd May. Although I only received them in Belgium today it was a great surprise as I thought they wouldnt arrive until next week. Caroline


Unknown Report 5 May 2006 16:20

For those of you who are still waiting, this is on the current Family Records Centre newsletter: 'During the March quarter of this year the GRO experienced an unprecedented demand for certificates from customers researching their family history. There are various reasons for this heightened interest in family history but most significantly, the BBC’s second series of 'Who Do You Think You Are?' has clearly inspired many people to start researching their own family history. Even though we planned for an increase in applications we could not foresee the levels of demand that we have received and unfortunately it has resulted in increased processing times. We are addressing this issue by recruiting extra staff and this and other improvements have resulted in us despatching a record number of certificates this quarter .*** In March we dealt with 191,420 applications - 22,000 more than we have ever been able to deal with in a single month****. Obviously it is dependent on the level of demand for certificates in the coming months but we hope to be despatching certificates within our published turnaround times by the end of May. May we take this opportunity to thank our customers for their continued patience.'


Bacardi Report 5 May 2006 14:54

i think i will stick with the g.r.o it least i know they will arrive eventually angie x


Carrie Report 5 May 2006 13:30

ordered 2 yesturday, given date is 25th May


Merry Report 5 May 2006 13:29

First you have to find out which office now holds the records for the district where your event happened. For lucky people with rellies in the right place this is straightforward (use For my rellies around Bristol and London (in particular) it can take three or four phone calls before someone will own up to having the birth registers for Clifton for 1861, or whatever......this is why I have given up and always get certs from the GRO these it laziness, but by the time I've made all the phone calls and sent letters and cheques only for them to be returned twice, I find the GRO is quicker!! Merry


Bacardi Report 5 May 2006 12:55

thanks every 1 how do you write direct to the office most of my research is for b,ham area angie x


Sylvia Report 5 May 2006 12:11

I don`t want to make you feel miserable but------ I ordered one on 9th April. It arrived today! Sylvia.


Andrea Report 5 May 2006 12:09

I always write direct to the Register office and I get them in about a week to 10 days - bearing in mind I am sending off to UK and I live in Austria. Everyone on here gets certs from GRO and wait weeks for them??? Why not just write direct?


Trudy Report 5 May 2006 12:08

'Quick' doesn't appear in their vocabulary LOLOLOLOLOLOL Try ordering something from the Mongolian Embassy - might be quicker - as you can tell I've been waiting weeks and am now giving up all hope of ever leading a normal live again!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck waiting!! Looby


Bacardi Report 5 May 2006 11:59

hoping to start ordering a few more next week angie x