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1841 Census lookup, please, MARYLEBONE

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David Report 6 May 2006 21:58

Maureen The Pleastow post looks good. Thomas was a wine cooper and Henry was about the right age. I looked on free BMDs and there was only one Pleastow and only 4 entries on IGI and 3 of those were the same person, so it is quite likely that it is miswritten on the original. The Plesteds have bean spelt Plasted, Plestead, Playsted, Plaisted on various census returns. Thanks again, David


David Report 6 May 2006 14:56

Maureen I have just re-read your replies and it could be that the Jane S Plested you found on the 1851 and Thomas are those on the marriage. Perhaps the witness is the father and not the son. Thanks again David


GlitterBaby Report 6 May 2006 14:54

David, Not sure whether to post this or not as a very wild guess and image does look like Pleastow 1841 Civil parish: St Marylebone Hundred: Ossulstone (Holborn Division) County/Island: Middlesex Country: England Source information: HO107/677/7 Registration district: St Marylebone Sub-registration district: Christchurch ED, institution, or vessel: 7 Folio: 4 Page: 2 Line number: 8 GSU Number: 438793 Thos Pleastow abt 1793 occupation of cooper Sarah Pleastow abt 1791 Henry Pleastow abt 1822 Middlesex, England Dsanna Pleastow abt 1829 Middlesex, England (no idea what this name should be) Address could be Little Carlile St ?? Maureen


David Report 6 May 2006 14:36

Maureen I did have that 1851. I think Sarah Wiltshire may be the Sarah Plested who was a witness an the marriage of Henry Plested. I suppose Wiltshire could be her maiden name, or she married again. Whether she is the same as Jane Sarah, I don't know. The cert of Thos, says they were a bachelor and spinster and a witness was Thos Plested, son. Could this be a first wedding (they just got around to it), or Thos actually a widower, or was the witness saying that it was his son getting married? The marrage cert of Henry Plested and Elizabeth Plunkett in Aug 31 1845 gives Father as Thomas and Address as 'Of St Mary's Parish'. Birth of Emma in 1847 was at 16 Earl St. and Henry Alfred in 1851was 61 Devonshire St, Lissom Grove, Marylebone. Later on Henry and family moved to Norwich where his wife came from, presumably due to his ill health, as he died not long after. David


GlitterBaby Report 6 May 2006 14:27

The 1851 details for Henry are a possible as occupation is wine porter. Maureen


David Report 6 May 2006 14:19

Thanks Helen and Glitter Baby Helen The marriage cert does not give occupation of Thomas or either parent, or their names,there are lines drawn throgh them. However the marriage of Henry Plested in 1841 gives both his and his father, Thomas, as wine coopers. David


GlitterBaby Report 6 May 2006 13:58

Two Jane Greens in Putney 1841 Name: Jane Green Age: 24 Estimated birth year: abt 1817 Where born: Surrey, England Civil parish: Putney Hundred: Brixton (Western Division) County/Island: Surrey Country: England Source information: HO107/1066/2 Registration district: Wandsworth and Clapham Sub-registration district: Putney ED, institution, or vessel: 6 Page: 1 Line number: 15 GSU Number: 474658 1841 Name: Jane Green Age: 20 Estimated birth year: abt 1821 Where born: Surrey, England Civil parish: Putney Hundred: Brixton (Western Division) County/Island: Surrey Country: England Source information: HO107/1066/2 Registration district: Wandsworth and Clapham Sub-registration district: Putney ED, institution, or vessel: 6 Folio: 14 Page: 21 Line number: 15 GSU Number: 474658


GlitterBaby Report 6 May 2006 13:52

Is this Thomas and Jane Sarah in 1851 Name: Jane S Plested Age: 33 Estimated birth year: abt 1818 Relation: Wife Where born: Putney, Surrey, England Civil parish: St Michael Queenhithe County/Island: Middlesex Country: England Source information: HO107/1530 Registration district: London City Sub-registration district: London City South ED, institution, or vessel: 12 Folio: 143 Page: 30 Household schedule number: 114 GSU Number: 174760 Thomas Plested abt 1819 Stepney, Middlesex, England Head Thomas Plested abt 1843 St Martin, Middlesex, England Son Catherine Plested abt 1848 City Daughter Jane S Plested abt 1845 Paddington, Middlesex, England Daughter Mary A Plested abt 1847 Fulham, Middlesex, England Daughter Henry on 1851? Henry Plested abt 1823 Marylebone, Middlesex, England Head Elizabeth Plested abt 1824 Norwich Wife Emma Plested abt 1848 Marylebone, Middlesex, England Daughter Henry Plested abt 1851 Marylebone, Middlesex, England Son Sarah Wiltshire abt 1798 Rotherhithe, Middlesex, England Mother Maureen


Unknown Report 6 May 2006 13:40

Have you got Thomas' occupation on the marriage cert? nell


Unknown Report 6 May 2006 13:39

There are 182 Catherine Greens in index but none in Marylebone.


Unknown Report 6 May 2006 13:38

Two Henry Plesteds: Henry Plested abt 1821 Buckinghamshire, England Chilton Buckinghamshire Henry Plested abt 1826 Buckinghamshire, England Chilton Buckinghamshire


Unknown Report 6 May 2006 13:37

No Plesteds at all in Marylebone. Remember addresses at the time of marriage don't mean they were permanent residences. These are the Thomas Plesteds in the 1841 census index: Thomas Plested abt 1811 Buckinghamshire, England Chesham Buckinghamshire Thomas Plested abt 1821 Chesham Buckinghamshire Thomas Plested abt 1791 Buckinghamshire, Chilton Buckinghamshire Thomas Plested abt 1831 Buckinghamshire, Stone Buckinghamshire


David Report 6 May 2006 13:25

The name is Plested. I am looking in particular for Thomas, or Thos. Married in St Mary, St Maylebone Dec 1841 to Jane Sarah Green. Witnesses were Thos Plested, son (Although he may have been the father) and Catherine Green. (Marriage cert does not give any further information. The four right hand boxes all have lines drawn through them. So can anyone find Thomas Plested twice, Jane Sarah Green, Catherine Green, also Henry Plested who married Elizabeth Plunkett in the same church in 1845. Father was Thomas Plested, One witness was Sarah Plested. Also any other Plesteds in Marylebone. Thanks in advance David


David Report 6 May 2006 13:24

If it is available.