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golding family census info

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Bacardi Report 8 May 2006 00:03

frederick golding age 65 in 1881 born stafford his daughter was sarah golding age 42 in 1881 sarah married simeon hampton any info on the golding family please many thanks again angie x


KathleenBell Report 8 May 2006 00:10

1871 census:- Ellen Golding abt 1815 Sedgley, Staffordshire, England Wife Sedgley Staffordshire >>>Frederick Golding abt 1816 Great Bridge, Staffordshire, England Head Sedgley Staffordshire Lodging with the above:- Mary M Hampton abt 1868 Sedgley, Staffordshire, England Daughter Sedgley Staffordshire Rebecca Hampton abt 1867 Sedgley, Staffordshire, England Daughter Sedgley Staffordshire Sarah Hampton abt 1840 Sedgley, Staffordshire, England Wife Sedgley Staffordshire Simeon Hampton abt 1833 Sedgley, Staffordshire, England Lodger Sedgley Staffordshire Kath. x


KathleenBell Report 8 May 2006 00:13

1861 census:- Sarah Fellows abt 1784 Sedgley, Staffordshire, England Daughter-in-law Sedgley Staffordshire Ellen Golding abt 1815 Sedgley, Staffordshire, England Wife Sedgley Staffordshire >>>Frederick Golding abt 1816 Tipton, Staffordshire, England Head Sedgley Staffordshire Mary Golding abt 1776 Harewich, Essex, England Mother Sedgley Staffordshire Samson Hampton abt 1833 Sedgley, Staffordshire, England Son-in-law Sedgley Staffordshire Sarah Hampton abt 1839 Sedgley, Staffordshire, England Daughter Sedgley Staffordshire Simeon seems to be called Sampson on here. Kath. x


KathleenBell Report 8 May 2006 00:17

Can't find them before 1861. Kath. x


Bacardi Report 8 May 2006 00:19

many thanks kath i found a wedding for a frederick on family search and it was a pick between an ellen fellows or harriet crowson i think i can go with ellen angie xxx


Bacardi Report 8 May 2006 00:20

wow im getting good at this look my fellows surname just turned up many thanks angie xx


Heather Report 8 May 2006 00:22

1851? Sarah Fellows abt 1785 Sedgley, Staffordshire, England Wife Sedgley Staffordshire Ellen Golder abt 1815 Sedgley, Staffordshire, England Wife Sedgley Staffordshire Fred Golder abt 1815 Sedgley, Staffordshire, England Head Sedgley Staffordshire Sarah Golder abt 1839 Sedgley, Staffordshire, England Daughter Sedgley Staffordshire Sarah Fellows is a widow not wife on the image Heather


KathleenBell Report 8 May 2006 00:25

The Sarah Fellows described as daughter in law on the 1861 census is actually mother in law on the image. Didn't want you to get confused. Kath. x


Christine Report 8 May 2006 00:28

1851 for Frederick's mother, Mary Susanna Archer abt 1842 Raydon, Suffolk, England Hadleigh Suffolk Caroline F Baker abt 1833 Banbury, Sussex, England Jane Baynham abt 1829 Semer, Suffolk, England Eliza Fletcher abt 1841 Ipswich, Suffolk, England Visitor Emma L George abt 1839 Harwich, Essex, England >> Mary Golding abt 1776 Harwich, Essex, England Mother >> Mary Martha Golding abt 1803 Lawford, Essex, England Head Hadleigh Suffolk (Governess) >>William Hasell abt 1780 Hadleigh, Suffolk, England Uncle Hattie H Hutchinson abt 1833 Ipswich, Suffolk, England Anne Laney abt 1836 Harwich, Essex, England Harriett London abt 1830 Brettenham, Suffolk, England Harriett Makin abt 1837 Kettlebaston, Suffolk, England Mary J Payne abt 1834 Thorpe Morieux, Suffolk, England Ann Purman abt 1839 Isle Nat Sea, St Bartholomew


Bacardi Report 8 May 2006 00:30

many thanks kath so sarah is ellens mother by the look of it angie xx


Bacardi Report 8 May 2006 00:39

thanx christine what was the address for that census was it a boarding school or something simlar angie x


KathleenBell Report 8 May 2006 00:43

The address just says High Street. No other details. Kath. x


Christine Report 8 May 2006 07:56

All the girls 18 and younger are scholars. Jane Baunman is the cook Harriet London is a housemaid. uncle William is a widower, occupation Retired ?Master>