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Have a look at this for a mistranscription>>

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Unknown Report 8 May 2006 15:17

Well done Alter How amazing you have found them. janey : 0 )


Heather Report 8 May 2006 15:11

My other first class one was Charlotte Steers mistranscribed as Charlotte Meins. You can get some that are NEARLY there - like my Horsehead who should have been Horstead, but when they are totally different, its amazing how many we do find. But to be honest when you look at the images, you can see how they make these mistakes cant you.

Linda in the Midlands

Linda in the Midlands Report 8 May 2006 15:07

Here's one of mine mistranscribed Eliza Beoyard abt 1841 should be Eliza Boyard Lucy Bryand abt 1804 Lucy Boyard Rabent Bryand abt 1818 Robert Boyard William H Calfield abt 1847 Corfield Caroline Corlfield abt 1827 Corfield Mary Corlfield abt 1829 Corfield


Sylvia Report 8 May 2006 15:03

I found a mis-transcription on 1841. Looking for Mary Whiteway. There were two on one page. One aged 15 and one 70. When I checked the image 15 year old was correct. The 70 year old on the line above was quite clearly written Mary Kitchener! I couldn`t see anywhere to send in an error correction. Glad I wasn`t looking for M. Kitchener. How would you find her? Sylvia.

The Ego

The Ego Report 8 May 2006 14:52

Thats a corker heather-must be the same muppet who did this family- have just spent 15 minutes sending error messages on all this family !!


Heather Report 8 May 2006 14:33

Well done for finding it. Did you see my Phoebe Olver the other night who turned up as Phoebe CHOW?

Christine in Herts

Christine in Herts Report 8 May 2006 14:29

Presumably they misread Helena as Habina and attached the ''dittos'' to that name instead of the actual surname? As for the error report... When you go to an individual's record on the Ancestry census database, there's usually an area top-right which includes a link to corrections reporting. Doesn't seem to be one for 1841 yet, but it's there for the others. And the name... I thought you deserved a special award for outstanding sleuthing! Christine PS - must get back to work!

The Ego

The Ego Report 8 May 2006 14:27

What i did was I entered Walter ,no surname and the village name,knowing that they lived together all their lives and never married,very close eccentric family. The Habina thing has come from misreading helena,and not seeing the ditto,and using that as a surname-so the dittos below have asumed that surname- but if you look they are brothers and sisters -why would they have a different surname to the first entry of richard?-all are single and are stated as siblings to the male head !!!

Jess Bow Bag

Jess Bow Bag Report 8 May 2006 14:23

Have visions of you wandering in and out of census pages... lucky it was a village NOT London or somewhere equally large jess x


Sarah Report 8 May 2006 14:22

Hi I can kind of see how the Landsburg/Tudsbury thing happened but WHERE did 'Habina' come from?? Well done for finding them! Sarah :-)

The Ego

The Ego Report 8 May 2006 14:21

nope-how do you do that - btw interesting name youve given me there !

Christine in Herts

Christine in Herts Report 8 May 2006 14:19

That's pretty extraordinary! Well done, Sherlock, for finding them! Christine PS - did you put in an error report for the sake of those coming after?

The Ego

The Ego Report 8 May 2006 14:18

Richard Tudsbury head s 50 Annie Helena ditto sist s 38 Walter A ditto bro s 36 Frederick ditto bro s 33 thats the census entry this is the transcription Richard G. Landsburg Annie Habina Walter Habina Frederich Habina !!!!

The Ego

The Ego Report 8 May 2006 14:12

Good job I had a bit of background info on this family and persevered with looking for them on 1891 census.They were on 1851,61,71,81, the same village all their lives-but fr some reason they had disappeared in I know why !!