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Are they twins
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Brennan | Report | 9 May 2006 02:47 |
I was searching for Sarah Ann, 1869 births and found these together am i correct in assuming they was twins, same surname obviously. Elizabeth Mary Weymouth 5a 330 Sarah Ann Weymouth 5a 330 Thanks for you time Bren |
Richard in Perth | Report | 9 May 2006 02:53 |
What that means is that there are two births with that surname on that particular page of the register. This would usually indicate twins, but (unless it's a very rare surname), you would need to get the certificates to confirm. Richard |
Brennan | Report | 9 May 2006 03:01 |
Thank you Richard, the surname is my own, Youlden, not too many about then or now. Bren |
Richard in Perth | Report | 9 May 2006 03:03 |
You're probably fairly safe to assume that they were twins then. Have you found them together on a later census, or if not, have you found a death for Elizabeth? |
Brennan | Report | 9 May 2006 03:06 |
That will be my next job to do----after i have got some shut eye, thanks for your help and time Bren |
Pain | Report | 9 May 2006 07:15 |
If you order one of the certificates and it has a time of birth on it eg. 11.25a.m then the child was one of at least 2 |
Richard in Perth | Report | 9 May 2006 07:29 |
Pain... usually, but not necessarily! In the early days of registration, some registrars noted the time of day of the birth, even for single births. Therefore, to be 100% sure that you have twins, you would need both birth certs. |
Unknown | Report | 9 May 2006 08:05 |
As your surname is unusual, chances are that if they aren't twins they are cousins, or in some other way related. BUT you can't be too certain. I have unusual surname CHOWNS in my tree in a small Bucks village. There is another family in the next village who probably ARE connected way way back, but I haven't found the link, but both families are in adjoining registration districts, so I assumed they were until the certs I got proved me wrong. nell |
Unknown | Report | 9 May 2006 08:06 |
Another way to check is to look on 1871 census to see if both girls have the same parents and age. nell |
KathleenBell | Report | 9 May 2006 09:10 |
There is this death on Ancestry:- Name: Elizabeth Mary Youlden Birth Date: abt 1869 Year of Registration: 1869 Quarter of Registration: Jan-Feb-Mar Age at death: 0 District: Weymouth County: Dorset Volume: 5a Page: 229 Kath. x |
Brennan | Report | 9 May 2006 17:45 |
Thank you all thats a lot of information in a short space, it looks like i shall be sending for both certs as Helen says to dot the Is and cross the Ts, sorry Kathleen, 3 certs. If i dont it will just lurk in the back of my brain and i already have enough in there as it is. Bren |
Linda GF | Report | 9 May 2006 19:20 |
I have twins in my tree, on the first census return after the birth they had twin in brackets after name (though it may depend on the enumerator I suppose) so worth checking census. Linda |
emmybaby | Report | 9 May 2006 20:42 |
My nephews twins are registered as a and b I assume Millie being registered as A was born first |