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Occupation on 1841 census??

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Julie Report 9 May 2006 17:34

I have a copy of the 1841 census for Coleford Glouc. but having trouble reading the occupation of JOHN ASTON age 60 born Glouc. The census is HO107/365/3 Schedule 23 He is on the same page as Henry Aston b1819 Coleford Glouc. if that helps. I'd be grateful for any suggestions for John's occupation, looks like SQU???? Thanks


Merry Report 9 May 2006 17:45

This chap? John Aston abt 1781 Gloucestershire, England Newland Gloucestershire No, I couldn't read it either. Will ask hubby, who is chatting on the phone at the mo......back soon! Merry


Julie Report 9 May 2006 17:47

Thanks Merry. Was hoping to find something other than a labourer or boot maker for a change!


Elaine Report 9 May 2006 17:47

Cant read it either - 1851 census doesn´t help - occupation there looks like parris relief (? parish relief)


Suein10b Report 9 May 2006 17:48

Looks like Sojourner


Julie Report 9 May 2006 17:51

Havn't seen him on the 1851 Elaine, only found him by chance on the 1841 when looking for Henry and Jane. Have you got the RG ref for 1851 then I can get a copy from the FRC. Thanks


Elaine Report 9 May 2006 18:15

Elizabeth Aston abt 1777 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Wife Newland Gloucestershire John Aston abt 1781 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Head Newland Gloucestershire William Caise abt 1802 Whitchurch, Herefordshire, England Lodger Newland Gloucestershire Ann Hughes abt 1810 Dublin, Ireland Lodger Newland Gloucestershire John Hughes abt 1803 Flintshire, Wales Lodger Newland Gloucestershire Source information: HO107/2444 Registration district: Monmouth Sub-registration district: Coleford ED, institution, or vessel: 4b Folio: 128 Page: 25 ( Does it look like the right one - if so send me a pm with your email address and I´ll send it on to you.


Julie Report 9 May 2006 18:35

Thanks Elaine. Will send a PM to you with e mail add.


Helen Report 9 May 2006 18:47

I've had a look through all seven pages of the village and a lot of the menfolk seem to work at the local quarry. Stone miners, quarrymen, masons etc. I reckon he's a 'squarer' and squared off the stones into blocks for building. Googled up Whitecliff Quarry as near Coleford but perhaps there were others.

Roger in Sussex

Roger in Sussex Report 9 May 2006 19:30

I agree with Sue, I think hes a sojourner too. Though if it were today, I'd hedge my bets with squarmer, i.e. a squire who is also a farmer :)


Julie Report 9 May 2006 19:48

Thanks for the ideas. It could well say Squarer, would he have been a sojourner if he's in the same village on the 1851 census? I thought that was someone passing through but I'm probably wrong on that. I'd like to think we had a Squire!! Elaine thought it said parish relief on the 1851 so I don't suppose he would have been a squire.

Roger in Sussex

Roger in Sussex Report 9 May 2006 20:23

Only joking about squarmer !


Julie Report 10 May 2006 09:42

Ha Ha Roger - I'd believe anything!! Still it was nice to think we might have had something a bit different in the family for a change!