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Unknown | Report | 9 May 2006 18:08 |
Hi I know I should not be doing this on this board, but dont want to stick it any where else. I want to say a very big Thank You for all the help I have had and all the kindeness that you guy's have shown me and most of all the patiences that you have had. Although very far from finished, today was a step forward as I made conatct with my Hubby's Sister - he never ever knew about her. She sounds like a lovely lady. Her name is Marion!!! and her Mother was Greek!!!! (Just to remind you of the History). To many people to name but this is a big heartfelt thank you to you all. Special Thanks to my special friend ' Monty' for being so understanding and helpful and answering my 1000's of stupid questions. She know how important this family tree is for me and I thank her from the bottom of my heart as she knows my struggle to get this done for my children. Thank you Sarah. Janey : 0 ) |
*** Fuzzy | Report | 9 May 2006 18:17 |
Hi there, I so know how you feel, I have been helped by so many people today, and it gave me such a warm fuzzy feeling, I changed my name to Fuzzy Feeling! I cant believe how kind people are and it has restored my faith in human nature since joining this site. Good Luck with the tree building x |
Unknown | Report | 9 May 2006 18:19 |
Thanks fuzzy And yes it does restore your faith. Not sure what i could change my name to though!!!!! Good Luck to you too |
*** Fuzzy | Report | 9 May 2006 18:20 |
You have cool one to start with, I was just plain Karen Tarrant!! x |
Mandy in Wiltshire | Report | 9 May 2006 18:23 |
So glad you found her, Jane. I remember when you first started to track her down. Mandy :) xx |
Unknown | Report | 9 May 2006 18:23 |
Bless thats not plain - thats you, sspecial person. xx |
*** Fuzzy | Report | 9 May 2006 18:25 |
Bless you Calamity, you have given me that Fuzzy Feeling again!! |
Unknown | Report | 9 May 2006 18:25 |
So do I what a roller coaster it has been since then, would have helped had she not married 3 times, gone to Greece to live and to America for 3 years. LOL Thanks for your help though Mandy xx |
Merry | Report | 9 May 2006 19:16 |
Oooh, you are Sooooo kind! I really don't feel as if I have done much at all, but I'm so glad you have found Marion! How is hubby?! Merry |
Unknown | Report | 9 May 2006 19:35 |
You have helped so much Sarah you really have, your far to modest. You should take this up full time and be paid for what you do. Your a true pro. As for Hubby he is on his way home, I think for him it is very strange but he is so laid back about it all (Maybe as he has no family apart from me and the kids for so many years) Or maybe he is just doing the cool man thing LOL As you know Sarah he is a little posh and the first thing he asked was did she have an accent, well apart from speaking fluent Greek she speaks like any other Essex person (Not that there is anything wrong in that). I have sent her certs and some pictures and she is doing the same. But she sounds just like my Hubby in that she is percise and a perfectionist went grey at 19 and sadly is an only child with no family in this country. but she can also fill in some of the gaps too!!! janey |
Merry | Report | 9 May 2006 19:41 |
I'll have a look for that Pamela person later harassing children to go to bed. They are taking no notice whatsoever! Merry |
Unknown | Report | 9 May 2006 19:57 |
Mine too. Now Luca is being talked to by pete, feel so sorry for him. |
Unknown | Report | 9 May 2006 21:07 |
A little nudge for anybody else that has not seen my thank you's janey |