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i think ive been done

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John Report 9 May 2006 22:37

i sent of for a 24 hour cert but got a email back saying the christan names were different and so they did not send me out the cert but charge me £19 pound i fill as if i havebeen robbed

Snowdrops in Bloom

Snowdrops in Bloom Report 9 May 2006 22:39

Oh my!!! I can't believe that (well I can really knowing these agencies). That's shocking Snowdrops


Sam Report 9 May 2006 22:40

Where did you order it from? Even the GRO will charge you part of the cost if the names don't match but £19 seems a bit steep! Sam x


Sam Report 9 May 2006 22:43

That is right, I've just checked the GRo website and it does say in the fees bit that they will still charge £19: GRO Reference Supplied: Full Certificate of birth marriage and death (standard service): £7.00 each Full Certificate of birth marriage and death (priority service): £23.00 each Standard service certificates will be despatched within 4 days (excluding weekends and bank holidays). Priority service certificates will be despatched on the next day (excluding weekends and bank holidays). Additional references relating to the same application can be checked at a cost of £3.00 each. Where an incorrect GRO reference is supplied a search fee will be charged and the balance refunded to the card details provided. The following search fee charges apply: Standard search fee: £3.00 Priority search fee: £19.00 Sam x


John Report 9 May 2006 22:45

i would of still wanted the cert because it may of still been one of my family

Christine in Herts

Christine in Herts Report 9 May 2006 22:49

Is it worth trying to see if they'll send you the one they found anyway? - you may as well have something for your money! Christine


Merry Report 9 May 2006 22:49

Did you order with the forenames exactly as they are in the index? If you did, and the index is incorrect, then it is not your fault and you should complain! Merry


John Report 9 May 2006 22:51

yes they said the christian name of his father was differnt


Kate Report 9 May 2006 22:54

Well, if you specify a check on father's name and it is different, then they won't send you the certificate. But if you wanted it anyway, you shouldn't have specified that check, surely? Kate.


Merry Report 9 May 2006 22:56

Have to agree with kate, I'm afraid :o(( There is no point in doing a ref check for a priority cert, as you don't save anything if the cert has the wrong details. Merry


John Report 9 May 2006 22:58

i did not want a check i just gave as much info that i could find trying to be helpful i just wanted my cert quickly


Merry Report 9 May 2006 23:09

Ah.....well, if you didn't put the extra info in the reference checking boxes, then they SHOULD have ignored what you put (as hubby found out to his cost the other day!) The website mentions this, in Heavy Type!! ''Important Customer Information:- The ONLY information that we check against the entry from this page is the TOP TWO LINES ie. surname and forename(s). If you have other details you wish us to use to ensure the reference does belong to the entry you are seeking, these must be included on the 'Reference Checking' page. The button to take you through to 'Reference Checking' can be found at the bottom of this screen.'' So, if they have made a mistake and you didn't use the Ref Checking boxes, then give 'em hell!! Merry


HeadStone Report 9 May 2006 23:14

Hi, Something has gone wrong. When I order mine they have charged me £3 for a certificate that they have looked up but found not to match the details submitted. May be worth (£16) giving them a ring. Cheers Paul