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Fill the cup, and fill the can...
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Michael | Report | 10 May 2006 11:55 |
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Michael | Report | 10 May 2006 12:00 |
... Have a rouse before the morn; Every moment dies a man, Every moment one is born. (Tennyson, 'The Vision of Sin') ... and, thanks to two certs received today, I've managed to pin down those moments in the case of two of my rellies. I'm off to fill the cup and have a rouse now (yes, I know it's after the morn, but I don't care). Anyone like to join me? Only problem is, I can't read the writing on one of them. I'll just see if I can upload it... OK, done it: http://blogs(.)warwick(.)ac(.)uk/images/michaeljones/2006/05/10/clara_birth_certificate(.)jpg (without brackets, obviously) Bits I can't read are the mother's maiden name and father's occupation. Can anyone help, please? |
Michael | Report | 10 May 2006 12:46 |
I'll be filling the cup with apple juice - wouldn't dream of anything stronger, of course. You can fill it with what you like. Still waiting for a further five certs... |
Merry | Report | 10 May 2006 12:50 |
That took you a long time to upload (12 hours!) Is the occ Fellmonger? Merry |
Michael | Report | 10 May 2006 12:54 |
Thanks Merry. Not sure - what's one of those? Actually it took me about 45 minutes to upload, principally because my scanner went on the blink and I had to reinstall it. Michael |
Linda in the Midlands | Report | 10 May 2006 12:54 |
looks like fellmonger whatever one of those is?!??! |
Merry | Report | 10 May 2006 12:56 |
A fell monger trades in Leather and also does some of the processing - removal of hair etc (Ugh!) 1841 - has the same job: George Wills abt 1811 Norfolk, England Heigham Norfolk Georgiana Wills abt 1837 Norfolk, England Heigham Norfolk Rebecca Wills abt 1811 Norfolk, England Heigham Norfolk Rosetta Wills abt 1825 Norfolk, England Heigham Norfolk Sebina Wills abt 1839 Norfolk, England Heigham Norfolk Merry |
Merry | Report | 10 May 2006 12:58 |
Rebecca's name looks like Armes, but I doubt that is right because there's no one with that name in Norfolk..... Trying again! Merry |
Andrea | Report | 10 May 2006 13:00 |
The occupation is 'Fellmonger (Journeyman)'. Sorry but I can't work out the maiden name at all. |
Merry | Report | 10 May 2006 13:00 |
My mistake....had Norfolk typed in the wrong box!! I think it's Armes, but not certain. Merry |
Merry | Report | 10 May 2006 13:03 |
In 1851 there are quite a few people named Armes born or living at Heigham, where Rebecca and George were also living. (well, quite a few, considering I've not come across the name before!........93 people) Merry |
Michael | Report | 10 May 2006 13:14 |
Thanks for the help - I'd never heard of anyone called Armes. There are 15 Armeses living in Heigham in 1841 so they might well be Rebecca's family - especially since one of them is a Clara, it was probably her Rebecca's daughter was named after. Armes returns 1734 matches on GR; more than twice as many, as two other names I've been fortunate enough to find - but less than 0.5% of the number of Joneses. |
Michael | Report | 11 May 2006 13:00 |
Time to fill the cup and have a rouse again - all the remaining certs arrived this morning. Six direct hits from seven attempts, although I'm slightly puzzled by the last one: it clearly isn't mine, doesn't match the details I asked the GRO to check and yet instead of telling me that they went ahead and sent it anyway. |