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john william gibson birth ref please
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Christine in Herts | Report | 14 May 2006 08:38 |
No obvious reason, then, for not being aware of a first name - unless he's Robert John WIlliam Gibson, of course! - bit of a mouthful, that. ;-) If all the others were registered, it's still possible that he wasn't. It's also possible that his is one of the names that dropped through the net when the quarterly GRO transcriptions were done from the local lists - or when the GRO transferred some of the info from script to typed lists for that period. That would probably mean you'd have to apply via the local office. Christine |
Bacardi | Report | 13 May 2006 23:45 |
john william gibson is the son of robert gibson and sarah buckley he is the third child born into the family angie xx |
Christine in Herts | Report | 13 May 2006 23:28 |
Where does he fit in the family? Could he have had a first name after someone who was still alive, so got called by a second name? I wasted a lot of time looking for a Cecil, when his first name was actually Edwin, after his father. Christine |
Bacardi | Report | 13 May 2006 23:26 |
hi iv just ordered his sisters birth cert her name is sarah born 1866 in aston iv found david,george and thomas aswell his brothers but no john perhaps he had a diffrent name when reg his wife my nan thought her name was alice maud untill years later she needed her birth cert and found out her actual name was frances alice and i found a birth for her in that name,so it just shows,her name on my dads birth cert and her own marriage cert was alice maud,it was only after a relative of the family contacted me that i finally found out her proper name angie xx |
Christine in Herts | Report | 13 May 2006 23:18 |
If there is a Baptism record, you might be able to find that? - but probably not online unless you're very lucky. Christine |
ErikaH | Report | 13 May 2006 21:07 |
As previously stated, registration wasn't compulsory until 1875. His birth may simply not have been registered. Did he have siblings born pre-1875 whose births were registered? If so, it would make it more likely that his was............ Reg |
Bacardi | Report | 13 May 2006 18:26 |
can any one find my grandad,just bumping for more help angie xx |
Bacardi | Report | 12 May 2006 22:28 |
thats him jim your spot on if only i could find his birth angie xx |
Bacardi | Report | 12 May 2006 18:44 |
many thanks for replys have him on census born 1871 birmingham will have a look on various sites and see if i can locate him and i will look in diffrent years aswell angie xx |
ErikaH | Report | 12 May 2006 16:56 |
You need to locate this chap on the appropriate censuses, to see where his birthplace is stated to have been. Reg |
Christine in Herts | Report | 12 May 2006 16:53 |
These dates seem to be the ones where the index was re-transcribed by GRO into typing. It makes it easier to read, but it was another opportunity to lose or mistranscribe names. Perhaps you need to hunt for Baptisms? Christine |
Christine in Herts | Report | 12 May 2006 16:46 |
He could have been born earlier - 1868. at least? 1932 - 63 = 1869 But that's whole years. He could have been ''rising'' 64. Christine PS - You are also assuming that his age was correctly recorded at death. Could the informant have been mistaken? I suspect my g-g-mother's age was recorded as 7 years younger than actual - because that's the age she claimed at marriage and she kept to the DoB for the censues thereafter! (I haven't got her copy death cert yet). |
Bacardi | Report | 12 May 2006 16:05 |
i checked free bmd on ancestry for them years i do hope we can find it angie x |
ErikaH | Report | 12 May 2006 15:57 |
Which records have you searched? You do know, I'm sure, that registration wsn't compulsory until 1875............ Reg |
Bacardi | Report | 12 May 2006 15:46 |
cant find my grandads birth have looked but just cant see it please can any 1 help have his death cert and he was 63 in 1932 so birth ref would be between 1869-71 he was born in b,ham many thanks angie xx |