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Paul Barton - Unwanted Certs.

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Andrea Report 13 May 2006 11:45

Hi Great idea - and good on ya for having the patience to do that!! I went on the msg yesterday and have to be honest. I couldn't be bothered going through them as most of them are not written in caps and don't stand out so you end up reading every message. Now if everyone that adds to that site would just add the new names to your thread in the same way, it would be much easier. Well done you.

Christine in Herts

Christine in Herts Report 13 May 2006 13:40

Thank you, Paul. I must admit that I'd not really bothered looking at the thread before because it just seemed too unwieldy. Still haven't found anything, but at least I know now! Chistine


Merry Report 13 May 2006 14:28

Please would someone tell me what this thread is about? Merry


Christina Report 13 May 2006 14:31

Paul has kindly made a list of the surnames mentioned in Honey Rum's unwanted cetificates thread so that people don't have to trawl through the whole thing to find names they are interested in :-)


Merry Report 13 May 2006 14:34

Thanks Christina.....Is the list on a thread on here, or somewhere else? Merry


MaryfromItaly Report 13 May 2006 14:40

It's here, I've just nudged it for you.


Merry Report 13 May 2006 14:41

Thnaks Mary! Merry

Paul Barton, Special Agent

Paul Barton, Special Agent Report 13 May 2006 15:24

Glad to see it's appreciated. Every now and again I'll revise it. It's a pity I couldn't put the list in alphabetical order. Has anybody got any ideas how I can do this without spending hours?


Christina Report 13 May 2006 15:29

You could make a table in Word, Paul, then highlight all the cells, select (I think) Tools from the menu bar, choose sort and the option alphabetical and it should do it. Not sure whether then removing the table would allow you just to copy and paste back in here, but somebody else will probably know. Christina


Andrea Report 13 May 2006 15:29

Alphabetical would be easier to check, but this way you know where abouts the name is - i.e You had a name towards the end of the list that was one of mine, and so I just went on the last page of the thread and found it. Maybe from now on, we could add what page the entry is going onto?? However, to do it alphabetically, If you copy the list and put it into Word, I think there is a thingy that puts it into alphabetical order for you - under one of the menus on your top bar. Just highlight the list, click on the alphabetical option and it will do it - can't tell you where it is as my PC is in German so it's all different!! Hope that makes sense!


Jacqueline Report 13 May 2006 15:41

Thanks to Paul. Remember, it's easy to search any document (including Paul's list) by going to Edit on the toolbar, click on Find - and then type in the name you are searching for. Any matches will be highlighted. This works on any document - very useful when documents are crammed with names. Jacquie

Paul Barton, Special Agent

Paul Barton, Special Agent Report 13 May 2006 15:46

Thanks ladies. Being only a mere bloke I needed your help to put the names in alpha-order which I've now done ... much easier to find names now.


Christina Report 13 May 2006 15:49

Glad it worked. I would hate to think of you trying to do it the long way after all the original work you have done. Christina ;-)