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Complete novice seeks help

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Unknown Report 14 May 2006 14:19

Without any idea how old Walter was or where he was born, finding him on the census won't be easy. nell


Dawn Report 14 May 2006 12:58

wow you people are quick !!! Thankyou so much will send off for them ASAP.Feel like I'm getting somewhere now.If any one cna help with my grandads side (bowler) that would be great. Thanks again. Dawn


Toni Report 14 May 2006 12:52

Hi, It's all a bit daunting isn't it? Try getting your grandparents marriage certificate. It might have details of the parents names or where your grandmother was born. Their death certs might also give details as well. Do you have anyone you can ask ie parents, aunts, uncles, cousins that might have some ideas? If your grandparents would be on the 1901 census I'll have a look for you too. Good luck Toni


Suzanne Report 14 May 2006 12:45

Marriage for Walter/Emily: Marriages Dec 1900 Bowler Walter Aston 6d 792 Heath Emily Aston 6d 792


Unknown Report 14 May 2006 12:44

Ancestry has this marriage: Walter Bowler 1900 Oct-Nov-Dec Aston Warwickshire Volume: 6d Page: 792 with Emily Heath as another person on the page. Chances are this is their marriage and if you order the cert it will give you their ages, Walter's occupation and both Walter and Emily's fathers' names and occupations. This will help you get further back and find the families on the census as well as probably Walter and Emily's birth certs. nell


Suzanne Report 14 May 2006 12:43

I still think your first move should be to get your parents certs, just to make sure of their parentage? Birth ref for Violet: Births Year: 1911 Quarter: March 1/4 Name: Violet Mottashad District: Melto M Vol: 7a Page: 298 to order certs: With ref details certs cost £7 each Suzanne


Unknown Report 14 May 2006 12:41

Dawn If you scroll down the GR homepage, there's a section called Getting Started which you will probably find helpful. Any decent public library will have some beginner's guides to genealogy which you could read. But basically where you look depends on WHEN. civil registration of births marriages and deaths began 1st July 1837. Between 1837-1910 there's lots of transcriptions from these registers on Freebmd (google to find it). You can also find payperview sites, but the complete indexes are free on microfiche at various libraries/records offices as well as on www.ancestry* Censuses from 1841-1901 are available free on microfilm at archives, but also on subscription on Ancestry. These give family groups, occupations etc. So you could use certificates to get back to 1901 and then use censuses to go further back. nell

Lisa J in California

Lisa J in California Report 14 May 2006 12:40

Hi Dawn. Most of my research has been done in Canada, so it would be best if I don't answer your question.....but as you look things up you should write down where you've tried looking and the answers you've received. (Easier said than done!) Best of luck with your searches.


Jeanette Report 14 May 2006 12:39

you can look for free on ancestry BMD it looks like Mottashed Violet Melton M 7a 298 Jan 1/4 1911 or could say Mottashad http://www.ancestry(.) Remove bracket Jeanette


Dawn Report 14 May 2006 12:32

Thanks for the reply, No she was born in 1911. She was born on 02.02.1911 her name was Violet Mottershed we think.She married my grandad William Bowler in leicester who was born in1907,his parents were Walter Bowler and Emily Heath we think from Kenilworth and thats where I'm stuck.Honestly I really am a novice I' not even sure where to go or what sites to use or how much it all any help gratefully recieved....


Unknown Report 14 May 2006 12:28

Always always always start with what you know and go back to what you don't know. Golden rule for any research. So start with you, your birth cert, parents' marriage certs, birth certs and then grandparents. Regarding the Mottishead variants - just search for Mott*. I don't think its unusual, just mainly confined to the North West. nell


Suzanne Report 14 May 2006 12:26

Hi Dawn, it depends how much recorded proof you want to get. Personally I would get both your parents birth certs and their marriage cert to start with and then work backwards. Suzanne


Merry Report 14 May 2006 12:26

Was your grandmother born before 1901 and have you got your grandparents marriage cert? The marriage cert will tell you her dad's name and his occupation. This can help trace them on the census, but only if she was born before 1901! What is her full name and what do you believe is her date of birth? Merry (who may not be here to reply to your answer, but there will be others who can help!)


Dawn Report 14 May 2006 12:23

Hi am a total novice to this and have no idea where to start.The only info I have so far is my mothers parents dates of birth.I have my grandfathers birth certificate but have no idea where where my grandmother was born as I can't find anything on her ,she had an unusual name that is spelt many ways...mottahshed mottershead mottashad. What's my next step to find my great grandparents.I can't quite get my head round waht I search for next.....