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Scottish help please.
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Unknown | Report | 16 May 2006 14:32 |
Thanks for your help people, I don't know where they married, but I am assuming England. |
**Liz in Scotland** | Report | 15 May 2006 21:38 |
There's nothing coming up on scotlandspeople for a marriage between a William Rose and Lydia Lovett, even doing a surname only search there's still no hits. Looks like they weren't married in Scotland. Liz |
Krissie | Report | 15 May 2006 20:45 |
Did the whole family live in Scotland, or did they live in England? If the latter you can look on 1901 census to get a few possible dates of birth for William. Then you can look on ScotlandsPeople [have to pay 6 quid though] to get his birth cert. That's quite a bargain, you can download and print out the image of the birth cert. Lots of info on it too, [address where birth took place; names of parents, date and place of their marriage]. From this you can get the parents marriage cert. On this you get full [and maiden] names of parents and their occupations. good hunting, Krissie. |
MarionfromScotland | Report | 15 May 2006 20:18 |
Hi I have been searching and cant find a marriage for them under those names or near it. If you go into Scotlandpeople you can do some searching for free. There are only 2 william Rose born 1855-1905 in Montrose. Marion |
Debbie | Report | 15 May 2006 16:17 |
The IGI for Scotland is a lot more user friendly at www*scotsorigins*com |
Unknown | Report | 15 May 2006 16:01 |
Hi Marion, His name was William Rose, and he married Lydia Lovell. They had a son James, and then Stella in 1918. |
MarionfromScotland | Report | 15 May 2006 13:41 |
Any idea what her fathers first name was? There were 13 male' Roses' born between 1855-1905 in Montrose. Marion |
☼ Orangeblossom ☼ - Tracy | Report | 15 May 2006 13:30 |
You might be able to find the marriage of Stellas parents, depending on how common those names were, on Scotlands People. You can search by surnames, years and areas, as well as forenames. For a long shot, you could also try the IGI. They have quite a few older Scottish parish records, but I'm not sure if they'd have the newer stuff. |
Denis | Report | 15 May 2006 13:24 |
The otherwise excellent official website Scotlands People does not cover marriages as late as yours. You can obtain certificates by visiting the General Registry Office Scotland or by ordering from them by various means. The more detail you have the better the chance of them being able to help you. The GROS website is very helpful and offers advice on what can and cannot be done. It's also possible to approcah the appropriate local registry office. Hope that helps. DEnis. |
Unknown | Report | 15 May 2006 13:24 |
I am indeed Grampa Jim. My cousin Glennis has asked me to try to find out info on her mother Stella's family. Stella Rose was born in 1918 and married in 1942. She knows that her father's surname was Rose, that he came from Montrose and that he married a Lovell. All my research so far has been in England so I have yet to learn the useful sites for Scotland. |
Sylvia | Report | 15 May 2006 13:17 |
I hope this is not a wind-up. Arn`t you some times grandpa Jim? Anyway, in case I`m mistaken, apologies! Go to Scotlands People.This is a pay per view site. Minimum £6 then you have credits to search. Good hunting. Sylv. |
MarionfromScotland | Report | 15 May 2006 13:15 |
Scotlandspeople births only go up to 1905,marriages up to 1930, deaths 1955. If she could get back a bit further SP site is her best bet. Marion |
☼ Orangeblossom ☼ - Tracy | Report | 15 May 2006 13:13 |
Scotlands People is the only (decent) online Scottish database. I don't think it covers the years you're after though. You will need to apply direct to the GROS for certs up to 100 years for births, 75 for marriages and 50 for deaths. |
Unknown | Report | 15 May 2006 13:04 |
Where would I get info about a Scottish family? My 2nd cousin's mother Stella Rose was married in about 1940. Her father was from Montrose in Scotland and he married a Lovell. I have looked at Free BMD, but it appears to not include Scotland. |